Never Be The Same (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Olympia had just jumped out of her previous dream, which consisted of her riding a rainbow car, and then going skydiving into a bowl of bubble gum ice cream. She hated how her dreams would shift to new ones, but that was just the way they worked. The setting was now inside of Odd Squad headquarters, only there were fancy, pastel colored decorations everywhere. There must be another wedding! She wondered if it could be Donnie's this time, instead of his only brother's! She went to bound into headquarters, but Oona was pushing her back.

"Olympia!" Even though Oona was smiling, she seemed as though she was hiding something.

"What's up, Oona," Olympia wondered, since the doors to the tube lobby just shut on her.

"What? Are you crazy?! You can't let your future husband see you in your wedding dress!"

"My wedding dress," Olympia asked, squinting her eyes in confusion.

Sure enough when she looked down though she gasped, because she was wearing a plain, white dress with a pink sash around the waist, and sparkles all over the whole outfit. It didn't make sense though, because her shoes were still the red Converse she wore every day. She had to remind herself it was a dream after all, which seemed like the correct explanation.

"Who am I getting married to?" Olympia was new to this fantasy, and she had no idea what the storyline was.

"Him," Oona stated, pointing out a random picture on the wall with a gold frame.

Inside was a good-looking boy with black, shaggy hair and light brown eyes. Sure, he was attractive, but Olympia was not old enough to get married, and she had never even seen him before!

"What's his name," she questioned.

Oona sighed in a mixture of frustration and disbelief. "Orlando! How can you forget the name of your future husband, Orlando Bloom?"

"Orlando Bloom," Olympia echoed, squinting her eyes again in puzzlement. "Isn't he an older movie actor, or something?"

"No! This is a different Orlando Bloom. The one that transferred to this squad 20 years ago," Oona clarified.

"20 years ago?! Then that means I should be like 30 by now!" Olympia did not like this dream one bit. It was transforming her lifelong dream into a nightmare.

"We're in Odd Squad. We never age, remember?" Oona didn't seem to understand anything Olympia was saying.

"But we're still too young! You don't see Ms. O going off and getting married, and she's at least 100!" Olympia needed to lie down, or something, but just then the traditional, wedding music started.

Oona was still wearing her lab coat, but was holding a bouquet of light colored green flowers. Just then the door to the tube lobby opened, and after getting through the small area with artifacts, Olympia was slowly venturing down a white, glimmering carpet. She didn't even know how the red roses had gotten into her hands, or the veil appeared on her head. Her auburn hair looked dark from some sticky hairspray she could feel, since it was in ringlet curls. She looked like Goldilocks! Normally she wouldn't mind, but this was supposedly her wedding day.

Soon she had stopped to stand in front of the boy, Orlando Bloom, only now his hair was sandy blonde and his eyes green. Dreams were so confusing...

"We're gathered here today to join these two people! Orlando, do you want to marry Olympia?" Coach O's gruff voice echoed across the spacious area.

And why was Oren a werewolf too? And where was Olympia's best friend from out of work, Amanda? This day was far from perfect.

"Yes," stated Orlando, agreeing to marry Olympia.

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