[ 15 ] 2013

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[ 15 ] 2013

"You saw Ashton..."


She groaned, "Another one?"

"Oh--so this one's a shifter too?" The blonde girl said from inside her mirror.

"Master Calum--" The maid began.

Calum turned to her, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. "Kila, leave us."

She nodded and turned swiftly, disappearing down the hall. 

"Harley," Calum took a step towards her.

But she moved farther away from him. "No," She shook her head, "This is getting really out of control. You...and the mirrors...and even that maid of yours. This fucking town...the school...everything. Its a fucking circus."

"Calm down." He told her.

"Don't tell me to calm down." She snapped. "I can't calm down in a house full of murderers. I bet she was part of the plan to kill Ashton, wasn't she?" She shot Claire a glare.

"You know Ashton?" Claire asked.

Calum explained. "Her family purchased the old mansion on Firestone."

"Con never wanted to sell that property, that one was his favorite one." She pointed out, watching her grandson suspiciously.

He shrugged. "Well grandad's dead now, so he can't do anything about it."

"Okay," Harley said, "I'm going home."

She walked across the room and pushed past Calum who was standing in front of the door. She stomped down the hallway, not stopping despite the fact that Calum called after her, "I'll drive you there."

She shook her head. "I can walk."

"Are you stupid?" He asked her, "Its dark outside."

"Its not like you care about me anyway." She spat. "Don't think I don't know what you were doing with---to your maid."

A knowing smirk spread across his face as he grabbed a hold of her arm to stop her. "You know, with every remark you make about my maid, you make it more and more obvious that you're jealous. Admit it, Quinn, you have a thing for me, don't you?" 

"I don't." She huffed, yanking her arm away from his hold. "This isn't about the maid, or you, at all. Its about the fact that you don't question your own sanity after being able to see dead people in the mirrors."

She continued through the house, eyes searching for an exit, until she finally came across some glass double doors.

By now, Calum was rather amused. 

"Its about time you found the exit." He chuckled.

"Fuck off." She muttered, pushing the doors open and walking towards the front gates.





She walked down the dark street, arms crossed over her chest as a gust of wind shook her. She heaved a sigh of relief, at least it didn't seem like Calum was following her. 

Spoke too soon, she thought to herself.

From behind, she saw a couple of headlights and when she turned, she saw a familiar black sports car. He drove up next to her slowly. "Get in the car, Harley. You're being stupid and childish."

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now