Chapter 24- Party and what?

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Danielle's POV

"Chocolate mummy!" I hear Isabella shout as Liam walks downstairs with both children.

"Errm what do you say?", I laugh.

"Pwease mummy!", she whines.

"Okay, okay go sit in the living room and I will grab your calendars okay", I smile as they nod running out of the kitchen with Liam following.

I pick up the 4 advent calendars placed in the kitchen and walk into the living room. Seeing everyone sitting down waiting I smile passing out each calendar. Isabella has a 1D one ironically, Luca has a Thomas the tank engine one and me and Liam both have a Cadburys.

"What number?", Isabella asks as Luca is shaking his around.

"Number 12 today sweetie", I say pointing to the correct window to open.

"Choco!", Luca cheers causing everyone to laugh.

"Is it nice guys?", Liam says smiling down at our children.

"Yeah, yummy", Isabella says smiling.

"Good", I reply eating my own chocolate for today.

"Santa will be here soon kids", Liam smiles excitedly.

"Yay! Presents Luca!", Isabella says happily in his face.

"Yay!", he cheers along giggling afterwards.

"Mama", Luca says smiling up at me with his arms out.

"Come here, I'd like my morning cuddle", I say bringing him onto my knee and squeezing his small body against my own.

"What about me?", Isabella pouts.

"And me!", Liam shouts as Isabella and Luca laugh at him.

"Take it in turns guys, there is enough mummy to around", I laugh.

"Come here then bella boo!", I coo swapping for Isabella sitting on my knee and cuddling close.

"Daddy's turn", Liam cheers removing Isabella from my knee and pulling me into his body.

I pull away slightly and begin to kiss his lips softly as our embrace becomes tighter.

"Stop!", Isabella shouts yet being cut off by her own giggling.

"Alright, alright", Liam laughs releasing me from him.

"Harry's text me babe saying he's having a small Christmas party at his house and children are allowed", Liam says reading from his phone.

"Wow, did you hear that guys? Uncle Harry is having a party and we can all go!", I say happily.

"Woooo!", Liam cheers as both kids join in also.

"He said he's got a surprise as well tonight", Liam says reading from his phone with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh right, anyway it will be nice to have a get together", I smile as he nods agreeing.

"Who wants to watch the little mermaid?", I say excitedly as Isabella's eyes light up.

"Yeah!!", she shouts.

"Go on daddy", I smile sweetly as Liam groans and gets up to go and find the DVD.

"Come cuddle with mummy guys", I smile lying down on the sofa.

Isabella then cuddles into my side as I place Luca by my chest and I wrap my arms around him to stop him falling on the floor. I see Liam then re-enter the room carrying the DVD and then placing it into the blu-ray player before joining us on the sofa.

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