[ 6 ] 2013

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[ 6 ] 2013


"Mirrors are the windows to another dimension. But you can only see them if you're different, you have to be a shifter." 


"Why don't you take our last empty seat, Miss Quinn." Her first class teacher, a man in his early sixties with dark gray hair and a friendly smile plastered across his face, said to her. Her elective class, if it truly counted as one, contained only eleven people including herself. 

The seats were arranged in a circle with a large gap in the middle.

It was a class on Shakespeare and his plays. As she took the empty seat in the room, which happened to be next to Calum, she muttered to herself. "While other people get the good electives like art or music, I get boring old Shakespeare."

To her left sat Calum and to her right was a blonde girl with red lipstick on and large blue eyes. She had the look of any cliche popular girl.

She smiled brightly at Harley. "You must be Billy's sister." 

Harley nodded in affirmation. It hadn't even been a full school day and already her brother was part of the cool kids. That was the only way they would probably know her, and the only reason they would notice her.

"I'm Cindy Hemmings." She introduced herself.

"Harley Quinn." The blue haired girl replied, uninterested in making conversation with one of the populars. She knew soon they would shun her like people did back at her old school.

"You should meet my twin brother Luke, I think he'd really like you..." She babbled on while Harley pretended to pay attention.

From next to Cindy, a boy added, "Yeah, you're already off on a great start if you're sitting in Kylie's old seat."

This caught Harley's attention. "Who's Kylie?"

Calum responded to her question, "Kylie is the girl who used to sit here. She was head cheerleader, had perfect grades, was the most popular girl in school and was 'the prettiest'." He made air quotes.

"And she had the most popular boyfriend in school, my brother Luke." Cindy added.

"But then Luke dumped her for a better looking girl named Alessandra Colton and she ended up losing her place as the school's queen bee. I guess she couldn't handle it, so she shot herself in the girls bathroom about two months ago." Calum finished, like it was a casual conversation.

"Okay..." Harley sighed.

Cindy saw Harley's class schedule on the cool wooden table and grabbed it, anxious to have a look. "Oh!" She squealed with delight, "You have Government and Pre-Calculus with my brother. You'll love him, trust me."

"Let me ask you something, Cindy." Harley began, "Do you just sit here and pimp your brother out to everyone on a daily basis?"

Cindy laughed, taking it as a joke. But Harley had meant it seriously. "No, silly! I just think you're perfect for him, especially since he's single now."


After her Shakespeare class, she had Advanced College Physics with Dr. Ross. 

She had no idea where to go, but Calum led her. She tried to lose him once more, but her plan hadn't worked.

She could feel several dozen eyes on her as she walked down the hall, making her more self conscious as to how much of her skin was uncovered. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make her uncomfortable. Her skirt was a mid thigh length brown, black and burgundy plaid pleated skirt. She wore a long sleeve button up white uniform shirt with a burgundy satin tie around her neck and a black blazer over the shirt with the school's logo on it. Her legs were covered up to the knee with white socks that had thin red ribbons at the top and black Sunday style shoes. 

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now