Chapter 41- Nasty tweets

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Liam's POV

I pull out the uncomfortable seatbelt to reach over both me and my son as he sleeps peacefully in my arms. Feeling the plane begin to move onto the runway I take a deep breath before a hand covers my own.

"You alright?", Danielle asks softly.

"It's the first time I haven't text my mum before a flight", I reply quietly.

"I know", she sighs.

The late time of the flight being 8pm take off adds to my emotions being all over the place and I honestly cannot wait until we arrive in whatever Spanish Island Niall booked us a private villa for.

"How about you go asleep?", Danielle asks suppressing a yawn herself.

"Yeah", I whisper.

Closing my eyes allows the next two hours to fly by pretty quickly. By 11pm Spanish time were collecting our suitcases with an asleep Luca in Danielle's arms and a tired walking Isabella. We all hurriedly get our car to the villa before I quickly set up the travel cots, change the kids into their pyjamas and finally go to sleep for the night.

The next morning I wake up to an empty bed and child free room. The bright sunlight beams through the thin white curtains allowing the room to be filled with a happy vibe, almost. Enjoying the unusual silence I decide to grab my phone and take my first look at twitter since before my mum was diagnosed.

My mentions being full of many tweets and photos I decide to scroll down them to maybe reply to any fans. Obviously I get the handful of hate messages sent, as does every celebrity but today I can't help notice how much more there is.

'Fame has defiantly changed Liam these past few years he doesn't even care about us now'



'I don't care about his mum dying he could still tweet us'

'Its been like 2 months why isn't he over it?'

'Mums just died but goes on holiday 2 months after'

Just a few of the many hateful comments flooding my twitter. Feeling the tears prickling in my eyes I wonder how people can be so rude or insensitive. My mum has just died for Christ sake.

Not being able to view these anymore I quickly switch to my wife's twitter page. She hasn't posted for a while but one of the last ones was a picture of Luca and Isabella together causing me to hold a small smile even through my tears.

Underneath the tweet I skip down the list of comments from my 'fans'. I only feel my tears become stronger as I notice the all to familiar tweets from 5 years ago, the hate messages. The first sob escapes my throat as I read the hate regarding my two children, beautiful children.

Anger boils through my body as my hands clenching my phone begin to shake and my knuckles turn white. With a loud, angered sob and without registering my hand reaches up to catapult my phone into the nearest wall in front of me. A loud crack is sounded before the door is opened by a worried Danielle.

"Liam?", she asks frantic before eyeing my probably broken phone and then myself.

"Why are they so horrible? My mum is dead you know? They can- don't, they don't get it!", I cry.

"Shhh", her voice coos as her arms tangle with my body.

"It's not fair", I whisper with my eyes tightly shut.

"I know, shh, I love you okay", she assures me.

Suddenly a sensation takes over my body which I know can take away my pain for everything going on. By now Danielle is straddling my lap as my face is burying in her neck.

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