Chapter 47- Goodbye for now

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Danielle's POV

"Go wake up Isabella and Luca", Liam whispers into my ear.

"Just give us a minute", I sigh while nestling my head into his warm neck.

"You're leaving in four days", I whisper sadly.

"Danielle, you know I don't want to, I'm in pain all the time", he sighs.

Gently I move myself closer to his body, with my head resting on his chest and leg resting just above his cast. With the comfortable silence surrounding us I take the time to simply listen to his heart beating as his chest slowly moves up and down beneath me.

"I'm going to miss you, you haven't been on tour for almost four years", I speak.

"I know, I wanna stay with you and our children", he sighs sadly.

"Well you can't, so let's just come away from that for now", I speak before pressing my lips to the soft skin on his neck.

I feel his body relax beneath me as my lips then gently move to catch his chapped and dry ones into a long kiss. Once our lips release I watch his eyes flutter open through the dim sunlight in our bedroom. Moving so my left hand is resting on his right shoulder I begin to rub slow and soft circles into his bare chest.

After a few moments a certain idea pops into my head. Following my instinct I slowly let my right hand travel slowly down Liam's body and end at the waistband of his boxers. Turning his head I watch a cheeky grin appear on his face before he moves back to having his eyes closed and head against the soft pillow.

"Be careful of my hip", he mumbles.

Pressing my lips to his neck a bit more fiercely this time I slowly lift up the waistband of his black boxers before beginning to push them dow-

"Mummy", I hear a small voice speak.

Panicking I quickly roll over to my own side of the bed and lift the duvet over myself and Liam. Looking up with heavy breathing I notice Isabella standing there while rubbing her eyes tiredly wearing her Disney Princess little nighty.

"Isabella, you alright sweetie?", I ask calmly.

I watch her blink a few times obviously adjusting to her surroundings before she steps closer curiously. Suddenly a large grin appears on her face before she lets out a squeal and opts to jump onto the bed.

"Daddy!", she shouts climbing carefully onto the bed.

Catching her before she completely crushes Liam's bad hip or leg, I gently place her down next to her daddy.

"Hello baby", Liam smiles warmly.

"Daddy I miss y-ou", she starts before a wave of tears wash over her and her small body is sobbing in Liam's arms.

"What's the matter sweetie?", I ask.

"D-daddy home", she cries as her small arms become tangled around Liam's chest and arms.

"I missed my little girl!", Liam coos as Isabella sobs in his arms.

"Miss m-my daddy", she hiccups through the tears.

"Oh Isabella you're going to make mummy cry!", I chuckle as my eyes fill with small tears at my daughters reacting to being reunited with her daddy after two long weeks in the hospital.

"I sorry mummy", she says then immediately grasping my arm tightly.

"It's okay baby, you give daddy big cuddles", I smile through my small tears.

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