[ 48 ] 2013

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[ 48 ] 2013 


"You help me out of this mirror and I'll help you get back at Harley."


It was fourth hour Art History and the tables in that class were set up in groups of four people. Though Harley didn't want them to, Andrea and Niall sat across from her and Calum. She still hadn't talked to Calum about him leaving because the bell rang soon after and he had disappeared during nutrition break which was thirty minutes long.

Turning in her seat to look at the raven haired boy who had his head down on the table, she placed a hand on his shoulder and shook him lightly. "Calum..." She said in a low voice.

The sound of her voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he lifted his head to look at her. "Hm?"

"Do you have to go?" She bit her lip. "Tell your uncle you don't want to leave."

"I'm seventeen." He pointed out. "It doesn't matter whether I want to leave with them or not. I have to because I have no other family here."

"What if you never come back?" She asked.

"Its only for a few days." Calum said. "Relax. I'll be back in one, maybe two weeks."

The blue haired girl pouted. "What the hell am I supposed to do for two weeks? Michael's gone and now you. If Ashton leaves me, I'll be so done with everything."

At that, Calum was able to crack a small smile. "I haven't even left yet and you're already missing me." He seemed proud of himself. Gesturing to the two blondes sitting across from them, who were busy gawking at works of art by Da Vinci in the renaissance period, the raven haired boy added, "Besides, you'll have Andrea and Niall. They said they aren't returning to the UK until your brother leaves."

Harley groaned. "Ugh. It just keeps getting worse and worse."

"Speaking of worse," Andrea looked up from the page in the large book she was reading. "Guess who got invited to join the cheerleading squad?"

"Please tell me its Niall." She guessed.

Walking over to their table, the new teacher's assistant tapped his hand on the desk to get their attention. "I hope you kids are having a thrilling conversation about the renaissance." Paúl mocked in amusement.

"Kids?" Harley challenged. "We're only like two years younger than you at most."

"Yes." He nodded in agreement. "But I am an adult and I have a degree in mathematics and art history."

"Ooh." She pretended to be impressed. "You know stuff about dead people."

Calum looked back and forth between the two before he eyed the assistant teacher with annoyance. "Do you know this guy, Harley?"

"He's my new babysitter." She responded with a roll of her eyes.

"Paúl Medina." The tanned skin nineteen year old offered. 

"Paúl?" Calum made an attempt at pronouncing the new assistant teacher's name. "Is that supposed to be a variation of the name Paul?"

With a shake of his head, Paúl said, "Its the pronounciation of my name in Spanish."





When they went out to lunch, she was sat on the outside picnic benches for the senior class with the three others who were in most of her classes. She picked at the lunch food on her tray with disgust; a cold chicken quesadilla, some salad, and a carton of milk. Normally her mother would make her something she actually wanted to eat, but with the kidnappings, no one in the house had the mind to cook anything.

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now