Chapter 6-It's bad news

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Danielle's POV

It's a few weeks after liams parents stayed the night and me and liam went out on our own and this morning One Direction will be doing their first live interview on Daybreak since Isabella was born which is nearly 7 months, obviously all the fans are ecstatic to see them live again and I'm pretty sure that the main questions will be about our daughter.

It was half past 5 in the morning and I'm saying goodbye to liam as his interview is at half 8 yet they have to be at the studio for 6 to get ready.

"See you later the babe", liam says brightly leaning in for a sweet kiss.

"Okay, you know most questions will be about bella?", I reply groggily.

"Yeah, I know and make sure she's up to see me on the tv", he smiles at me, before pulling my tired body into his embrace.

Then the doorbell rings loudly which liam quickly opens because Isabella is still asleep to find all the boys buzzing.

"Shut up guys, Isabella's asleep", liam scolds them.

"And I'm not fully awake", I reply drowsily hugging my dressing gown more to my body from the cold draft.

"Sorry", they all say guiltily looking at the ground.

I laugh slightly before kissing liam again and telling them to get going which they all say goodbye and leave. I decide there is no point in me going back to sleep so I walk to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea before switching on the tv to see the daybreak hosts talking about the boys being on later.

I decide to check on Isabella so I walk to her bedroom and enter quietly, tiptoeing over to her white cot and eye her sleeping in a foetus position with her face squashed against the mattress causing her little chubby cheeks and lips to curve upwards. I silently grab my phone and snap a picture to send it to liam I send it through iMessage saying 'don't wanna wake her up haha Xx'. I check the time to see I don't have to wake her up for another hour or so.

At about quarter to 8 I have absolutely nothing to do and the interview doesn't start for another half an hour so I lay my head against the back of the sofa thinking. My thoughts are then broke as I hear a cry coming from Isabella's bedroom I smile slightly since I am not entertained.

Walking into her bedroom I see her lying on her back whimpering her eyes brighten at the sight of me and I scoop her in my arms grabbing a blanket and take her into the kitchen. I carefully sit her on the counter while I grab a bottle and fill it with warm milk giving it to her which calms her down. Even though she is nearly 7 months old she still likes a bottle of milk in the morning and evening to just soothe her.

Taking us both into the living room I sit us down and spread the blanket over our legs with Isabella snuggling into my side. As the presenters announce one direction will be on in 5 minutes Isabella is crying again so I try to hush her but she continues.

"What's the matter bella boo?", I coo at her as her little brown eyes fill with real tears also.

"Oh dear sweetie! Guess who's going to be on the television in a minute?!", I say hugging her close as one direction walk onto the stage.

"Look who it is Isabella!", I say pointing to the screen rubbing smoothly on her small back.

"Welcome One Direction! How are you all?", Lorraine the presenter asks as Isabella is still whimpering loudly.

"Hello! We're good thankyou and you?", liam says for all the boys.

As soon as Isabella hears liams voice she stops crying breaking out into an adorable grin while leaning forward further nearly falling forward before I catch her as she laughs.

"Is that daddy baby?", I say smiling at her little face.

She is continuing to smile at the screen so I snap a quick photo of her leaning forward, hands on the coffee table and smiling at her daddy. I also upload the photo to twitter saying...

'@DaniellePayne:woke up this morning with no daddy and wouldn't stop crying until she heard her daddy speak on daybreak and then she wouldn't stop smiling at the screen😚 #daddysgirl #mummytime #daughterpayne'

"So liam, I believe a few months ago you had your first child?", Lorraine asks smiling warmly.

"Yes, Isabella she is nearly 7 months old", he says with a huge smile.

"And how is she and danielle, your wife?", Lorraine asks smiling more.

"They're both great, just really happy at the moment", he says blushing slightly.

I smile at my husband on the tv.

"One last question just surrounding liam sorry guys, how's the dad life then? Since yours and Danielle's twitter has been blowing up with photos and tweets describing all of this life change", Lorraine asks.

"It's amazing, so surreal to be honest I mean at first it was incredibly tiring but now she's got out of the waking up in the night stage it's just brilliant", he said smiling before blushing when all the boys are cooing him and nudging his arms.

"So boys what's next for you?", they were asked.

"Well were recording the last bits to the new album that will be out on 25th November but we don't think that we will tour for at least maybe another 3 years as we all want to like Liam, start our family's off and get married to our fiancées", Niall smiles.

After a few more questions on the new album they leave the studio meaning Liam should be home soon.

"Did you see daddy Isabella?", I smile picking her up and placing her on my knee, she just smiles and I kiss her little lips.


Liams POV

By the time got home it was about 10 o'clock and I couldn't wait to see my bella.

"Hey lads do you wanna come in for a cuppa?", I say grabbing everyone's attention.

I then get a chorus of yeah and deffo's before were pulling up in my driveway. We all jump out and head towards my door before I open it and we walk in to find danielle and Isabella both cuddles up on the sofa asleep, I smile to myself.

"Dani...Danielle...Babe, wake up babe", I say shaking her slightly before her eyes flutter open.

"I must of fell asleep sorry babe", she laughs pulling me into a cute kiss.

"The boys have come for a cuppa is that okay?", I say not sure of her answer.

"Yeah sure just your making so I'll have one too", she replies smirking.

I see Isabella them open her little eyelids to expose her beautiful brown eyes before she breaks out into a little grin throwing her arms up for me to pick her up.

"Hello baby, daddy's missed you this morning, did you see me on the tv?", I smile pointing to the tv opposite us.

I picked her up and walked I to the kitchen to find all the lads making 6 cups of teas, I laughed at them making them all turn to look at me and bella.

"Guys your guests, I should be making for you!", I say to them.

"No it's alright we got bored of waiting, go sit down we'll being them in", Louis said laughing.

"Okay thanks lads", I smile.

I walk back in the living room to see danielle still sitting on the sofa but deep in thought. I hold Isabella tight and jump in the seat next to her causing her to jump a mile and Isabella to squeal laughing causing me too also.

"You scared me!", she laughed.

"Sorry babe, whatcha thinking about?", I say to her.

"Just that, erm, I don't know maybe you should have a lads night out", she blurts out.

"What? I mean yeah I'd love too, but where did this come from?", I ask kissing her forehead.

"I don't know it's just like on the interview you've literally done nothing for 7 months but be here with me, you deserve to have a good time with the lads", she replies seriously.

"Well I'd love to babe", I smile at her kissing her soft lips before isabella screams and pushes danielle away from me.

"Ay what did you do that to mummy for?", I say seriously staring at her big brown eyes before she wraps her small arms around my neck cuddling up to me.

"Jealous ay little one?", danielle laughs.

The boys then walk in with all of our drinks of tea and sitting down.

"Thanks guys", danielle smiles at them warmly as Isabella is pulling the bottom of her dressing gown down for attention.

"Want me to pick you up?", danielle says holding her arms out to only be pushed away from Isabella as she turns to face Niall before holding her arms out for him to take.

As Niall puts his drink on the table and stands up ready to walk over and pick her up danielle stops him.

"Stop! Just wait for a second", she says not taking her eyes off of Isabella who seems to be leaning forward before falling onto both hands holding herself up, Niall then sits down putting his arms up beckoning for Isabella to crawl that way. She moves her small arm forward slightly then her other followed by her legs and she slowly and wobbly crawls over to Niall as he picks her up.

"Yayyyyyy! Go bella!", Niall says excitedly kissing her nose as she smiles widely.

"First movement ay?", I whisper in Danielle's ear as she is sitting smiling watching her daughter in awe.

She then turns her head to look at me pressing her lips to mine as the boys are playing with Isabella probably tiring her out which could be useful for us telling the truth.

"You better baby proof your whole house now guys, she'll be crawling everywhere! I remember the twins first crawling for my mum and they literally knocked over all of the photo frames on the fireplace smashing every single one they knocked over, mum was devastated", Louis said with slight humour.

"Great", I said laughing.

Soon enough Isabella was squirming in Niall's arms and wanting to go down which she did but only for her to be crawling around the coffee table and reaching up baring in mind all of the steaming cups of tea. I quickly shot up grabbing her before I regret anything that happens.

"No Isabella! That's hot and can burn you!", I scold holding her close for her to only kick and scream in my arms aggravating me more.

"Stop Isabella! That's naughty! You need to listen to daddy!", I say holding her upright so she is staring into my eyes before she is yet again screaming and fake crying.

"Inner daddy's come out guys watch out!", harry jokes.

"Come here Isabella", danielle says calmly taking her out of my grip into her own as Isabella whimpers cuddling Into her shoulder staring at me with tear glassed eyes making me feel guilty.

"I'll take her for a sleep babe she's probably tired", danielle says kissing my cheek before standing up taking Isabella into her room muttering to her.

"What a mummy's girl ay?", zayn laughs.

"Yeah defiantly", I say slightly hurt I guess.

"We better head off dude so you can baby proof your house", Louis said patting my back as I said my goodbyes as they left the house to just flop on my bed in my bedroom and slowly drift into a sleep.

Danielle's POV

I take Isabella off of Liam so he can calm down and she can go for a sleep since liam can get very overprotective sometimes. While walking to Isabella's room I say in her ear...

"We have to listen to daddy don't we? He just didn't want you to get hurt by all them hot cups of tea sweetie", I say knowing I won't get an answer off the small girl in my arms.

After about 5 minutes of me rocking her in my arms and holding her close her eyelids got heavy and I slipped her pink dummy in as she slowly sucked on it. When she was asleep I then lowered her into her cot and walked into our bedroom to see Liam flat out on the bed asleep. I chuckled quietly and kissed his forehead while putting a blanket over him and walking to the living room. I thought that now as the best time to baby proof the place so I started by moving all of the photo frames and shatter-able items on top of the fireplace instead of the floor.

Halfway through my job the house phone rang and I ran over so it didn't wake anyone in the house. I picked it up and held it to my ear.

"Hello", i say happily.

"Oh hello danielle, erm is Liam there?", it was Liam's mum Karen she sounded a little upset.

"He's actually just asleep at the moment as he had an interview early, are you okay you sound a little down Karen?", I say worried.

"Oh, erm, can you tell Liam his...erm..", and her voice cracks into a sob through the phone I sit down onto the sofa and let a few more sobs erupt before replying.

"Karen are you okay?", I say worriedly.

"It's just Liam's grandad passed away last night", she cries through the phone and I can tell she is trying to stay strong. My heart breaks.

"Oh wow, Karen I am so sorry for your loss, do you want me to wake-", I say before getting cut off.

"No! Just please break it to him easily danielle, and just tell him to ring me p-please", she says sniffling.

"Of course, take care and I'm so sorry for you all", I say truthfully, eyes filling with tears.

"Thankyou danielle, goodbye", she says as another sob erupts through the phone line.

"Goodbye", I say quietly as she hangs up the phone.

I sit in the same position as small tears fall down my cheeks, Liam's grandad was so lovely all the time. I remember when I first met the whole family and I was incredibly nervous and I met his grandad first and he said "don't worry if your as nice as you are beautiful, then everyone will love you". Also at our wedding when everyone did small speeches he did a small one just reminiscing his times with Liam as a child to his times with both me and Liam, leaving everyone in the room tearful. One of the most heart warming times was not long ago when he first met Isabella and he held her close and kept kissing her forehead as she giggled and throughout the day she would only go to him not even me and Liam. The worst part was about to come for me, telling Liam.

I wiped my eyes and walked into the bedroom where Liam still lay peacefully, I sat on the edge of the bed and kissed his forehead causing him to stir slightly before opening his eyes with a small smile playing on his lips. His small smile then drops as he sits up rubbing his eyes and looking at me intently obviously studying my face as I have been crying.

"Danielle?", he asks quietly.

I take a deep breath and hold his hands, I see his heart pick up speed and he has a worried look in his eyes.

"L-li, I-it's y-our g-grandad", I choke out with seeing his face drop and his gaze drop to his knees.

"He passed away last night li", i whisper blinking away tears.

Liam picks his head up to look into my eyes with a hurt look on his face and tears escaping his eyes.

"N-no", he sobs bringing his hands to his face and crying hard.

I then grab the back on his head pulling him into my chest letting him cry as I stroke the short pieces of hair at the back of his head.

"Shhh, it's okay baby", I whisper trying to calm him but he seems to just sob more.

"He said he'd see I-Isabella again! H-he promised danielle!", he shouts tears racing down his cheeks and sobs escaping his mouth.

"I know baby, I know", I say bringing him towards me again.

After a few minutes Isabella's cry sounds through the room, Liam then lifts his head off of my chest and nods his head as for me to get Isabella.

"Li, your mum said to ring her when your awake babe", I say softly while walking out just getting a small nod while he reaches for his phone.

I walk into Isabella's room and see her sitting up awake and making fake crying noises that quickly stop when she sees me and thrusts her arms up for me to pick up which I do.

"You had a nice sleep baby?", I smile kissing her nose.

"Daddy's upset at the moment sweetie and will probably be on the phone to nanny so we'll go and make the tea ay?", I say as she smiles at me and I cuddle her closer.

"B-but w-why mum?!", I hear Liam sob and I look through the door to see him on the phone crying again, I sigh and continue to the kitchen.

"How about you sit in your high chair while mummy starts to make tea?", I smile putting Isabella into her high chair and placing it in the kitchen so I'll see her when cooking.

After about 10 minutes of Isabella shouting strange noises and me laughing at her while cutting the vegetables at the counter Liam walks in with his eyes red and puffy. I slowly set everything down and watch how Isabella smiles widely putting her arms up towards her daddy yet Liam walks straight to me burying his face in my neck inhaling deeply as I rub his back soothingly. Soon enough though Isabella is shouting at us both with a angry expression on her face as we both chuckle slightly releasing from each others embrace.

"Sorry baby girl you can have daddy now", Liam smiles picking up his daughter and cuddling her as she smiles. This moment is so adorable that I quickly snap a quick photo of it and send it to Liam through iMessage.

"I'm going to put it on twitter", Liam smiles looking at he photo I took.

"You should, have you put anything...", I trail off hoping he understands.

"No but I am now I think then it's easier", he's says picking up his phone and opening up twitter as I watch over his shoulder.

'@Real_Liam_Payne: such sad news to find my beloved grandad has passed away last night, such an amazing man and helped me shoot for my goals at being a singer, not to mention the love he had for my wife and daughter, love always rip X'

I watch him tweet it and then after he uploads the picture of him and Isabella with the caption of...

'@Real_Liam_Payne: defiantly needing these sweet cuddles off of my daughter today and tonight'


Liam's POV

It's about half past 8 and Isabella is dropping off in my arms, her head keeps dropping yet causing her to wake up each time. I chuckle nudging danielle and she notices while holding in a giggle.

"Think it's someone's bedtime little payne", I say smiling, picking up Isabella and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Goodnight baby", danielle says kissing her forehead.

I then take her into her room and rock her back and forth placing her dummy in her mouth as she sucks on it contently. After a few minutes her little eyes become heavy as she falls asleep in my arms and I then lower her into her cot and kiss her forehead.

"Babe can we just go cuddle in bed or something?", I say quietly to danielle sitting on the sofa engulfed into the television.

"Course, I think you need to be the cuddled one tonight", she smiles at me softly.

We make our way into our bedroom and I strip to my boxers throwing my top and trousers into the wash and danielle grabs a pajama top leaving just her knickers on the bottom half. We get into bed and I instantly wrap my arms around danielle on instinct.

"No babe other way around tonight", she say pushing me off while I smile at her.

I face the other way as she then wraps her small arms around my body and I grab her hands to squeeze then gently, I can feel her hot breath on the back of my neck as she peppers kisses all over it.

"You'll be okay liam, your one the strongest people I know", she says in my ear.

"I know but it doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt", I sigh bringing her closer.

"I know babe, I love you", she says into my neck.

"I love you too", I reply.

Then after a few minutes Danielle's steady, peaceful breath is heard signalling she is asleep causing my tired from crying eyes to slowly become heavy as I also slip into unconsciousness.

Please give me feedback. Thanks for reading and I want at least 1 vote before I update again.

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