BBC Sherlock/Doctor Who crossover

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The Time Travellers
Young Sherlock Holmes sat underneath an oak tree at his school, watching the other kids play around, deducing them while he was at it. No one likes talking to him or playing with him; they thought of him too weird and smart for someone so young. They found it creepy when he would tell them something that was true but never told anyone about.
While sitting alone, footsteps could be heard coming towards him from his right. He turned to the sound and saw a woman towering over him. From his angle, it looked like she was an angel with the sun reflecting on her brown wavy hair that went to her waist. She held a small genuine smile, her brown eyes shining with curiosity and concern. Sherlock may not believe in God, but at that moment she looked like an angel from heaven. It was quite weird, considering she was an adult and he was just a child.
"Why are you all alone, little one?" she had asked him quietly in her low, kind voice. Sherlock looked down at the ground with a blush.
"I don't have any friends." he admitted quietly. "They think I am weird and too smart for my own good."
"Really?" she asked curiously. She pointed to the ground beside him. "Mind if I sit here?"
"Go right ahead, Miss." he told her. After sitting down beside him, making sure the white sundress she wore didn't show anything, she turned to him with the same small genuine smile.
"Too smart for your own age, eh?" she mused. "Mind elaborating on that for me?"
"I can store stuff in my mind," Sherlock pointed to his temple, "I remember them. Whenever we're doing a test, I just go into my mind and find it."
"Really? That's amazing." she complimented. "So you have a Mind Palace, then?"
"A what?"
"A Mind Palace!" she exclaimed. "You know, your imaginary place in your mind. You create a place in your mind, with rooms full of information. You store different information in a room, cleaning and sorting your mind. It helps really well."
"Hmm. . ." Sherlock hummed. "How do you make one?"
"Quite easy, see -"
"Rosie!" The two turned at the sound of a man's voice. He had brown floppy hair that fell to his forehead, brown eyes gleaming with urgency. He wore a tweed jacket, and a red bowtie that Sherlock found strange but fitting.
"Yes, Doctor?" the woman -Rosie- asked him. When 'Doctor' finally reached the two, he was breathing heavily from the run, but his eyes still held the urgency.
"We gotta go," he rushed out, "I just found the location to the -"
"Okay, on my way." she stood up. She turned back to Sherlock and gave him a small smile. "I'll see you later, yeah? I promise to show you how to make a Mind Palace."
"Okay." Sherlock nodded. Rosie grinned at him.
"See you later!"
"Bye, Rosie!"


Years later. . .
Sherlock slammed the door to his university dorm, frustrated at Sebastian Wilkes' behaviour. Sherlock had deduced him, deduced that he had a one-night-stand, only for him to get teased and bullied about it, his deductions claimed as a trick. Sherlock hated the feeling of people not believing him. The only people that believed him were them. . .
"Whoa, what's wrong with you?" Sherlock jumped at the sound of the Doctor's voice.
"Doctor!" Sherlock grumbled. "You know I don't like it when you come into my dorm without telling."
"In my defence, it wasn't my idea this time." Doctor raised his hands in surrender.
"It was mine!" Sherlock turned to see Rosie at his desk, reading through his small journal of his small experiments in Chemistry. "Clostridium Botulism. . .very fascinating."
"What are you two doing here?" Sherlock asked them, collapsing on his bed with a sigh. "Not that I'm complaining or anything. . ."
"We decided to swing by, see how you were doing." Doctor shrugged. He narrowed his eyes at Sherlock suspiciously. "However, that door slam says otherwise. . ."
"It's nothing." Sherlock waved off. "Just a person from university being annoying."
"Sebastian Wilkes?" Rosie asked without looking up from the journal.
"Sorry - who?" Doctor looked at them confused. "How come I don't know this person?"
"You were off saving the world by yourself once when you accidentally left me alone here." Rosie rolled her eyes. "Sherlock spoke about Sebastian when that guy saw me hanging out with him."
"He's been trying to get me to tell him who you are." Sherlock huffed. "Honestly, if I was stupid, I would have thought he was a rabbit."
"Someone tried to flirt with my little sister?" Doctor grimaced. "Gross."
"Tell me about it." Rosie groaned. "Took everything in me not to insult him or anything."
"I instead did it for her." Sherlock shrugged. The Doctor laughed followed by the other two, finding it ridiculously funny.
"Ah, if I allowed anyone to date my sister, it would have to be you, Sherlock." Doctor suddenly told them. "You're the only other person I would trust my sister's life with."


Years later. . .
Sherlock sat on the bench at a park all by himself, back straight and hands resting on his lap. He was watching people walk by, kids playing around; deducing them as they went. He was dimly aware of someone sitting beside him.
"You know, this reminds me from when you were just a small child, and Rosie had came to keep you company." Sherlock turned at the sound of the Doctor's voice. He stared at him surprised for a bit, before turning back to his stoic expression, turning to face the front again.
"I deleted that memory." Sherlock lied. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Why would you delete the memory of meeting the love of your life for the first time?" Doctor gave him a look that clearly said he didn't believe it. Sherlock ignored him. "Look, it's for the best -"
"No it isn't." Sherlock said sharply.
"Yes it is and you know it." Doctor glared at him. "You know how many enemies we have, out of the two of us she was more in danger, being a female and all. With her, they'd be able to create any hybrid powerful enough to rule over the world."
"She doesn't deserve this." Sherlock whispered out, in an attempt to hide the crack in his voice. "Why did she have to forget about me? About you?"
"It's for the best." Doctor sighed sadly, wiping his face tiredly. "She needed her memory erased and her alien genes gone. I've done it before, it's okay as long as she has you to look out for her."
"It's not that easy -"
"It is, actually." Doctor told him softly. "Talk to her. Become her friend. Make her fall in love with you again." Doctor grabbed out a piece of paper from his pocket, reading it through. Sherlock stared at it curiously.
"What's that?"
"It's a piece of her diary that I stole." Doctor admitted with a small chuckle. "Well. . .it's actually kind of like a letter of some sort for you. It's about her love for you. I read it to remind me why I save the world, why people fall in love. . .I've been meaning to give this to you. Just never really got the time to."
"She wrote about me?" Sherlock stared at the paper surprised.
"Yeah, here -" Doctor handed him the letter. "You can read it if you want. It was sort of for you."

Sherlock Holmes.
William Sherlock Scott Holmes.
The man I fell in love with.
The human.
The man with 'no emotions'.
I remember the first time I saw him that day when he was a child. . .
So alone, sad. . .
No child should experience that sort of pain.
I remember thinking I needed to go travel in time to see an older him, see how much he grown. I couldn't wait patiently.
He was a beautiful, handsome man. His dark, curly hair. His changing eyes from green to blue. . .
His pale complexion and slim form, his cheekbones. . .
He was the definition of perfect.
He may have had a harsh life with all the bullying from students and when his brother made him think he was stupid, but to me? He was perfect.
The way he stared at his surroundings with thoughtfulness and awareness, how his eyes lightened up when talking about something he enjoys. . .
Everything about him was perfect.
He may have been cold and cruel to others, but luckily I got to see another side of him.
The wonderful, loving side of him.
That will forever be cherished in my heart until the day I die, and I will love him forever.
Sherlock, if you are reading this:
1.) You are a fool to read a girl's diary
2.) If Doctor had this before you, then both of you were fools
3.) Just know, that I love you a lot. No one will ever replace you.

If anything happens to me, I would want you to find me, look after me - make me fall in love with you again if something bad happened.
I love you. Don't ever forget that.
Sentiment is not on the losing side, it is on the winning side, because it helps you. People that care about you help you, give you motivation to succeed. So I want you to do something for me.
Continue on with life.
Don't forget who you are, don't change just because of somebody, and just know that I will always love you.

"I need to find her." Sherlock stood up. "I need to find her and get her to fall in love with me again -"
"Then go!" Doctor encouraged him. "Go and get happiness! Remember, sentiment is motivation to give you courage, to succeed! You're the only one who can protect her now. If I keep visiting her, our enemies will notice and get her. Please, do this for me and look after my baby sister."
Sherlock placed a hand on Doctor's shoulder, looking into his desperate sad eyes. "I give you my word that she will be protected." Sherlock vowed. Doctor gave him a watery smile, giving him a quick hug and handshake.
"Go," Doctor told him, "she needs you."
Sherlock gave him one last smile before running away, pulling out his phone to contact his Homeless Network. He needed to find Rosie. The human Rosie. He needed her to fall in love with him again like she told him in the letter. He needed his motivation back, his love. "I'm coming, Rosie." Sherlock whispered.

The End

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