Avengers: Age of Ultron - Alternate Universe Travelling

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Okay, I think it is pretty clear by now that I am not an ordinary teenager that lives a normal life of fangirling over films and hot celebrities.

I am not an ordinary teenager.


Because I freaking travel through different universes.

I have seen things in person I never expected to see in person. I have met people I didn't know I could even meet. I met people who I looked up to. I have experienced pain that no fan should experience when hanging around people you know their fate. I have been in the Avengers, Captain America: Civil War, BBC Sherlock - wait. . .

How come I didn't go to Age of Ultron?

Or Iron Man?

Captain America: The First Avenger?


Oh man, if it is what I think it is. . .

"Oh great!" I cried out, throwing my hands up in the air. The portal in front of me stared at me almost mockingly. "Again? Just when I visited the BBC world when I meet Mary just before shit goes to hell for her? Come on, man! It's only been two weeks!"
Nonetheless, I approached the portal, despite the fact I was in the middle of watching Ricki and The Flash. Ooh, I wonder if I get to go in that world. . .nah, it wouldn't be interesting. The Bronze, however. . .


"Oof!" Looking up at the clear blue sky, I couldn't help but notice the area looked familiar. Sitting up, I was met face to face with a farm house. A familiar farm house. . .


I'm at Clint's farmhouse.

With a sigh, I slowly went to my feet and started walking up the front porch. Reluctantly, I knocked on the door, hearing the kids in the house quieten at the sound of my arrival. "I ain't some creepy person or anything." I grumbled.
The door opened, revealing Laura in all her glory. Heavily pregnant. "Uh, hey. . ."
"Can I help you, sweetie?" she asked me concerned.
"Yeah, uh. . ." I looked around awkwardly, scratching the back of my head. "Um. . .I'm a friend of Clint and the Avengers. You may know me -or not- but I'm from another universe -"
"Oh! I know who you are now!" she exclaimed happily. "Mary Holly, right?"
"Yeah." I slumped in relief. "I happened to have one of my random travels just now. Any chance I can stay here for a while until I get my life sorted?"
"Not at all." She stepped to the side. "Welcome to our home."
"Thanks. It's nice and cozy." I looked to her stomach momentarily. "Congrats on the baby boy."
"How did you -?" Laura stared at me surprised. "Wow you really are from another universe."
"Yep." I started gently kicking away the Lego blocks that Thor would crush. "I also happen to know what the baby's name is as well. Very nice. And sad. But nice."
"Hm? Oh! Your son's middle name is named after a new hero that dies soon. Spoilers."
Before the chat could continue, the sound of a jet landing could be heard from outside. "Is that them now?"
"Oh right," I looked to her sheepishly. "All of the Avengers are here. They got hit pretty bad. You might wanna start setting up the rooms and such."
"I'll get right on that." Laura walked away - well, waddled.
I sat on the sofa with one of the children's books, pretending to read it. I heard the door open, followed by heavy footsteps. "Honey? I'm home!"
"Well about time." I spoke up, startling them. "Took your time."
"Mary!" they all exclaimed.
"How -"
"Had one of my random travels again." I explained, approaching them. "Landed me here and I immediately knew who you guys were up against."
"Ultron." Tony mumbled. I nodded.
"Yeah - on the bright side it's not the comic version where more of you guys die, so. . ."
Laura finally arrived, smiling when she saw Clint. "Here we go." I said to myself, watching the rest of the team's reaction to Laura and the kids. "I'm going to go and just chill in the barn."

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