Chapter 29- 'Payne'

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Danielle's POV

After waking from a night of constant backache the only thing to make it better has got to be bad publicity. My phone began to buzz aggressively on the bedside table along with Liam's next to it. I feel my husband groan next to me and roll over to me with his eyes opened only a slightly.

"What's going on?", he asks groggily.

"I don't know", I reply sitting up and grabbing each phone.

I pass Liam his and look at my own to see my feed flooded with twitter notifications from some article. Curiously I slide my finger along my iPhone screen opening a news site.

'Payne in the bum?' The articles header read.

'One Direction while on their way to their first tour back in the US seem to be experiencing a few problems. Liam and Danielle Payne's youngest child Luca was seen having a tantrum in the middle of the airport. Sources say the couple looked rather stressed and exhausted, must be a handful with two spoilt children. Could this be true that the Payne's spend a lot of money on their children causing them to be a 'payne'. Well we do give what we can to our keep them quiet in Liam and Danielle's sake it seems.'

My mouth is slightly agape as I feel the anger and sadness rush through my veins. We do not spoil out children! We treat them as any mother and father would treat their children, they have when they deserve. Young children are bound to have tantrums at that age anyway. I sneak a look at Liam so see his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenched.

"What the fuck are they talking about?", he says angrily, his voice still rough from only just waking up.

"We do not spoil our children", I say feeling my eyes from small tears.

"All kids have tantrums!", he exclaims.

"Everyone's going to think were bad parents", I sigh letting a tear slip down my cheek.

"Come here", he sighs lying me back down and wrapping his bare arms around my body.

"My back is killing me", I cry as he shushes me.

"Maybe it's the way you slept, your very emotional lately", he says with his face buried in the back of my neck.

"I know", I say simply.

Gradually after lying in bed for another half an hour cuddled together the kids start to wake up meaning we have to get up with them. Walking into the living area I see Brittany tucked into Harry's side as he's sleeping silently. Giving a small wave to her she smiles small before the kids are running in giggling.

"Uncle Harry's asleep guys!", I exclaim in a whisper.

"Sowwy Auntie Britt", Isabella says.

"Nonsense", she whispers smiling.

"Been up early then?", I ask.

"Yeah couldn't get back off", she sighs.

"Trust me after these months you get less sleep but it's for a better reason", I chuckle as she smiles.

Just then Liam storms in walking straight past everyone and into the kitchen.

"Daddy sad?", Isabella says to me while tugging on my pyjama bottoms.

"A little angry sweetie that's all", I say caressing the hair on her head softly.

"My daddy!", Luca says pointing to Liam who's fiercely washing a cup in the small sink.

"I'll go talk to him first sweetie", I say to my son and I begin walking over.

"You alright babe?", I ask placing a comforting hand on his back.

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