Bucky Barnes fluff

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A/N: Okay seriously, can you imagine Bucky with a little girl? It'd be so cute!😍

The Little Girl
She was just five years old when she came across the hidden base of HYDRA. She was an orphan; her and her parents were in a car crash that was a hit and run, and only she survived. She was just wandering around the forest area, and came across the base.
When cameras caught her, the cult were confused as to why a small child was in the area. They sent out some men to search the area to find the answer, while they grabbed the girl and took her in. When found a car on fire upside down, they connected the dots.
She didn't have the body strength to survive am experiment to become a Winter Soldier, nor did she have the potential to become an assassin or even an agent. So what were they going to do?


Six years old, Yurus was wandering around the hallways of the base singing a nursery rhyme, two guards at her side. Despite the fact she was useless, she had everyone wrapped around her finger unknowingly. Her innocence and adorableness just got to them. So they decided when she was old enough, she was going to be the next heir to HYDRA.
While wandering around with her guards, a crash could be heard, followed by men yelling. The guards went to the noise, Yurus following close behind them. What she saw scared her small mind.
A man with a metal arm was fighting the guards and scientists in the room, killing them. The guards that were babysitting her were sadly killed as well.
She gasped when the man locked eyes with her, approaching her with a murderous gaze. Before she knew it, his metal hand was wrapped around her small throat. She started gasping for air, tears gathering in her eyes. She stared into his empty blue eyes, confusion and hurt swirling in hers. Why was the man hurting her when she did nothing wrong?
His face suddenly softened at her look, and he dropped her to the ground. Yurus collapsed, gasping for air while sobbing. Guards finally came and saw the scene; some grabbing her to safety while the others contained the man. Not once did the man with the metal arm tore his gaze from the little girl.


Seven years old, she was suddenly pulled into a familiar room. She felt herself tense when she saw the man with the metal arm trapped to a chair, having just got his mind wiped. She looked up at the guard in fear.
"Go to him." the guard told her gruffly. "Calm him down."
"How?" she squeaked, facing the man with the metal arm.
"We saw how he reacted with you last year. He won't hurt you." She was pushed towards the scary man with the butt of the gun from the gun.
Shakily, she approached the man that was breathing heavily from his mind swipe. His eyes connected with hers like last time, except this time he held an emotion. Confusion.
He was tense, trying to escape out of the chair. When she approached him, he tried harder. Unsure of what to do, she laid a hand on his shoulder where the metal connected with his flesh. Almost immediately he relaxed, confusing the two. They didn't have time to think about it since they were separated, Alexander Pierce approaching the soldier.
"Interesting," Pierce mused, "very interesting." He turned to the guards that held Yurus. "Take her to her room. And give her a cupcake for being a good girl."


For the past year, that was what they did. When the soldier would act out of place, or was struggling, they'd send her in to calm him. At times they would threaten they would harm her if he did not cooperate. Not once did the Winter Soldier disobey.
Yurus held a soft spot in his empty heart. She made him calm, brought him sanity. When she should visit him during those times, holding a cupcake as a reward for being a good girl, she would give it to him. Or when she'd talk to him on and on as if he was someone normal. Her innocence just got to him. It's been a long time since he saw something so pure like her. The Winter Soldier was protective of the little girl, and he wasn't afraid to show it.

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