Chapter 42- 'same feelings but different reasons'

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Danielle's POV

With hushed whispers of encouragement and my hand softly rubbing her back I aim to calm down my scared and upset daughter. Isabella let's out small whimpers from her mouth which is tucked tightly into my neck as I pace around our room slowly.

"Alright sweetie, bad dreams are horrible", I whisper softly in her ear.

Her now past shoulder length hair lays messily yet curly across her back and neck. After another bad dream from Isabella she woke us up at 8:30am this morning which would of been our first lie in since forever.

"S-sorry mummy", she hiccups over her tears.

"What for baby?", I coo softly.

"W-waking you, d-daddy a-and Luca up", she cries softly.

"Oh no need to be sorry baby girl, we just want to make sure your okay", I reply to my daughter.

"Come on now, no need for these tears is there", I smile as her head rests sideways on my shoulder.

"O-okay", she mutters before sitting herself up in my arms.

"Shall we go to daddy and Luca? Those boys gone to get breakfast because Luca James is a hungry little boy isn't he?", I smile at my daughter.

"Y-yeah, always hungry", she giggles as I wipe her tears carefully in case to scratch her skin with my nails.

"Come on then", I smile wrapping her dressing gown around her small body for comfort more than warmth.

Walking down the small set of stairs we enter the small living area immediately meeting Luca eating some weetabix with bananas while Liam helps him. Smiling I sit down next to my husband with Isabella on my knee.

"Hello little girl", Liam coos at Isabella.

"Hi daddy", she says sheepishly.

"You feeling better darling?", he asks with a smile.

"Yeah", she replies with a smile.

Thrusting her arms out towards her daddy Liam then takes her over as I begin to feed Luca his last spoon of breakfast. I quickly wipe his mouth and kiss his forehead as he grins up at me. Just then I watch a tired Olivia walk in with Kian resting his head on her shoulder yet letting out a loud cry.

"I swear to god I never thought having a baby would be this hard", Olivia sighs pacing around the room in order to get her baby boy asleep.

"How you've done this twice, I will never know. I'm just absolutely fucking knackered all the time", she admits taking a seat in exhaustion and sadness.

"Don't listen to auntie livs naughty language guys", Liam chuckles to Luca and Isabella as Olivia shows a weak smile.

"Li, why don't you take Isabella and Luca to Niall outside", I say shooting him a look.

"Errm, yeah, come on kids", he says smiling before taking our children out of the room.

"Want me to take him for a moment because your pretty upset and it will be passed on", I ask Olivia as Kian is still releasing a tired cry.

Nodding she passes her young son over into my arms as I place his head on my shoulder which placing one of my hands on his small back for both support and comfort. Feeling his cries grow louder for a moment obviously from the fear of not knowing who I am I begin to rub his back softly.

"No need for cries now Kian", I coo kissing his head lightly.

"So a little tough ay?", I smile sympathetically.

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