Chapter 18-Payne visit

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Chapter 18

Danielle's POV

"Well I'm sorry", Liam says sarcastically.

"Liam, you don't understand any of this do you? I'm a week off being 9 months pregnant, hormones everywhere, Braxton hips all the time, hot sweats all the time and I'm constantly getting kicked down low and you agree for us to spend a weekend at your mothers house", I say from my seat on the sofa as Liam paces around.

"Well we haven't seen them for a while", he argues.

"Trust me Liam we'll be seeing them very soon", I say.

"Well I'm sorry okay, I'll go pack Isabella's bag saves you do it", he huffs walking out of the room.

I am currently a week off of being 9 months pregnant meaning everything is kind of at the max for me and it doesn't take much for me to be uncomfortable or in pain. Eleanor gave birth to a little girl Summer Niamh Tomlinson and she's the sweetest little girl ever. That was almost 2 months ago leaving me the only pregnant one of the group and I'm just ready to have my little boy now.

"Mummy?", Isabella asks shyly walking in the living room.

"Yes sweetie?", I ask.

"Nanny's?", she says tilting her head slightly.

"Yes baby were staying for one night and two days", I say trying to hide my disappointment.

"Yay!", she shouts running out again.

I decide that I best get my stuff ready so I struggle to get myself off the sofa and I waddle into our bedroom. Grabbing a big bag I start to pack everything ensuring I pack things like heat pads for my back and an extra hot water bottle. When I'm ready I waddle back to the living room to see Liam and Isabella ready.

"Let's head out, come on babe", Liam says kissing my cheek.

I help Isabella into her little navy duffle coat and her uggs while liam puts all of our bags and things into the car. When I have my own coat and shoes on liam shouts us too the car ready for the hour and a half journey.


An hour and a half of sleeping, singing and moaning we arrive in Wolverhampton at Karen and Geoff's house. We park in drive and I open my door before swivvling my body to the side and slowly standing up and out of our car. Liam grabs Isabella out and then the bags letting me waddle to the door and knocking softly.

"Hello Danielle!, look at that bump", Karen says smiling warmly and placing her hands on my huge stomach that has also dropped as well as grown.

"Hello and I know I'm officially huge", I laugh before being invited inside.

"Nanny!", Isabella shouts as Karen picks her up into her arms giving her plenty of kisses on her face while she giggles.

"Hi Geoff", I smile as he kisses my cheek.

"Hello, lovely that you could come down before baby", he smiles as I agree.

"Ganda!", Isabella shouts running up to Geoff as he cuddles her tightly.

"I think Nicola, Nate and Alfie will pop round later on with Ruth and them cause we said we could have an Indian takeaway if that's okay with everyone?", Karen smiles as my face lights up.

"Defiantly!", I grin as Liam chuckles.

I was now very deep in conversation with Karen all about the new baby and the things I've brought and what we've decided etc...

"Liam did the room last weekend as well", I smile.

"Oh lovely is it nice and blue?", she grins.

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