Pietro Maximoff

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A/N: Man, it feels like it's been years since I last wrote a Pietro one-shot!

The Other Lab Rat

"I guess love at first sight is real."
-Wanda Maximoff

Across from the Maximoff Twins' glass cells, there was another one. It was the size of their cells combined, and it held more guards than the twins. It was because the person held in that cell was powerful. Important.


Wanda and Pietro were testing out their new powers when their new cell mate came. The person was unconscious, and the guards were carrying her to the bed provided in the cell. For days, the person stayed that way. And it made the twins curious.

Especially Pietro.

"I can't read the person's mind." Wanda told him one day. "It's blank. Nothing."
   "Interesting." Pietro mused. He stood a centimetre away from the glass, trying to get a look at the person. "Who do you think it is? Someone we know?"
   "Would we know someone how has fiery red hair?" Wanda retorted. "I don't recall a red-haired person our age in Sokovia."
   "Maybe -" the person suddenly sat up with a gasp, eyes wide open revealing blood red eyes.

"   "Maybe -" the person suddenly sat up with a gasp, eyes wide open revealing blood red eyes

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Pietro and Wanda stumbled back in shock. "A girl!" Pietro breathed out.
   The girl looked around with panic, her red hair flying around. She looked a sickly pale, her form skinny as if she hadn't eaten for days. It was a sight.
   Pietro turned in the direction of his sister's cell. "Can you -"
   "No." she answered curtly. "Nothing."
   They watched as the girl slowly stood in her feet, wobbling around like a newborn taking its first steps. It intrigued Pietro for some reason. Wanda was just annoyed that she couldn't access her mind.
   The girl finally noticed the two, making her gasp in shock and fall on her bed. Pietro placed a hand on the glass, worry crossing his face. He didn't mean to scare her. "It's okay." he tried to assure her. "I'm not going to hurt you."
   "Ah, Arwen Gomez." Strucker suddenly appeared with guards. "Nice to see you awake after a week of sleep." Arwen's eyes widened in disbelief.
   "A week?" she whispered to herself.
   "Thank you for finally deciding to wake up." Guards came into her room. "Our experiments can now continue -"
   A scream suddenly came out of Arwen's lips when the guards tasered her so she couldn't run away. But the scream wasn't normal; it was very loud and high pitched - the guards fell to the ground with bleeding ears; even Strucker, the twins, and everyone around them held their hands to their ears.

And then the glass broke.

All three of theirs.

Stopping suddenly, Arwen decided to make her leave, jumping over the fallen men. She stared at the twins for a moment, her gaze longer on Pietro's, but then she left in a blur. For some reason it left Pietro breathless.
   "Are you okay?" Wanda asked him.
   "I'm fine." Pietro whispered, still frozen in his spot. "Is it possible to fall in love at first sight?"

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