That Stupid Duck!

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That stupid duck

(Lian's POV)



Naruto opens the door but I don't hear what's going on. I snuggle into the duvet and yawn.

Last night I couldn't sleep at all...and Naruto's bed is so comfy, there's gotta be something I'm forgetting here...

Is it that I missed training with Rythian again? He's been kind enough to get me ready for the ANBU training.

"Lian!" Naruto yelled ripping the duvet away from me.

"Hey!" I glare and stop my yelling seeing Naruto's panicked state. "what's wrong?"

He gulped, "Sasuke's gone."

My eyes widened and I jumped out of bed, "What?!"

"He left the village late last night." Shikamaru said standing by the door, obviously it was him that had knocked.

"How did you find out?" I asked snatching Naruto's man deodorant as he was putting his sandals on.

"Sakura tried to stop him, she didn't succeed." he sighed.

I quickly retied the fluff, also known as my hair and grabbed my sandals too.

"So what's the plan??" I ask as Naruto locks the door.

Shikamaru rubs the back of his neck and sighs, "I'll explain everything once we've gathered everyone."

"Everyone?" Me and Naruto wonder.


"So who's first??"

"Choji, we've known each other since forever and we work well together." Shikamaru says as we head through the quiet town, passing by a few early birds.

I nodded, "who else?? Cause we can split up and get them!"

"We'll need your help getting Choji..." He sighs, "not one to get up in the morning."

"Hey, you managed to get us up, you've achieved something there!" I grin.

We're standing outside Choji's house about to knock when Shikamaru stops us, me and Naruto being us.

He takes out a bag of crisps and sits down to start eating.

Me and Naruto shrug and sit down to help.

"So, when do we get Choji and get Sasuke's ass back here?" I ask munching on the crisps.

Naruto managed to grab the last crisp and as he's about to eat it the front door suddenly slides open to see a furious Choji who rushes over, snatches the crisp and glares at Naruto.

"No one has the last potato chip but me." he says before eating it.

I sit and comfort Naruto after the trauma while Shikamaru gets Choji caught up with everything.

As Choji rushes back in to get ready, I walk up to Shikamaru and tap his shoulder.


"I'm gonna go on ahead." I say.

"You can't expect me to let you go off by yourself!" Shikamaru says shaking his head. "no..."

"Look, Orochimaru's henchmen all know not to kill me, or atleast they should...." I say, "My brother is in there and would kill them no matter who they are!"

The pineapple haired boy sighs and shakes his head but says "Fine. Only because I didn't actually plan on you coming in the first place."

I deadpan "Thanks...."

I'm Messed Up and Proud! [A Special Naruto FanFic] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now