[ 21 ] 2013

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  • Dedicated to My Little Shifters

[ 21 ] 2013

"A tungsten bullet wound is so painful that, if hit by one, you will immediately pass out due to the pain."


It was lunchtime at St. Genevieve's; Harley and Calum sat under the shade of the trees eating their lunch. Today was a grilled chicken wrap which didn't seem all that bad, except for the fact that her tortilla was soggy and dripping ranch sauce from the bottom.

She set it down on her plate in disgust. "You're right, the food they serve here looks completely disgusting. Are they even allowed to serve us this?" She asked Calum.

He shrugged. "They used to give all the good stuff, you know, from fast food places, until the parents complained about it being unhealthy. So the school hired this expensive catering business. They're called Royal Dining."

"This doesn't look royal to me in the slightest." She looked down at her tray of food with a grimace.

Calum rolled his eyes, opening his backpack and pulling out a small brown lunchbag. He handed it to her. "This is why I thought I might bring you some lunch. But don't think I'll do this everyday, Quinn." He told her, taking a bite from the grilled cheese sandwich he held in his hand.

She eyed him suspiciously before taking the bag from his hands. "What did you put in it?"

"Nothing." He replied.

"Are you trying to drug me?" She asked.

"No." He said, his voice dripping with annoyance. "Is this what I get for trying to be nice?"

"Calum Hood being nice for once in his life? Its very hard to believe. You never do things unless it'll benefit you in some way." Her eyes narrowed at him.

"Give me my lunch back then." He told her.

"No." She pulled the bag out of ihs reach as he tried to grab it from her hands. "I'm really hungry, so I'm telling you now...if you did something to this food, I will kill you."

"So..." He began casually, "That new brother of yours...he's a shifter. But not just that. A friend of mine who's a shifter too, lives out there in the UK and my friend told me this guy was over there a couple of months back and he was killing shifters left and right. He's a hunter."

She nodded, "I know. Which is why I brought you here where no one can overhear us. He's planning to eliminate us."

"Look, I know you hate me...And you know I hate Ashton and am planning to kick him out of this world. But for now, I think its very important that the two of us work together. Maybe...if he sees that we have each other's back, he'll realize he can't beat us. We can intimidate him." Calum suggested. 

Harley shook her head, taking a bite of the sandwich that was inside the brown paper bag. "There's no way we could ever scare him. Not when he has a Diamond Rose."

"What the fuck is a Diamond Rose?" He asked, intrigued.

"Its a special hunter's gun that uses tungsten and diamond bullets." She xplained to him.

"Tungsten?" His eyes went wide in fear. "Tungsten will tear right through our shifter shield."


"A tungsten bullet wound is so painful that, if hit by one, you will immediately pass out due to the pain." Calum said.

"How would you know that?" Harley asked.

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now