Sandman (Olympia x Ozric)

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A/N: Before you read this, I want you know that this is about Season 1 Olympia. <3

(Olympia x Ozric)

It was the proudest day of Olympia's life, when she was presented with her first ever Odd Squad badge. She vowed that she would work diligently, and was ecstatic when it wasn't long before Ms. O was sending her, and her partner on a top secret case. Apparently they had done such a great job with defeating Evil Teddy, that their boss believed they were up for the challenge. And that's what Olympia thought too, even having a wonderful dream the night before the journey.

"Hello, my dear," spoke a kind man with a long, white beard, and curled mustache.

"Hi! Father Time, right?" She didn't even know why she asked, when she already knew the answer. The smile on her face was absolutely priceless.

"Why but of course! I've come to tell you about how valuable time is, and how I will be there to aid you on your mission."

"Really?" Her voice almost squeaked with excitement.

The older man nodded once with a faint smile. "I'll be sure that you never run out of time, and that this villain will be tracked down by one of the greatest, Odd Squad agents of all time!"

"Oh, stop... I only joined recently." She smiled as she pushed his compliment away, finding the ground quite interesting.

"But it's true. It wouldn't surprise me if you were the greatest Odd Squad agent of all time. That's why I've frozen time for one hour, so that I can throw you this party."

Sure enough streamers were everywhere, and balloons, and even a float of her, and a parade!

There was even a beeping noise as it began, and it kept going on, and on, and on...

Olympia felt herself leaving the dreamworld, as the world around her became brighter, and she finally fluttered her eyes open. The consistent sound was coming from her trusty alarm clock, which she instantly shut off. She smiled widely as she stretched, and sighed some. Today was the day, the start of it all.

"Ms. O said to pack plenty of water. She mentioned something about a desert," Ozric spoke, as he heaved their giant, navy blue backpack onto his shoulders.

"Don't worry, Ozric. We've got this! Lighten up," she playfully bumped into him, but because of the weight of his luggage, he tripped and fell to the side.

"Ozric?! I'm so sorry," she expressed her concern, as she held our her hand to help him up.

"It's okay, Olympia. I'm fine." He gave her a weak smile, her returning the gesture, but soon there was someone blocking their path.

Olympia's eyes instantly brightened, and her entire face was lit up as well. She recognized that man with the ancient staff, and medieval-like outfit. "Father Time!" Her dream had been true, he had come to save them, he had... She almost didn't realize at first, that it was only her body frozen in mid-step and not her mind, yet her brain was fogged. She could barely make out a faint voice shouting, "You're no match for me, Odd Squad! I will protect my friend, and you will never get him into trouble!"

After the children's figure ran off, Olympia was soon able to bend her limbs again, while Ozric fell straight onto his back, their items breaking his fall. He had jerked backwards when Father Time hit them with his powers.

"What happened?" Olympia sounded more shaken up than her partner, as she helped him up once again, all the while staring at the spot the other man had just been.

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