72. We Are Not What You Think We Are [Part One]

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Harry's POV

I had a plan. Tonight Diandra was graduating, and her school had a kind of Pageant thing that the graduating class took part in. I told her that I had something to do for the album back in London. She sounded extremely disappointed but I couldn't wait to see her reaction. The other boys would be in the audience.

I arrived at her school when they were supposed to be practicing. Her English teacher was the coordinator of the whole thing, and I found him on the balcony in the hall.

"Hi sir, I'm not sure if you remember me." I said politely.

"Of course I do. And call me Shaun. What can I help you with?" He smiled.

"As you probably know, I'm dating Diandra. Well I'm actually engaged to her. I was wondering if I could somehow surprise her during her piece. Could you perhaps help me?"

He looked fondly at me. "She's a great girl, and I'm happy for you two. Here's what you can do. She has a partner in her class that she walks down the catwalk with. I can get him another partner and you could take his place after the casual wear. We can do it in a way that she will never expect it. How about you watch the practice and I'll show you where we can fit it in?"

"Thank you so much Shaun." I shook his hand. I stood back so that she wouldn't be able to see me.

"Our next couple, Diandra and Cameron!" He said into the mic.

Diandra walked out on stage and stood in the middle. Another guy, about Louis' height joined her. He held his arm to her and she grabbed it, and they began walking down the catwalk. They reached the end and grabbed hands, pulling away from each other. They walked to separate ends and posed, before they grabbed hands and walked back towards the stage.

I'll admit I was a tad bit jealous. He gets to hold my girl. Not to mention he was quite good looking. Green eyes, tannish skin, light brown hair. I watched as Shaun pulled Cameron aside, probably explaining the plan. He looked at me and smiled, nodding.

"Okay Harry, its all set. I'll run you through what you have to do. You ready?" He asked and I nodded.

Diandra's POV

To say I'm nervous was an understatement. I'm petrified I trip on the catwalk. No doubt Cameron would catch me, but it'd still be embarrassing. I'm disappointed that Harry wont see me graduate, but I understand that work is important.

We were in our dressing room, getting our hair and make up done. The artist applied some light make up on me that looked gorgeous, and gave me loose curls to complete the look. Not trashy, not too little.

Cam and I represented London. Each couple had to represent a country, and Tyla along with her partner Xander represented Spain. I was wearing pair of dark skinny jeans, a white frilly blouse, a navy blazer and a pair of black stilettos. Cam would dress like Harry when he was still into wearing blazers and stuff.

"Guys, 2 minutes!" Mr Hardley yelled and we began making our way up to the stage.

We were announced and made our way onto stage, doing our dance number to On Top Of The World. Cameron hugged me and we got into position.

"Couple number 4 representing London, Diandra Henriques and Cameron Mitchells!" Mr Hansel announced and we walked onto stage.

Anywhere For You by John Martin started playing and the crowd went wild. Cam and I walked down the catwalk, fist pumping and doing a little dance together where he spun me around and did a small choreographed dance. We separated and went to opposite sides of the catwalk, posing and smiling to the audience. I waved at my parents and started dancing before walking to Cam. He put his hand on my lower back and grabbed my thigh, dipping me down. He pulled me back up and we smiled at each other.

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