Garret (Twilight)

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The Other Swan
Annabella 'Anna' Swan arrived to the Cullen house, hopping off her motorcycle. She could see through the windows that the Cullens had company. A lot of company.
   This is good, she thought to herself. More witnesses for Nessie's case.
   Anna quickly walked inside, Jacob quickly meeting her at the staircase. "Hey Jake!" Anna smiled at him. "So everything is going okay?"
    "Yeah," Jacob nodded, walking alongside her, "there's surprisingly a lot of bloodsuckers willing to help us."
   "That's nice." she agreed. She noticed his tense look and the way he was quite close to her. "Um. . .is there something wrong?"
   "Yeah. There's a few red-eyed ones. And the fact that Renesme has a small amount of blood flowing in her, and with me, Leah and Seth being human but having our nasty scent to keep them away. . ." Jacob glanced to her worryingly. "You're the only human in this house that these people can attack."
   "Oh. . ." Realisation dawned on her. Anna was still a human, even though her twin sister got turned. The reason why Anna wasn't turned was because she wasn't really in any harm; she had no lover like Bella does with Edward, so she didn't have to be pulled into this mess.

Except the fact that she knows about vampires and needs to be either killed or turned by the Volturi's rules.

"I'll be fine, Jake. Don't worry." Anna told him assuringly. "You just go and focus on Renesme and the situation at hand."
   "Anna," he looked at her seriously, "as a shifter, it is our duty to protect the humans from the cold ones. I need to look after you not only because you're my friend, but because it's in my blood to protect humans."
   "Got it." she nodded. "I promise I'll be near you or the Cullens during the whole time."
   "Okay." Jacob nodded reluctantly, the two finally reaching the living room where everyone was gathered. And Jacob wasn't wrong.

There were a lot of red-eyed vampires.

Anna went to Bella and gave her a hug, well aware that Jacob followed her with Renesme in his arms as well as Edward and the other Cullens. The vampires that didn't know her watched on warily. "Guys," Edward started, "this is my sister-in-law, Annabella Swan. You can just call her Anna."
   "She's still human." Carmen, a member of the Denali coven, spoke up.
   "Yeah," he nodded sheepishly, "so if it isn't any trouble. . ."
   "Don't worry, we won't harm her." A man stepped forward. "I know I won't."
   Anna took in the sight of the red-eyed vampire. He had dark messy brown hair that went to his chin, as well as a beard and moustache on his face that contrasted against his pale skin and gleaming red eyes. His form was tall and you could see muscles in his arms and the way his long-sleeved shirt clung onto him like a second skin. For some reason, Anna felt oddly at peace instead of feeling threatened towards the vampire.
   "I am Garret," he smiled a charming smile at her, holding a hand out, "at your family's service."
   "Anna." she barely got out, grabbing his hand. Her breath was taken away from her when he lifted her hand to his face, placing a chaste kiss to her knuckles.
   "Alright, alright," Emmett stepped in, smirking, "enough flirting."
   Everyone laughed at his words. Even though Bella found it amusing, she was still a bit wary about her twin sister being close to a vampire that drank humans instead of animals. But no matter, it seemed Garret wasn't going to harm her. The two sat on the sofa together, deep in conversation about something. It seemed they were enjoying each other's company already.
   "Relax," Edward murmured into his wife's ear, "Garret is trustworthy. He won't hurt her."


Days passed, and Anna and Garret were closer than ever. When you see Anna, Garret would be close. When you see Garret, you'd see Anna with him. Two peas in a pod.
   "Man, just ask her out already!" Emmett had complained to him one day - a day when for once, Garret wasn't near Anna and he was instead inside the house while she was outside. Garret choked on his unneeded breath, staring at him in disbelief.
   "What on earth are you on about?"
   "Oh don't pull that on me." Emmett smirked. "I've seen the way you look at her. Ask her out!"
   "No, I. . ." his eyes flitted to Anna, who was outside on the out borders of the forest playing with Renesme. "I don't like her that way."
   "Sure, sure." Emmett rolled his eyes.
   "Can't lie to a mind reader." Edward suddenly appeared, joining Emmett's side. They stood at the balcony, watching over the people outside. "You're confused, I get it. I had similar thoughts when it came to Bella."
   "Don't tell me that if we get together we'd have to go through what you and Bella have, do we?" Garret asked them warily. Emmett guffawed at his question, while Edward rolled his eyes.
   "Just tell her." Edward told him. "And don't worry, you won't go through what Bella and I are going through. We'll tell you what not to do."
   "Thanks." Garret said reluctantly. He turned to Anna and breathed out a sigh. "Wish me luck."


Anna and Renesme watched Benjamin control the leaves to make a small tornado on his hand, giggling when he moved it onto theirs.
   "Marvellous, isn't it?" Garret murmured from beside Anna. Anna gasped, accidentally clenching her fist and making the tornado disappear. Garret raised his hands up in surrender. "I didn't mean to startle you. It's become a habit when going out hunting."
   "You were planning to eat me?" she joked. Garret shook his head with a smile. "What's up?"
   "Would you like to walk with me?" Garret offered. Anna smiled when he held an arm out for her, looping her arm through his. Together, they walked into the forest talking and laughing, forgetting the problem at hand with the Volturi and all.
   They reached a stream where they sat near, playing with the water with their hands. "Do you want to become a vampire?" Garret asked her suddenly. Anna stilled her hand, frowning down at her reflection. "Because even if we win our case, they'd still need an answer from you since you know about us."
   "I. . ." she sighed, running her hand through the water again. "I don't know. Maybe. But why should I live on while my friends and family whither away to dust? I don't have anyone to be with. My sister was lucky with Edward. But I don't have anyone to love."
   Garret took in her words. "Do you want someone to love?"
   "Yes." she said immediately. "Being around the Cullens, with all of them in a relationship. . .it gets quite lonely."
   "Does anyone know about this? What you're feeling?" Garret asked her in concern. She stayed silent. "Anna, there's something I need to tell you."
   Here it goes, he thought.


Alice watched everyone say their farewells to each other, having successfully won the case about Renesme and Anna. They had questioned why she was still alive when Garret had stood in front of Anna protectively and said that she was going to be turned in time. Alice smiled when she saw her friend finding a mate herself.
   The said couple were standing together, saying their farewell to the Irish coven. Their hands were laced together, Garret standing slightly in front of her as instinct to protect their mate.
   Everything was fine. No more danger, no more Volturi. Bella had her happy ever after. . .

Now it was Anna's turn.

The End

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