Bucky Barnes - Part III

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Home - Part III
"For the first couple of years HYDRA tried to get Bucky to kill people." Anastasia explained to them. "But since Bucky was, you know, Bucky, he refused. He didn't want to kill innocent people. And so, I got beaten in front of him for it." She looked to the distance sadly. "I tried to tell him to keep declining, but he wouldn't listen. He did at first, but when they started to slam a hammer on my body -" everyone winced at the pain, "- that's when he gave in. He was trained to the best of his ability - more than what the army gave him - and started to give him small missions. After that, we went into cryo. Years later they developed the memory swipe machinery, so they made him forget about me, and everything back from Brooklyn. Despite that, they still used me against him even though he didn't know who I was."
Everyone was silent for a while. "You've been through so much," Steve mumbled, "talking to Bucky who did not know who you were. That must have been painful."
"It was." Anastasia nodded. "There'd be times when he'd remember me, only to be wiped immediately." Anastasia attempted to hide her sniffles. "I want my Bucky back." she croaked out. "Steve, I want our Bucky back."
"And we will." Steve assured her.


"Winter Soldier's eyes is on us - I repeat, Winter Soldier's eyes is on us." Natasha quickly said into her earpiece beside Wanda. "Now is your chance, Ana."
Anastasia took a deep breath in, walking out of her hiding place in the museum that just so happened to be in the dark room where they played the old videos. She crept behind Bucky who was glaring at the two women, and held on to her hands tightly.
"Bucky?" she called out quietly. His whole form tensed, shoulders hunched up as if ready to fight. "Bucky? It's me, A-Ana."
"Ana?" he rasped out. Slowly, he turned around to see her. Anastasia took an intake of breath through her mouth in an attempt to keep her tears at bay. It's been too long since she last saw each him. Too long.
"Bucky. . ." she breathed out with a grin, a tear slipping down her face. "Y-You're actually here -"
"I should be saying that to you." he looked over her for injuries. "I went back to get you. Memories came to me - about us. I needed to get you out."
"It's okay, I'm okay." Anastasia assured him. "Howard's son found me. I've been okay."
"Help me." Bucky pleaded, breaking her heart. "Help me find myself. Help me find my memories."
"I will, I will." Anastasia approached him slowly, lifting a shaky hand to his face. He tensed at first, before giving in to her touch and leaning his face into her palm. This was the first time in forever he felt at peace. And it was just from a simple touch.
"I'm with you 'till the end of the line." she whispered to him with a sad smile. "Alway-"
"Always." Bucky interrupted her. He gave a shy smile. "I remember you telling me this during the time in HYDRA."
"Come on," she smiled at him gently, grabbing his flesh hand, "let's go home."


One year later. . .
Doctor Helen Cho walked out of the room with a small smile on her face, gaining the attention of the Avengers - and Bucky. "Congratulations, Mister Barnes." she told him gently. "You have a baby girl." Bucky's eyes widened in surprise, the others giving him congratulations.
"Can I see them?" Bucky asked them. "Can I see my girls?"
"Of course," she led him inside, "Anastasia is just relaxing, your daughter will be here soon after we finish cleaning her."
Bucky walked inside the hospital room, his eyes landing on the tired-looking Anastasia. She smiled at him gently, eyes drooping. "A girl." she whispered to him. "We have a beautiful girl."
"You did wonderful, doll." Bucky smiled at her widely, tears welling up in joy. "I am so proud of you. If only I came quicker to be with you -"
"The world needed saving." she waved off, yawning. "The world needed you. If not, our child wouldn't even have a safe life to live in."
"You're right." A nurse walked in, holding a bundle in her arms. Bucky felt a thrill of excitement and nerves enter his system. It was her. It was his daughter in that nurse's arms. This was real. He wasn't dreaming.
"Mister and Mrs Barnes." the nurse smiled at them warmly. "Here is your beautiful daughter." The nurse places the little bundle in Anastasia's arms, letting the couple have some privacy. That was when the waterworks came.
"She's so beautiful." Anastasia sobbed, placing a shaky kiss to the little child's head. "Look, she has your nose."
"She's going to get your hair, look -" Bucky lightly stroked her head. "- she's getting black hair already." Bucky placed a chaste kiss to her temple. "I love you, Anastasia Mary Barnes."
"And I love you, James Buchanan Barnes." She smiled at him lovingly. "You kept your promise, I'm impressed."
"You came back home to me." she smiled at him. "You came back home."
"Huh, I did, didn't I." Bucky mused. He gave her a small kiss, before looking down at the sleeping child in her arms. "I came back home."

The End

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