Chapter 15-It's a...

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Danielle's POV

I am currently 5 months pregnant meaning I have a small rounded bump making it the right time to tell the public which we will be doing later on and after that one scare in the night I haven't had anymore. Today as I am 20 weeks we get to find out the sex of the baby which has left us both ecstatic. As we can't really take Isabella with us were leaving her with el and lou for the morning despite her protests saying that she wants to see her baby, as she calls it. The only problems I've been having is a lot of pressure in my lower back and also my lower stomach around my kidneys which I'm going to drop in today at the appointment.

"Isabella come on sweetie, you can take your baby to auntie el and uncle Lou's", Liam says running a hand through his hair as Isabella toddles in the kitchen.

"Bella see baby?", she says sighing.

"I promise you can come on time baby but only mummy and daddy are allowed at the moment", I ash bending down to her height.

"Owkay then", she says while I stand up

I lightly place my hands onto the left side of my bump where I seem to be feeling this pressure and wince slightly at how hard it has become. Liam them stops what he's doing to look at me worriedly.

"Do you think it's just where he's lying?", he asks.

We have both come the conclusion that the baby I am currently carrying is a boy, it's so strange because I can remember Isabella's first movements and just saying to Liam it's a girl.

"Maybe, if it is he's making me really uncomfortable", I say laughing slightly.

"Drop it with them today and then maybe they can do something about it?", Liam suggests locking the door and walking to the car.

"Yeah because I can hardly sleep and if it's like this at 5 months god help me at 9", I say.

We arrive at el and Louis' house within 10 minutes and we walk up to the door with Isabella as she knocks herself.

"Hello sweetie", el smiles with her hands resting on her much bigger bump than mine as she is now 7 months pregnant.

"Thanks for this guys", I say as we sit for a quick cup of tea before leaving.

"It's no problem, you still having that pressure?", el answers.

"Yeah it's driving me crazy now though because I struggle sleeping and everything so I'm going drop it in with them today and hopefully get a revolution", I say feeling my hard half of my stomach again.

"Feel it el", I say taking her hand and placing it on the left half of my bump.

"Wow maybe he's lying funny", she says.

"That's what I said", Liam buts in.

"I don't know how you guys can wait to find out the sex!", Liam says changing the subject.

"I want a surprise though!", Louis says.

"Oh I don't think I could deal with it", I laugh.

"Anyway we better head off, Isabella sweetie were going to go now", Liam says as Isabella's head snaps up.

"Give me a cuddle baby and be good for uncle Louis and auntie el", I say as she runs into my arms and I give her a squeeze.

When I pull back I see small tears in her eyes and she has a fist of her curls that have grown massively lately in her hand which she always does when she's either tired, upset or bored.

"Come on sweetie I promise you can see baby soon", I say kissing her forehead.

"If your tired have a sleep on either the sofa here or on uncle lou", Liam says patting the leather sofa.

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