Sebastian Stan

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Question and Answer
"And finally, please welcome Sebastian Stan and Linda Parker!"
The crowd cheered and clapped at our entrance, the both of us waving at the large audience with flashes blinding us all. We went to the rest of the cast, giving each other hugs and greetings.
We all sat down in our respective seats, getting comfortable for the long hours. Our host spoke about Captain America: Civil War momentarily for the fans, and asked us how we were doing before explaining what was going to happen this session.
"So basically you all are going to line up in a line on either side of the room, if you want to ask a question." he explained. "And then the lovely Avengers -slash villain- will answer the questions. Away you go, people!"
Watching the people hurry to the lines amazed me a bit. I'm surprised none of them got trampled or seriously injured. Sebastian murmured into my ear the exact thoughts I was having making us laugh. Soon enough, the first question was being asked.
"Hi," a woman said giddily, "I was wondering how long Sebastian and Linda have been going out with each other?"
"Sebinda Starker!" Anthony Mackie yelled out, him, the audience, and the rest of the cast cheering at our ship name. Sebastian rolled his eyes, sending me a smile.
"We have been going out for two years, now." Sebastian said onto the mic. "Three years in two weeks." Everyone 'awed' at the fact that he remembered. I smiled at him in adoration for that.
"So cute!" Elizabeth Olsen sighed.


"When was the last time you all had sex?" a man asked us.
"Well. . ." Sebastian started.
"Sebastian, don't even finish that sentence."
"Damn, you're getting it!" Mackie laughed. "If Linda says to not answer it, then that means you either: had it recently -or even yesterday or today- or you all haven't had any in a long time. And seeing both of you looking sexy as, I'm going with the former."
"Are you sure you're not Sherlock Holmes?" Robert Downey Jr joked.
"Men. . ." the girls and I sighed.
"But have you seen Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock?" I perked up. The female fans squealed with me, Sebastian face palming at me.


"When are you two getting married?" a girl asked us.
"We're actually getting married a week after our three year anniversary." I admitted. The crowd cheered in excitement. "I know, the wedding is so soon no one can wait for it!"
"The fact that you are so close to becoming Linda Stan kills me." Sebastian moaned, resting his head on my shoulder in mock pain. "Can't we just wing it and just elope? Right now? Have everyone here a witness or something?" Everyone agreed to the idea.
"No, and you know it. Our mothers will kill us if they miss the wedding, along with other friends and family."
"You're right." he sighed.


"What movie is your favourite that features Sebastian?" a girl asked me.
"The Bronze." I said immediately. Sebastian hid his face in embarrassment in his arms, everyone laughing loudly at my answer. "I mean, come on guys! He was so hot in that film - and that sex scene! Man, imagine having that in the room. . ."
"Linda there are innocent ears out there!" Sebastian scolded, his face a blushing tomato. "I mean, Tom Holland is here! A child, remember!"
"I'm not a child!" Tom protested from a couple seats down.
"You just said before that Sebastian and I were your adopted parents." I pointed out. "So shush or else you're grounded."
"Mum!" some fans yelled out. "Can you be our Mum?"
"Sebastian be our Dad!"
"Look what you started." Sebastian sighed. "We won't have enough room in our house to adopt all of them!" The crowd flipped.


"Do you support Stucky?"
"All the way." I said immediately. "Sorry to those Stony fans out there. Your heart is going to get crushed when you watch Civil War."
"I support Stucky as well!" Chris Evans exclaimed happily. They turned to Sebastian.
"I support Sebinda." he shrugged innocently.
"You really want to get laid tonight." Robert joked.


"What scenes were the hardest to film during Civil War?"
"Probably when I had to be the Winter Soldier and I started to fight with Linda's character." Sebastian admitted thoughtfully. "It was quite scary to fight with the person you love physically, you know?"
"Remember that take when Linda pretended to cry and you flipped?" Scarlett Johansson snickered. The cast and I laughed at the memory while Sebastian shivered.
"So in one of the scenes Bucky turns back into the Winter Soldier, so he's fighting his way out of confinement and during that he has to fight off people which included my character, ex-HYDRA assassin that turned good." I explained to the audience. "My character and Sebastian's fight during his attempt to escape, and in one of the scenes he throws me to a wall." They gasped at what I said. "So when that scene came, Anthony gave me the idea to pretend to be hurt when Sebastian throws me so I did. And -"
"I went full on panic-crazy mode." Sebastian interrupted. "I really thought I harmed her. I broke out of character, and I ran towards her. It was really scary and looked very real. And then when I found out she was joking -" Sebastian looked beside him on his right to Mackie. "You gave her the idea?"
"You're only just realising that?"
"Dude! I was so scared when that happened! Don't do that again!"
"She's fine!" Anthony shrugged. "I don't think anyone would let Linda get harmed on set. She's too adorable and innocent."
"That's true." Sebastian admitted.
"I am not adorable!" I pouted. Everyone 'awed' at my pout.
"You're so adorable." Sebastian sighed dreamily. Renner spoke up, ruining the moment - for Sebastian.
"That's not the only scene that was hard for you." Renner pointed out. "Remember that scene where Linda's character and Mackie's flirt with one another?"
"That's right!" I gasped. "You were so jealous!"
"No I wasn't!" Sebastian refused, avoiding eye contact. Anthony laughed along me and the others, giving Sebastian a side hug.
"You're so adorable." Anthony cooed.
"Shut up. I'm still mad at you for making me think Linda was injured - and now that you mention it, I'm mad at you for flirting with my fiancée."
"Burn!" Robert and Chris yelled.


"Hello!" a little girl greeted happily. We all sat up straighter at the sight of the small girl, giving her a smile.
"Hey, sweetie!" Scarlett cooed. "What's your question for us?"
"Why was Tony being mean to Bucky?" Everyone 'awed' at how innocent she was. We turned to Sebastian for his answer.
"Because. . .Bucky did something bad to Tony's parents that can't be fixed." Sebastian explained to the small girl slowly. "Bucky thought back then what he was doing was right for the world because the bad guys told him so. It wasn't until the last minute did he realise what he was doing was bad, and the bad people weren't good but bad, and because of that it made Tony upset."
"Aw. . ." she frowned. "Did Bucky say he was sorry?"
"Yes, he did." Sebastian nodded. "He's sorry for all the bad things he did."
"I hope Tony forgives him."
"So do I, sweet pea."
"Aw, that was so adorable!" I cooed, feeling emotional. "Sebastian!"
"We gotta have a baby!"
"What?" he choked on his breath, everyone staring at me in surprise. I took no notice of their looks, giving Sebastian a smile.
"Yeah! I mean, did you not just see that? She was so adorable and the way you spoke with her - can you imagine what you would be like if the child was your own? Man, you would be the best Dad ever."
"You want to have kids with me?" he asked in surprise. "We never spoke about having kids before, Linda."
"And I'm saying now, let's have kids!" I told him. "Come on, please? It doesn't have to be now it can be after the wedding, or -"
"Linds," he grabbed my hands, giving me a gentle smile, "of course I want to have kids with you."
"Really?" I beamed.
"Really." he confirmed. "Let's talk about this later, okay? When the panel is over."
"Okay. I love you, Sebastian."
"And I love you, Linda soon-to-be Stan."
"OTP!" Anthony yelled, everyone screaming out their agreement.

The End

One-shots/Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora