Chapter 2-Meet the grandparents

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Danielle's POV

A few hours later of feeding, changing nappies, and adjusting to become new parents Liam had a text from his mum saying they will be here at about 5 o'clock tonight. Enough time for me to get sorted and comfortable, which is a little hard.

After finally letting Isabella have a small snooze before her grandparents are here it was now time for me to get sorted. I slowly began to move in the hospital bed while gripping Liam's top with pain. I was finally sitting up but I needed to get out to get washed and changed.

"Are you okay baby?", Liam asked with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah just in pain, but I need get up to get washed and dressed", I said while taking a deep breath.

"Okay, come on then", he said giving me a reassuring smile.

I grasped his top in my hands as he slowly eased me off the bed. I winced at the pain shooting up my lower body while Liam squeezed me tight. I was then propped up on my feet standing up.

Liam wasted no time into giving me a bone crushing hug which I quickly responded too, burying my face into his neck giving him small kisses. I then released standing on my tip toes to meet his lips in a passionate kiss laying all emotions after the past few hours. We finally pulled back with foreheads touching, staring into each others eyes.

"I love you so much, I cant believe she is ours", I smiled at Liam with a few tears filling my eyes.

"I love you Danielle, so so much", he replied with the same smile and happy tears.


Liam's POV

It was now 5 in the evening ready for visiting times. Danielle has had a bath with help from a few nurses while I watched Isabella. She had changed into some hollister joggers and a baggy top to get comfy. She was also sitting up with a wide awake Isabella in her arms who looked ready to see her new grandparents.

I walked over to my girls and placed a kiss on Isabella's forehead and one to Danielle's lips. I reached out to caress Isabella's cheek softly and she took her tiny hand to wrap around my finger. I was certain my smile was as wide as ever along with Danielle's.

Just then two very excited grandparents slowly opened the door. My mum immediately ran up to me pulling me into a bone crushing hug, I peered over her shoulder to see my dad giving a kiss to Danielle's cheek and congratulating her.

"My little boys got his own little one, oh my!", my mum exclaimed hugging me tighter.

"Sure do mum", I smiled at her.

My dad gave me a hug congratulating me and giving me a manly pat on the back.

"Congratulations both of you, I cant believe I'm a nanny", my mum said wiping a few of her tears.

"Karen you can hold her if you want", Danielle smiled widely.

"Oh yay!", she shouted earning a chuckle off us all. She then carefully took Isabella from Danielle and cradled her in her arms smiling brightly with a few tears slipping out of her eyes. My dad walked over to her putting his arm around her and caressing my daughters cheek just like I had done earlier.

"Her little curls Danielle!", my dad exclaimed smiling.

"And her eyes Liam!", he said.

"Defiantly ours Geoff!", Danielle said laughing.


Danielle's POV

About an hour after Liam's parents came my parents visited. We said that our siblings would visit when we are settled at home along with the boys even though Eleanor was especially itching to visit tonight.

We were finally discharged from the hospital at 9 o'clock ready to go home and get settled with our new daughter. Liam had just put Isabella into her car seat as she was sleeping peacefully, when he helped me up and I grabbed all of our bags and things.

"Li, put the hood down on the car seat baby, because I don't want any pictures snapped of her yet", I said.

"Okay babe, I'll put her cover over her off of my mum", he replied back.

I smiled and nodded my head before taking a look at my little girl before Liam covered her and put the hood down. A load of paparazzi were outside but if we couldn't get through the back entrance we'd have to fight through, which worried me.

A nurse then came in with a smile on her face.

"Hope you both are well, we have got a back entrance for you to leave, although there are about 5 men with cameras", she said worried slightly.

"Thank you yes, and that's okay thank you so much for doing this", I smiled.

We then grabbed everything, me with the bags, Liam with Isabella in her car seat and we followed the nurse to the back door. When she opened it we were faced with a few cameras but we smiled all the way through and I kept my eye to see if the hood was down which it was. A few questions were thrown out to us.

"Is it a boy or girl?"

"Whats the name?"

"Are the boys here?"

"Is it really Liam's baby?"

I laughed slightly at the last one, of course, stupid paps.

We made it to the car in one piece, Liam quickly strapping Isabella in while I put the bags in the boot. I then climbed in with a little help from Liam.

"Ready for a new start baby?", Liam said smiling at me then Isabella.

"Can't wait baby", I replied with the same happy smile at my husband and new daughter. We then started our journey home as a FAMILY.

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