Chapter 13-Can this day get any worse?

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Chapter 13; the future

Liam's POV

Well today was very eventful so far, it was 2 weeks after Isabella's birthday and my mum rang me to say Ruth is in labor and should be delivering by tonight. After hearing the news I told danielle and she simply said she said doesn't think we should go tonight, causing us to have a huge argument and also leaving her in tears, blanking me for the past 2 hours. Isabella is also throwing up everywhere from a virus so this house is pretty much stressful and negative.

"Danielle! Danielle! Danielle!", shout angrily as Isabella throws up yet again onto the floor in the kitchen.

"What?!", she says back obviously annoyed.

"She has thrown up AGAIN!", I say back starting to clean everything up as she walks in and takes Isabella away to sort her out.

After I've sorted the kitchen out I walk into the living room to see Isabella softly sleeping on the sofa next to danielle as she sniffles still with red and puffy eyes. Isabella has been up all night throwing up and all morning leaving all of us without any sleep.

I walk over and sit on the opposite side of the sleeping Isabella to have danielle still ignoring me.

"Are you just gonna ignore me all day then?", I say angrily.

"Are you just gonna be a dick all day?", she says coldly.

"My sister is having her first child", I say impatiently.

"Your first child is constantly throwing up liam! If you so bothered go by your bloody self!", she spits.

"Oh for gods sake, I'm not arguing all day!", I say massaging my head.

"You keep making it into an argument liam I-", danielle begins before she's cut off by her voice cracking and is soon crying again into her hands.

"Just don't cry danielle", I say.

"We can't take an ill child to a hospital full of children!", she says still crying.

"Well we just won't go then!", I say back sighing dramatically.

"They didn't visit us until we were sorted! Liam your daughter can't go today", she cries.

"I'll just ring my mum okay?", I say giving up.

"Whatever", she replies before continuing with her head buried into her hands.

The phone line rings and soon enough my mum answers.

"Hey mum", I say gloomily.

"Hello sweetie, they've said about 6 more hours then that's it? What time you visiting?", she says happily.

"Listen mum, just tell Ruth and Rick we wish we could be there but Isabella's got a sickness bug that we can't bring with us to a hospital and we'll visit when their settled at home like they did to us please", I breath out tiredly.

"Okay liam don't worry by the way you sound like crap", she says.

"Thanks mum but I've been up all night", I say rubbing my tired eyes.

"Aw okay then see you soon", she says before I answer a quick goodbye and hang up.

"I'm sorry", danielle whispers barely audible still slightly crying.

"No I'm sorry", I say taking her hand over Isabella's sleeping body.


Danielle's POV

"Shit! Danielle quick get the bucket!", liam shouts as I dart to the kitchen grabbing it and bringing it to Isabella as she throws up in and begins to cry a heartbreaking cry.

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