Finnick Odair - Part II

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"Love is weird" - Part II
"Finnick!" Louisa yelled, banging on the forcefield. "Finnick!"
Said man was yelling back at her, though it was muted. He stared at her with so much pain and suffering, it made her cry. She could see what he was saying; he was yelling out her name and was also crying for help. She placed her hand where his was against the forcefield, trying to tell him it was okay.
"It will be over soon," she choked out, "just hang on. Please, Finnick. Hang on."


Katniss watched as Finnick sat next to Louisa in the water, nuzzling his face into her neck. He truly loved her. He never left her side after the Jabberjay hour.
Katniss turned to Johanna who was sitting beside her. "What's Finnick's story?" Katniss asked her, since he and Johanna were good friends.
"Finnick?" Johanna flicked her eyes over to the man before staring into the distance again. "He won the games at the age of fourteen. His family were killed, and he only had Mags and Annie left. They were family to him; Annie is like a little sister to him, Mags was like a mother. That's his only family - well, if you count Louisa. . ."
"How did they meet?" Katniss asked curiously. "When did they fall in love?"
"Finnick met Louisa during her Victory Tour." Johanna explained, watching the couple. Finnick had his arms wrapped around Louisa, holding on tight to her. "She won the 69th games, to be specific. They were eighteen, so Finnick obviously wanted to speak with someone who was his age after hanging out with old people. They kept contact, visited each other. . .fell in love. . ." Johanna absentmindedly threw her axe in the sand, before picking it up again and repeating the process. "Finnick loves her. A lot. They both saved each other after the games. They'd do anything for each other. It crushed him when he found out she was reaped into the game. Mags called, and I could hear Finnick screaming bloody murder down the line. He was that crushed." Johanna glanced to the couple with a sad sigh. "Love is weird."


Knot, unravel. Knot, unravel. Knot, unravel. . .

Finnick focussed on the rope in his hands, desperate for a distraction from the nightmare called life. He hated it. He hated how he was rescued, but Louisa wasn't. He hated how he was rescued but Peeta wasn't. Or Johanna. Or Louisa. . .
He felt like the world was falling apart when they told him Snow had Louisa. He couldn't bear the thought of her being tortured in wherever she was being held at, he hated how he was somewhere safe, but she wasn't. And because of that, Finnick was claimed mentally unhealthy. His mind was all over the place, and he felt dead. People had to repeat themselves a couple of times for the words to click in his mind. He didn't want to eat, he didn't want to sleep because of the nightmares. He wanted to die. But he couldn't, because he couldn't leave Louisa alone in the Capitol. He decided that if he gets news about her being dead, he would follow close behind.
"Finnick. . ." Finnick looked up from the rope and saw Katniss standing in front of him. She motioned to the spot beside him in the bunker. The area shook when a bomb landed somewhere above them. "Do you mind?"
Finnick moved over, allowing her space. Another shudder went through the area, causing some people to shriek in fear. Finnick paid no mind to it and continued playing with his rope - rope that was long enough for him to not create a noose. Knot, unravel. Knot, unravel. Knot, unravel. . .
"Everything is going to be okay, Finnick." Katniss told the fragile boy gently. "We will get them back. We'll get Peeta back, and Johanna, and Louisa. . ."
"Louisa. . ." Finnick whispered, halting his hands. His fingers stung from the rope, gaining more blisters. He ignored it, however. "My Louisa. . ." Finnick turned his glassy eyes to Katniss. "I love her." he whispered to her. "I love her so much."
"I know, I know." Katniss nodded.
"I want her safe." he stared in front of him with a distant look on his face. "I want her with me. I want to marry her, start a family with her. . ." He turned back to Katniss. "But Snow is in the way, like always."
Katniss placed a comforting hand on his, while at the same
time pulling the rope away from him. "We'll get her back." she promised the broken man. "We'll get them back, and we will kill Snow."


Haymitch barged into Katniss' room that held her and Finnick, looking puffed out. "They're back." was all he said. In a blink of an eye, Finnick was gone followed closely by Katniss.
She's here, he thought while running down the hallways. She's here, she's here, she's here - oh my God, she's here. . .
Slamming the doors open, his crazed-looking eyes searched for the love of his life. "L-Louisa?" he rasped out. "Louisa!"
"Finnick?" he heard a small voice ask. "Finnick!"
"Louisa!" Finnick yelled, spotting her from across the hospital wing. Louisa ripped whatever medical equipment that was on her, and ran towards Finnick. He met her halfway, Louisa jumping into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist. Finnick cried out in relief and joy, stumbling back to a wall and sliding down against it. He buried his face in her neck, breathing her in and just holding her close to him.
"You're alive, you're safe!" he chanted over and over in her ear. "I love you, I love you, I love you. . ."
"Th-they s-said you were d-dead!" Louisa sobbed into his chest. "Th-they s-said -"
"Shh," he cooed, placing a kiss on her head, "I'm here, I'm here. . ."
"I love you." she whispered, resting her forehead on his. Finnick closed his eyes in bliss. "I love you."
"I love you too." Finnick grinned. "So can you do something for me? Marry me?"
Louisa opened her eyes to stare into his, her eyes brightening up at his proposal, a smile making its way on her face. "Yes." she whispered, pressing another kiss to his lips. "Yes, I'll marry you."
After making sure Johanna was okay, Katniss' attention went to the reuniting couple. She heard Louisa say yes, making her realise what just happened. Finnick proposed to her. Johanna choked out a small laugh. "Love is weird." she told Katniss. "Even after all this, they want to get married."
"They deserve it." Katniss replied, watching as Finnick slowly stumbled to his feet, still holding Louisa in his arms. "They deserve their happiness."

The End

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