[ 29 ] 2013

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[ 29 ] 2013

"I'm gonna shoot you the second we get out of this car."


"So dad," Harley began casually that Monday morning.

"What do you want?" Her father asked, digging the shiny metal fork into a chunk of hashbrown. "You have that same face your mother gets when she wants something."

Harley gasped. "I do not make the same face as Harleen."

Her dad eyed her, "Harley, don't call your mother by her first name. Its bad maners."

When her dad said that, she could picture Ashton scolding her about the very same thing. "Sorry," She apologized. Then batting her eyelashes at him, she continued, "Dad, can I borrow your car so I can go visit grandma?"

"You don't even know how to drive yet." Her dad reminded her.

"That's why I'm taking Michael with me, since Billy went out with Cindy." She said.

In that moment, Michael walked into the kitchen. "Where are we going?" He asked, sitting at the table with them.

"To visit grandmum." She told him.

"No thanks." Michael shook his head. "Old women and I don't get on too well."

"Take me or I'll bother you all week long." Her words said, but her eyes said something different. Take me to my grandmother's house. I saved your life twice, you owe me.

He shot her a look as he said, "I don't want to spend a week at some old woman's house." But his eyes told her, I have a gun.





Two hours later, the two teenagers and Ashton were in the car on their way to Adelaide, where grandmother Hayley Davis was living.

"Fifteen fucking hours to drive all the way there because someone wants to see their granny. She better make some delicious cookies." Michael complained. "Or I'm gonna shoot you the second we get out of this car."

"No you won't." Harley scoffed. "You owe me."

"Then it will happen acidentally. Like maybe my finger will accidentally pull the trigger, several times." He told her.

"If you touch her, I'll kill you." Ashton warned.

Michael laughed. "Just because I hunt shifters doesn't mean I will spare you, ghost boy. If you mess with me, I'll get rid of you too."

"Will you calm down? If I wanted someone to argue with Ashton, I could have just brought Calum." Harley said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Her phone rang in her pocket and she reached for he phone. She looked at the screen to find she had thre incoming messages from Calum. She rolled her eyes, throwing her phone into the cupholder of the car.

"Speak of the devil." She muttered.

"Aren't you gonna get that?" Michael asked, clearly irritated when messages kept flooding her inbox and she ignored them.

She shook her head. "Nope."

"I'm going to throw that thing out the window." Michael warned.

"Okay, okay." She huffed, reaching for her phone before Michael could. Watching grip the steering wheel tightly in annoyance, she asked, "Why are you in such a bad mood? You're normally mean, but in a tolerable way. Unlike Calum."

Man in the Mirror || irwin (DOING SOME MAJOR EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now