Legolas - soulmate

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A/N: Man, I haven't done you in a while. . .that sounded really wrong. . .

AU where in order to find your mate you will have a necklace with a crystal hanging from it that will glow brightly and feel warm when you're near your soulmate.

"This is for you." Thranduil handed his son a small pouch. Looking inside it curiously, he felt his breath hitch when he realised what it was.
   Slowly taking it out of the bag, it revealed a crystal tied to some rope - a necklace. But a special one.
   "Is this -?"
   "Your soulmate necklace." Thranduil answered. "The Valar has given it to us last night. You know what that means."
   "My soulmate will be nearby." Legolas murmured. "She is coming."
   "It will glow brightly and will feel warm when you're near." Thranduil explained. "And you will know who your soulmate is when the time comes."
   "Thank you, Ada." Legolas bowed his head quickly.
   "Go now," Thranduil turned his back to him, heading to his throne, "Lord Elrond awaits for you at Rivendell."


He greeted Elrond with a smile and quick hug, his hand quickly going to his chest where his necklace was hidden. Elrond smiled knowingly.
   "The Valar has given you your necklace, I see."
   "Yes." Legolas looked down embarrassed. "I keep fearing I will lose the treasure."
   "Do not worry, heruamin." Elrond assured him. "No one can remove the necklace from you unless it is yourself or your significant other."
   "Thank you, my lord." Legolas said gratefully.
   "Anytime, Legolas." They turned to the full room. "Let the meeting begin."


"Haldir will show you were you will rest." Lady Galadriel told them gently. "But before you leave, there's something I must tell you." The Fellowship waited on curiously. "Gandalf the Grey had an apprentice. Someone he brought under his wing. She will help you in your quest, and she will arrive in a day's time."
   "She?" Aragorn repeated.
   "Is she a witch, my lady?" Pippin asked her curiously. Merry whacked the back of his head.
   "Of course she'd be a witch." Merry hissed quietly to him. "Why else would Gandalf take her in and she'd be helping us on this case?"
   "Yes, Pippin. She is a witch." Galadriel smiled at him gently. "Much like myself, really."
   "Of course she is." her lover scoffed. "She is our daughter after all."
   "Daughter!" they exclaimed.
   "But I thought -" Legolas started confused.
   "We had to send her away when she was born." Galadriel explained to them. "Too much darkness for a little one like her, she needed to be taken away somewhere far away. Where she can learn her magic and grow into a beautiful elleth freely."
   "She's been trained to do something dangerous like this her whole life." Lord Celeborn added. "She is ready."
   "Are you sure?" Aragorn asked them. "I mean. . .she is your daughter. The dangers in this quest - Gandalf. . ."
   "She knew the ring was going to return. She was aware of the dangers and trained. Gandalf has helped her with her magic along with Haldir teaching her combat. She will not be a burden, but a blessing, I assure you." Galadriel explained. She then turned to Legolas, speaking in his mind. "I would keep that necklace safe, if I were you." Legolas' hand flew to his chest like Frodo would do with the ring. The rest of the Fellowship stared at them curiously. "Haldir will take you now."


Legolas laid on the ground near the fire, playing with his necklace that held his future. He was a bit confused with what the Lady of the Light had said. Keep it close? Of course he was keeping it close. But why mention it? How did she even know he got his necklace?
   "Legolas?" The elf snapped out of his thoughts, turning to Sam. The hobbit stared at him shyly, nodding to the object in his hand. "That looks beautiful, sir. What is it?"
   "This, my friend," he sat up, holding the necklace by the chain, the crystal swinging gently, "is my soulmate necklace."
   "Soulmate necklace?" Pippin joined in their conversation. "What's a soulmate necklace?" By then it had gained everyone's attention. Aragorn stared at it intrigued.
   "The Valar has given it to you?" Aragorn asked in surprise.
   "Indeed." Legolas nodded. "I was surprised myself with what's going on in the realms lately. Sauron and all. . ."
   "What does it do?" Merry asked him eagerly.
   "Well," he chuckled, "when the time comes, the Valar will give the ones their necklace. It would hold this crystal, and when you approach your soulmate it will glow brightly and feel warm. When you meet your soulmate, it will forever be connected to you. The crystal will feel warm as long as your soulmate is alive. If it turns cold, then they have died."
   "That is cool." Pippin whispered. "But scary."
   "Scary, it is." Legolas agreed.
   "So you haven't found her yet? Your soulmate?" Frodo asked him curiously. Legolas shook his head.
   "Not yet." Legolas told them. "But I have a feeling I'll be seeing her soon. I just have to be patient."


While they were packing away their supplies on the boats given to them, they noticed Galadriel, Celeborn, and Haldir in the distance talking to a hooded figure. It piked their interest.
   "Is it their daughter?" Sam asked them all quietly.
   "It looks like it." Frodo replied, watching the Lady of Light and her husband hug the person.
   "Ow!" Legolas gasped, dropping the supplies he was holding. "By Valar. . ." Everyone turned to him concerned.
   "Legolas?" Aragorn asked concerned. "Are you okay?"
   In reply, Legolas pulled out his necklace, revealing the crystal that was glowing. Everyone gasped in awe at the sight. "The sudden warmth startled me." Legolas whispered. "She's here. . ."
   Legolas looked around, searching for his true one. It wasn't until his gaze fallen on the four in the distance did he felt his stomach plummet to the ground, his breath hitched at the throat. "It's her. . ." he breathed out. "She's the one. . ."
   The hooded figure glanced down at their chest, revealing something to them. It was a crystal similar to his, and it was glowing. The other three simply smiled, their gazes turning to the Fellowship. Legolas couldn't feel embarrassed at getting caught watching them, busy staring at the hooded person. He still held his necklace out in the open, evidently showing the four his own glowing crystal.
   "She's right there!" Pippin whispered excitedly. "What now?"
   "Now they reunite." Aragorn answered softly. The four elves started approaching them, making the Fellowship stand up straighter in an attempt to show politeness and because of the fact they are facing royalty.
   "Legolas," Galadriel smiled softly, "I think you know who your soulmate is."
   "Yes, Lady Galadriel." Legolas nodded.
   "This is my daughter, Andromeda." Galadriel introduced. "Andromeda, this is your soulmate, Legolas Greenleaf. Prince of the Woodland realm."
   "Hello." She took off her hood, revealing herself. She truly was Galadriel and Celeborn's child. Her hair as white as theirs, blue eyes bright like the sky, skin pale as snow. She held a similar glow to her like her parents, her aura screaming out power and knowledge.
   "I've been waiting for you for centuries." Andromeda revealed in a whisper. She lifted a hand to his face, gently caressing the side of it. "It is lovely to finally meet you."
   "And I you, nin meleth." Legolas whispered. Aragorn broke the moment by clearing his throat, stepping forward.
   "Sorry to interrupt, but we must go." he apologised.
   "Look after each other." Galadriel told the two soulmates.
   "Protect her." Celeborn told Legolas. The prince nodded determined.
   "Until my last breath." Legolas vowed. Helping Andromeda onto the boat, they all said their farewells to Lothlorien, on their way to Mordor. Except this time Legolas had a new motivation to complete the mission: Andromeda. He needed the quest to complete in order for safety to come to the realms, and to assure Andromeda's future with him in it. He wasn't going to lose her because of a ring. He wasn't going to let that happen.

The End

Ada - father
Heruamin - my prince
Elleth - female elf
Nin meleth - my love

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