Felix Ferne - Part I

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Taking Things For Granted - Part I
"Felix?" she looked around, searching for her friend - and boyfriend. "Felix?" She had heard from her parents about Oscar's incident. How he could no longer walk, how he and Felix were climbing a tree when it happened. . .
"Felix?" She finally saw him sitting by himself underneath a tree - but he wasn't alone. A girl was beside him. Ellen, her name was. A goth girl. A surge of jealousy came to her, but she shoved it down and went to the two. "Felix! Are you okay?"
Felix and Ellen looked up, both standing up. She looked between the two. "A-am I interrupting something?"
"N-no, you're not." Felix gave Ellen a small smile before making his way to her.
"I heard what happened." she looked at her boyfriend sadly. "How are you coping?"
"I'm coping enough." Felix turned to Ellen again. "We should hang out again."
"Sure." Ellen looked to his girlfriend. "If that's okay with your girlfriend."
"Um, sure." she answered uneasily.
"Great!" Felix grinned. "She's helping me a lot with Oscar's situation."

Unknowingly, that sent a huge wave of pain to her chest at his words.

She faked a smile, nodding. "That's wonderful." she uttered out. It's not like I'm offended or anything, she thought to herself. You know, being your girlfriend and all.

That, was the start of pain and suffering for Ava Evergreen.


After that, Felix hung out more with Ellen, and that hurt Ava. It was like Felix liked her instead of his own girlfriend. They had known each other since they were little, and eventually they got together.
But sadly, Ava expected him to lose interest in her. They were opposites; he was a goth, she wasn't. But Ellen was. Ava was popular, Ellen wasn't. And Felix wasn't. Just those two facts showed that he and Ellen were perfect for each other. They liked the same things, knew what the other meant - they were just. . .perfect together.

That's why, Ava decided to breakup with him.

And you know what killed her?

The fact that he didn't mind.

"Okay," Felix said, his eyes trailing to Ellen who was waiting impatiently from a distance, "if that's what you want." They were underneath the breakup tree, Felix sitting on the bench. It was official, he moved on.
Blinking away tears, she looked to him one last time. "Goodbye, Felix."
And just like that, she lost her first friend, her first best friend, her first and last lover.


They entered the alternate universe version of Bremin High, all of them dreading the day - apart from Sam, who seemed to be excited.

Probably because he was popular back at home and he had Mia.

During the day, the boys had separated at different places at school, all with their own missions; Jake trying to fit in, Sam trying to convince Mia, Andy trying to find books on wormholes - only to get distracted by girly Ellen.

And Felix hated that.

So, he went to find Oscar instead. His brother, that was able to walk.
When he found Oscar in an abandoned classroom, he didn't expect to see someone with him. More specifically. . .

Ava Evergreen.

But it wasn't the Ava Felix knew, she was different. Way different.
She wasn't hanging out with the popular, for starters. She was with his brother. What stood out the most was her outfit. It wasn't bright or girly, it was. . .

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