Felix Ferne

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Someone To Talk To
"Alright, everyone!" Bates called out to the noisy class. "Come on, guys! Attention!" The class slowly stopped their talks, and faced the teacher. Felix turned away from his and Ellen's argument, Ellen huffing in frustration and anger. Felix ignored her, facing the front.
   "Now, I know this may come as a surprise with what recently happened, with boys going missing and all. . ." All attention went to the four boys; Felix rolling his eyes, Sam smirking, Andy looking away embarrassed, and Jake staring straight ahead. "So adding to our mix, we have a new girl!"
   Jake tensed, his mind flicking back to Saskia. "In you come, Rosabelle!"
   A girl walked in, wearing the school uniform along with her own fashion blending in. She wore white tights underneath her skirt, her hair in two plaits surrounding her face - her being just yelling out happiness and innocence.
   Ellen snorted at the sight of her, but instead of joining her, Felix stared at the girl intrigued. Sure she was totally different from him and Ellen, but something drew her to him.
   "Everyone, this is Rosabelle Mary. She came from London." Bates told them. He seemed impressed from where she came from. Ellen scoffed at his words.
   "Ooh, a pommy." she mumbled sarcastically.
   "Just lay off it, will ya?" Felix said annoyed. She sent him an offended look.
   "Okay, relax, jeez!" she scoffed. Felix ignored her.
   "Before we begin class, anyone want to give her a tour?"
   "I will." Felix found himself raising his hand. Everyone stared at him surprised - even he was surprised at his actions. "I-I'll give her the tour?"
   "Are you serious?" Ellen hissed. Felix gave her a look. "This is ridiculous. . ."
   "Felix! Wow!" Bates stared at him surprised. "Okay then! After class you can give Rosabelle the grand tour." Bates motioned to the empty desk in front of him. "You can just take this seat, Miss Mary."


"Why are you giving girly-girl a tour around the school?"
   "I don't know."
   "What do you mean you 'don't know'? You raised your hand up and volunteered -"
   "I don't know, okay?" he turned to her in annoyance. "I don't know why I did it."
   "You can always back away from it -"
   "No, I'm doing it." Felix started making his way out used to meet up with the new girl.
   "Why?" she demanded. "For God's sake, Felix -!"
   "Ellen, please." he turned back to her again. "I am getting sick of our petty arguments. I need -" he sighed, ruffling his hair, "-I need some time to myself."
   Ellen's face dropped. "What, you're breaking up with me?" she demanded. Felix looked away, shrugging. "Felix. . ."
   "I. . .should go." Felix muttered, backing away from her. "I need to give the new girl a tour." He glanced back at her one last time. "Bye, Ellen."


"So this is what they call the Breaking-Up Tree." Felix nodded to the large tree with a bench, a bored look on his face. They stood at a distance, watching a couple break up. "This is where couples break up."
   "Well. . ." she stared at the area surprised. "What a. . .lovely area."
   "Mhh. . ." he agreed absently. His mind went back to Ellen. "Well, mostly that's where couples break up. My relationship ended at the entrance of the school." Felix sighed. "A couple of minutes ago."
   "Oh. . ." she stared at him sympathetically. "I'm sorry."
   "There's nothing for you to be sorry about. Just -" he stared at her for a moment before looking away. "-leave it."
   He started walking away. "You know," Rosabelle ran to catch up with him, "people say it's nice to talk about it."
   "Really?" he asked sarcastically. "Gee, I didn't know that." His pace started going faster.
   "Well," she struggled to meet his pace, "do you wanna talk about it?"
   "No." he said in a clipped tone. "Can we just get the tour over and done with? And then I can get away from you."
   "Get away from me?" she repeated. She stopped walking. "If you wanted to get away from me, then why did you volunteer to give me the tour?"
   Felix stopped in his tracks, back still turned to her. "I don't know." he said quietly. His hold on the bag strap tightened in his hands. "I don't know why. . .I volunteered. I don't know why. . ."
   "It's okay," she assured him, "I can help you, you know. If you ever want someone to talk to. . ."
   "Thanks, but. . ." Felix turned  to her and gave a small smile that was obviously fake. "I don't need to talk about these. . .things. . ."
   "Okay, well. . ." she gave him a weak smile. "If you ever want to talk. . ."
   "I'll go to you." he finished. They shared a small smile. "Well. . ." Felix cleared his throat. "This is the end of the grand tour."
   "Thanks for the tour." The bell rang for the next class to begin. "I'll see you around."
   "Yeah," he watched her walk away, "see you."

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