Chapter 30- 'Why can't we do that?'

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Danielle's POV

It's been around 20 minutes since Liam left our room. The pains in my stomach that Doctor Collins had explained would happen have started. I wish I could stand up and walk to get the antibiotics I've been prescribed with but every time I sit up I feel extremely nauseous. To top it all off Liam left me alone with the line 'I need to think'.

I feel my hair stick to the back of my sweaty neck as I grasp Liam's pillow next to me to ease the pain somehow. Sighing, I take a shaky breath as tears prickle in my eyes once again before my pillow is being soaked. I really need my husband at the moment, is the only thought clouding my head.

"I know little man", I hear Liam's voice coo through the door.

"You can see mummy later okay", he says before a loud cry is echoing the quiet tour bus.

"No need to cry, come on now", I hear before the door is being opened and a body slips through the door.

Suddenly the bed is being dipped and I feel cool hands brush my fallen curls away from my face and neck. A bobble is then bringing all of my hair to one place away from my neck and face causing comfort to cloud over my body. The same cool hands are then caressing my burning cheek, I open my eyes to see my husband holding a small smile to his lips. I now watch his movements, I see him removing the covers from my body for a second and placing two hot water bottles at my lower stomach.

"I've got your tablets", his voice speaks for the first time since he has entered the room.

"I-I can't sit up, I feel t-too sick", I manage to choke out.

"I'll help you", he whispers.

I feel his hands support my back as well as my front and then lift my weak body to a sitting position. Nausea then sweeps over me but I fight it and take the glass of water to quickly take two of the tablets I've been given. Once I've took them Liam pulls my body so I'm sitting on his lap, I bury my head into his chest immediately as his hand gently grasps my head holding me close.

"I will never leave you", he whispers as his face is then buried into my messy curls.

"I was a dick and shouldn't of walked out, I love you Danielle", he finishes kissing my head repeatedly.

"I love you too", I croak squeezing him tight.

"The kids are desperate to see you darling, I'll bring them in and then I want you to go asleep", he smiles down at me.

I nod weakly before he disappears through the door for a moment, when he re-enters he has an excited Luca in his arms and an equally excited Isabella in tow. A big smile is on my lips when Luca is placed in my arms and Isabella climbs onto the bed.

"Mummy!", Luca shouts happily as I hold his body close.

"Mummy!", Isabella then shouts grabbing my arm and holding it to her body.

"Hello guys", I smile kissing both of their heads.

Luca sits on my knee and grins broadly with his small teeth showing, Isabella then leans her head into my body and I brush her curls back gently.

"Shall we let mummy have a sleep?", Liam says sitting on the end of the bed.

"No! My mummy", Isabella cries gripping onto me tighter than before.

"Babise with mummy!", Luca then starts causing me to chuckle.

"Yeah! Babise with mummy daddy!", Isabella says as Liam laughs lowly.

"Okay then, but what about daddy?", Liam says pouting.

"FIFA!", Isabella giggles loudly causing me to laugh aloud along with Liam.

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