Pietro Maximoff

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The Girl Who Gave Him Life
They thought it was the end for him. That he was dead. It was too late for him to be saved.
   Wanda thought she lost her last family member - her twin brother, for that matter. She thought she was all alone after that. No one to help pass down the name of Maximoffs, her father and twin no longer there to walk her down the aisle - if she ever gets married. She thought she had no one.
   But the thing was, they were wrong. Pietro could still be saved.

And it all depended on one woman.


A sudden knock from the Avengers base got them all on alert.
   They were preparing for the private funeral for Pietro, and in no way did they want any visitors. But they were surprised when it was just an average-looking woman.
   Her brown locks were in a messy bun, wearing a plaid shirt and ripped jeans with boots. Her dark brown eyes looked at them nervously, her hands fiddling with themselves.
   "Uh," Tony broke the silence, "hey. . ."
   "Who are you?" Wanda asked tensely.
   "I'm a friend of Doctor Banner's -"
   "Bruce?" Natasha perked up in curiosity. "What about him?"
   "If you're looking for Banner he's not here -" Steve started to say.
   "Um, he told me to come here for you guys." She looked at them sheepishly. "Someone died?"
   "What do you want with Pietro?" Wanda narrowed her eyes at her dangerously. Vision planted a hand on her shoulder, telling her to calm down.

"I can bring the dead to life."


"So. . ." Tony rocked on his heels. "How does it work?"
   "I convert my powers on to them and bring them to life."
   "That's it?"
   "Just by a magical touch?"
   "Technically there's more to it but yes. That is about it."
   "How -"
   "Stark." Wanda glared at him. "Just let her do it."
   "Can you bring anyone back to life?" Steve asked curiously.
   "Only fresh bodies. People who have died long ago? No." She looked down at Pietro's peaceful form. "He looks so peaceful." she murmured. "He had an eventful life."
   "How do you know?" Natasha asked curiously.
   "When giving them life, I can see their past. It helps me see if they are worthy of living."
   "Is Pietro?" Wanda asked hopefully.
   "Of course." She brushed a loose strand of silver hair away from his face. "Let's proceed."
   Cupping his face in her hands, she leaned down, pressing her lips to his forehead. "I give you life." she whispered into the air, wisps of gold starting to surround Pietro.
   At first they went to his wounds, healing them. Next, it went inside him to make him look healthy and alive again. And then they went to his heart.
   Pietro took an intake of breath, eyes fluttering open. Wanda covered her mouth with her hand in shock, leaning on Vision for support at the sight of her brother alive again. The others were amazed at what they just witnessed.
   Pietro took deep breaths, looking around quickly, eventually stopping his gaze on the woman that brought him back to life. Pietro stared at her curiously, lifting a hand to her face and gently caressing it.
   "I saw you. . ." he murmured. "In my head. . .you were leading me to the light. To. . .to live."
   "Welcome back to the Land of the Living, Pietro Maximoff." she said with a small smile on her face. Unknowingly to her, she was an angel to Pietro; the first thing he saw when reawakening. And he fell in love instantly.


"You love her, don't you." Wanda stated, watching as her brother stared after their new member of the team dreamily. "Why don't you just tell her?"
   "What? Tell who? I don't know what you're talking about." Pietro stumbled. Wanda face palmed at his reply.
   Ever since Irene brought Pietro back to life, she has been accepted to the team; especially by Pietro. Ever since he woke up, he hung out with his Angel, talking to her and spending time with her. Sure he spent most of his time reuniting with his sister, but he also wanted to spend time with the woman that gave him life.
   "Pietro, just tell her. Ask her out." Wanda pushed. "I read her mind. She likes you too -"
   "Wanda!" Pietro scolded.
   "I was curious!" she defended. "I only did it for you." Pietro softened his gaze on her.
   "I know." He brought her into a hug. "I love you, little sister."
   "Love you too, you annoying brother." She shoved him away from her and towards Irene. "Now hurry up and ask her out as a sorry gifts for me for dying."


One year later. . .
"And so you, Irene Mason, take Pietro Maximoff as your lawfully wedded husband?"
   "I do." Irene smiled at Pietro lovingly.
   "By the power in me and the nine realms, I pronounce you husband, and wife. You may now kiss the -" Thor stopped, seeing Pietro already kissing Irene. "-wife."
   The people in the church clapped and cheered for the two, Wanda being one of the few that were the loudest. "One step closer to being old!" Pietro faintly heard his sister say.
   They pulled away breathlessly with wide grins on their faces, facing the crowd. The Avengers were present, along with Clint's family, Rhodey, Pepper, Jane Foster and her friend Darcy, Fury (hiding in the shadows), Bucky (also hiding in the shadows, curious about the people Steve hung around) and so much more. There was also a small crowd outside by the civilians, wanting to see their heroes bounded together by love.
   "I love you, Irene Maximoff." Pietro breathed out, kissing the tip of her nose lightly.
   "And I love you, Pietro Maximoff." She smiled at him lovingly. "The boy I brought to life."
   "The girl who have me life."

The End

A/N: Didn't really know how to end it -_- ...

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