Chapter 17-Baby Malik

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Danielle's POV

I was awoken the next morning by my smiling 1 and half hear old daughter giving me kisses on my face along with my husband sitting up next to us smiling down. Isabella then starts to giggle as I return the kisses to her face before I sit up next to my family.

"Morning", I say smiling.

"Morning babe, had a good sleep?", liam says.

"Best one in about 2 months", I reply leaning in to kiss him briefly.

"Good you deserved it, guess what?", Liam says excitedly.

"What?", I ask smiling,

"Perrie gave birth to a little girl at 5 o'clock this morning", he replies smiling wide.

"Oh my god! When can we see her?!", I say excitedly as he laughed.

"I knew you were gonna say that so zayn said we can see them about 1 today when Perrie is abit more awake and they are home", Liam says as I smile broadly.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for them", I say.

"Me too but it makes me more excited for this one", he says placing a hand on my stomach that has grown increasingly lately.

"She had her quick for her first one", I say to Liam.

"I know it was like 10 hours or less I think", he replies.

"Isabella was 16!", I groan as he laughs.

"It will be better this time remember they said sometimes it can even be half the time with your second", he reasons.

"I think I'd like an hour", I laugh along with my husband.

"Isabella guess what?", I say to the little girl cuddling her stuffed elephant.

"What?", she grins.

"Auntie Perrie has had her baby this morning!", I say.

"Baby?!", she says excitedly.

"Yes like your cousin Logan, were going to see her later on", I smile.

"Yay! When baby out?", she says pointing to my stomach.

"Not too long baby but not soon enough either", Liam says smiling.

"Up?", Isabella says getting off of the bed as we nod and all walk downstairs.


We are all now currently on our way to zayn and Perrie's house as we've had the clear to visit them and the new baby. After around 15 minutes of car time we pull up into their drive seeing that we are the first here which makes me happier. I jump out the car letting Liam grab Isabella and we all walk to the door together before I knock.

"Right Isabella we have to be quiet because it's a little baby and auntie Perrie will be very tired sweetie", I say as she nods.

Zayn then opens the door with deflated hair and dark bags under his eyes yet there is a contagious smile on his face.

"Congratulations!", I say happily pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you! Come in guys", he says happily leading us into the living room.

When I walk into the living room I see Perrie with her hair messily put into a pony and also she's in her pink dressing gown holding the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen except for Isabella obviously. The small child has dark hair on her small head while she's dressed into a neutral coloured baby grown as the couple wanted a surprise in the end.

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