Chapter 40- Baby Kian

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Danielle's POV

The next morning I surprisingly wake up in a Liam free bed and Isabella sleeping against my arm instead. Looking over to the clock I see the hour as 8:30am, yawning I gently sit up careful not to wake Isabella. I hear the shower running faintly so I carefully stand up and head into the awake bathroom.

"Li?", I ask groggily while rubbing my eyes.

"Y-yeah", his voice stutters.

"Come back to bed", I whine pouting slightly.

"I'm already up now", he says causing me to sigh.

"Oh okay", I say quietly.

I watch tiredly as he then opens up the shower door revealing his wet, naked self before wrapping a towel around his waist and one over his shoulders.

"What's up?", he asks as I stand impatient like a small child.

"You look hot today", I say without even processing my words.

"Errm, thanks", Liam laughs kissing my forehead.

"Mummy", I hear a muffled voice sound.

Turning around I walk back into my bedroom to see Isabella sitting up in our bed looking a little tearful and sucking her thumb, which is her new habit recently. Smiling slightly I walk over and take her small frame into my arms.

"No need to be upset darling", I coo rubbing her back slightly.

"Did you have a bad dream last night?", I ask softly as she nods weakly.

"What happened in it?", I say with an arm around her shoulders.

"P-people try, to...g-get me", she stutters out as I watch a tear roll down her smooth cheek.

"Oh dear, it was only a dream baby and nothing like that will ever happen", I coo now sitting her on my lap as I give her a real cuddle.

"I love you sweetie", I say brushing my fingers through her growing curls.

Just then Liam walks through the bathroom door and into the bedroom with a dry body and a freshly shaved face. I watch him quickly slip some boxers, pyjama bottoms and a plain white t-shirt on before jumping into bed next to us.

"She's upset about her dream last night", I say as Liam nods stroking the hair on her head.

"D-daddy", she cries while reaching her arms out for him to take.

"Come for cuddles with daddy now", Liam says as she crawls off of my lap and over to his open arms.

I watch her find comfort in her daddy's arms as she sucks her thumb contently. Smiling I reach over to press a kiss to her little cheek sweetly.

"Babe, how about we go and see Niall and Olivia's new baby today?", I say gently.

"No", he replies almost immediately.

"Please Li", I sigh.

"I can't", he says sadly.

"It won't be the other boys Li", I plead.

"No", he replies sternly.

Sighing I decide to not press the issue any further and go and wake up my little boy.


By the time it's 12pm and were all dressed I decide to ask Liam about visiting the Horan's again because I really think it's something we all should do. Also it will be a good step in Liam's grieving stage.

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