Chapter 45- Injuries

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Danielle's POV

With shaking hands and tears falling down my face I wait impatiently for my mum to arrive at my house. The two police men have decided to stay until my mum arrives so they can escort me to the hospital due to my shaken up state. Suddenly there's a banging at the door as I stand up immediately and open it giving me a view of my mother, tired and dressed in her pyjamas.

"Dani", she whispers.

Feeling tears well up in my eyes I simply collapse into the comforting arms of my mother as her arms wrap around me.

"Shh, you go and look after Liam, we'll be fine", she coos rubbing my back.

Pulling away I nod sadly before grabbing my bag containing my phone and my inhaler, wrapping my cardigan around my body tighter and heading out of the door with both police officers in tow. After a 10 minute drive to London Bridge Hospital I thank the officers and head into the building. When in the reception area I notice a woman taking phone calls surrounded by various files.

"Excuse me, I'm here for Liam Payne", I say as strong as I can without crying.

"Are you a close relative?", she asks.

"His wife, Danielle Payne", I reply as she nods.

"I'm sorry but you're going have to wait in the waiting area as he is currently in emergency theatre", she explains as I nod sadly.

Taking myself into the empty waiting room I sit down on a chair, alone. The only thoughts rushing through my brain are the worries for my husbands health. So I sit alone and cry.

2 hours. 2 hours I've been waiting for Liam to be in a stable condition for me to even look at him. With a constant panic filled mind and the anxiety of what's even going on tonight. I stressfully whip my phone out of my bag before calling a person close enough to Liam to be here and close enough to myself to comfort me.

"P-please pick up", I whisper as the phone rings loudly in my ear.

Suddenly the phone picks up and a deep, croaky voice is sounded through the line.

"Danielle, why are you calling me at 3am?", he asks.

"L-Liamsbeeninanaccidentandimatthehospitalaloneandidontknowanything", I choke out all at once.

"Woah, woah, so Liam's been in an accident?", he asks now sounding more awake.

"Yes, I'm at the h-hospital alone and I really need someone", I whisper as a tear rolls down my already damp cheek.

"Oh my god, I'm on my way", he answers before the lines dead and I'm left alone again.

I don't know what to do with myself, I'm beyond tired at this point yet with my brain constantly fearing and worrying there's no way I can sleep. I don't know anything about the accident except Liam's now in emergency theatre and has been for about 2 and a half hours.

Suddenly I hear the door open abruptly causing my head to snap up viewing a worn out Harry Styles.

"T-thank you for coming", I croak before sobs escape my throat.

"Oh Dani", he sighs taking me into his arms.

"How long have you been here alone?", Harry asks rubbing my back comfortingly.

"A-about two hours", I mumble into his clothed shoulder.

"What do you know?", he asks.

"All I know is he's in emergency theatre", I sob.

"That's not good enough, I'm going to say something", he whispers angrily.

Just then he releases my body and storms tiredly into the reception area. Sighing I sit down on one of the up comfy chairs before drying away my fresh tears.

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