Chapter 19-New arrival

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Danielle's POV

When my waters broke Liam went into his little panic mode, after letting his parents know Karen was of course her usual comforting self and was helping me to get ready to leave. Liam's parents then decided they will keep Isabella and then when they come to visit they can bring her with them which was great for us. Then me and Liam went home before ringing the hospital to know when I was needed in. 2 hours of my contractions getting worse while I sat at home Liam rang the hospital and they said to bring me in now which was both a relief and a worry.

"Come on babe", Liam said helping me stand and grabbing the baby bag we've had prepared for a few weeks before walking me to the car slowly.

After a painfully slow 20 minute drive due to traffic we made it to the maternity unit at the hospital. Checking in a nurse then came over bringing me a wheelchair that Liam then wheeled me to our room. The room was then full of helpful things I can use such as a big yoga ball used for stretching out on.

"Okay Danielle our mission is to now make you as comfortable as possible before baby decides it's time, okay?", my midwife then smiles.

"Okay", I say.

"We need to measure the time of and between each contraction as well, so just let me know when you have your next contraction", she adds when I'm sitting on the bed dressed in the hospital gown.

Suddenly a strong pain travels up the bottom half of my body as I take in a sharp inhale of breath. The midwife then starts her stopwatch while Liam remains next to me with a worried look on his face holding my hand securely. Once the pain disappears I breathe heavily before giving a weak smile at Liam while he still holds his worried gaze.

"Okay Danielle that was about 1 and a half minutes long, I'd say about another 3/4 hours and you'll start pushing", she smiles before leaving the room.

"It's going to be okay", Liam says softly squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"I'm still scared li", I admit quietly.

"Well if you just forget about the pain fo-", he begins before I cut him off.

"Li I can't forget the pain babe but thanks anyway", I laugh slightly while he smiles sheepishly.

"We get to see our little boy soon", he says with a shit eating grin.

"I know babe, I know", I reply grinning.


4 hours later and I'm being checked for how many centimetres dilated I am since my contractions have increased in strength and length yet decreased in time between each other.

"Okay Danielle your 10 centimetres so I'll go and get my things ready and we can get this baby into the world", the midwife says before leaving to room.

"Right are you ready babe?", Liam says nervously kissing my forehead.

"Not at all", I reply taking deep breaths.

I get Liam to then tie my hair up stopping it from sticking to my sweaty neck later on. I rest my head onto my pillow closing my eyes briefly while I feel the cool air hitting me, relaxing me as I feel Liam's lips press a delicate kiss to my head before walking back to his seat.

"Okay are we ready for your little boy now?", the midwife says returning into the room with another midwife also.

"No", I say chuckling nervously.

The midwives show me how to position myself such as my legs open and up on the bed. I steady my nervous breath before having orders to push on my next contraction. I feel the excruciating pain return as I then begin to push feeling the pain to double in strength as I let out a whimper while continuing. Feeling the contraction leave I take deep breaths from the gas and air tank provided by the second midwife as Liam squeezes my hand.

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