[ contest ]

27.8K 764 108

[ contest ]

Not a chapter, sorry for raising your hopes only to crush them mercilessly. lol


I've seen alot of people doing this and I thought it would be fun for this story.

So, here it is!

A contest.

I know you guys are all super creative and awesome and just wonderful overall, I honestly cannot express with words how much you all mean to me, cause if I did, I'd go on for years.

And I would like to see what you've all got in terms of ideas.

So here are the rules:

-Must be following me (duh.)

-Must be totally awesome (but you've all got this part checked off).

-Must be a clashton shipper; clary + ashton. (this one isn't completely mandatory, lol.)

-Must be in a language I can understand, ie; english, spanish, and maybe even portugese and italian. but i'm leaning more towards the first two.

-Must post it on your page and dedicate it to me or else I'll never see it.

-If I still don't see it, just let me know on my message board.

-I'll give it a vote once I've read it so you'll know.

-You can make it about anything you want, anything you predict, or anything you'd like to see happen. Be creative!

-It doesn't matter if it isn't about Harley and Ashton, meaning that if you ship her with Calum, write a one-shot about her and Calum. If you ship her with Luke, write one about her and Luke. If you want to write one in which Harley dies and Calum and Ashton end up together, do that shizz. Its your one-shot. lol.

So [prizes];

First of all, every one shot will be posted on my page, in a book I will open up. And of course, I will give you 100% credits for writing such wonderful work.

So without further ado, here it goes:

1. The one I pick for first place won't necessarily mean its better than anyone else's. I just might like it more than others, but I know they'll all be brilliant. Okay, so I will follow you (if I don't already). I will read and vote on [all] of your stories (doesn't matter if you have 30+ of them, like me). I will dedicate one chapter to you in five of my stories (Man in the Mirror is one of them). And any other good shit  can come up with before the contest ends cause I'm bad at coming up with things on the spot. Someone just suggested something totally brilliant. First place winner will get a role in the story. If you are already in it, I promise a more active role(:

2. Second place will also get a follow. I will read and vote on 80% of your stories. So, if you have ten stories, I will read and vote on eight of them. I will dedicate one chapter to you in four of my stories. And maybe I'll think of more stuff. Second place winner will get a role in the story. If you are already in it, I promise a more active role(:

3. Third gets a follow. Read and votes on 50% of your stories. And three chapter dedications.

4. Fourth gets a follow, reads and votes on 30% of your stories, and two chapter dedications.

5. Last place gets a follow, reads and votes on 10% of your stories, and one chapter dedication.

Yah, I wanna be a generous ass bitach and have five winners.

Anyway, the contest ends as soon as Man in the Mirror reaches 200K reads. If that happens too soon, I'll extend it a bit longer.

But yeah, please participate.

I'd like to see the amazing things you baes can write.

I love you.

-Clary xx

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now