Jasper Whitlock - Part I

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A/N: Inspired by the movie, Christmas With Holly. Man that movie is adorable.

The Mute - Part I
She came to Forks a day after Isabella Swan came, and that was something no one expected. They all expected one new arrival, not two.
   It also just so happens that the new family moved in beside the Swans. And like friendly neighbours, the Swans went over to greet them.
   "I'm Chief Swan in the police force," Charlie introduced himself, shaking their hands, "this is my daughter, Bella."
   "Nice to meet y'all," the woman smiled politely at them, "I'm Katherine, and this is my husband Frank."
   "Pleasure to meet y'all." Frank said in his Texan accent that was just like his wife's. "Say, you starting high school, Bella?"
   "Starting Junior, sir." Bella said shyly.
   "Well ain't this our lucky day!" Frank smiled at the two widely. "Our daughter, Eloise, is starting Junior as well!"
   "If it's no trouble to you dear, can you stick around with her?" Katherine asked her nervously. "Because, ya see, Eloise she's. . .unique. You know what I am saying?"
   "Uh. . .can you elaborate on that more please?" Charlie asked uneasily.
   "She's a mute, to put it bluntly." Frank blurted out. "She's. . .she's very shy as well. Won't react much either. The reason why we moved somewhere small and quiet is for her, you know? We're hoping that new, kind people will bring her out of her shell."
   "Of course!" Bella agreed immediately. "Besides, I'm starting school tomorrow. Is she starting tomorrow?"
   "She actually is." Katherine smiled gratefully at them. "Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to us."
   "No problem." Charlie shrugged. "Besides, I'm the Chief here. I look out for the people."
   "Great!" the couple beamed.
   "Well, it was nice meeting you both," Katherine told them sincerely, "I guess we'll see you tomorrow, then!"


They arrived to school in Bella's Chevy, immediately getting attention. Bella sunk into her chair at the sight, while Eloise simply stared down at her lap emotionless.
   "Come on," Bella breathed out, sending the girl a weak smile, "let's get this over with."
   They both hopped out of the car, immediately going to each other's side. Even though they only just met, Bella felt protective over the silent girl and wanted to make sure she was at her side at all times.
   Walking into the school with people watching, the two were unaware of what was going to come at them in the future.


She sat alone in History, all the way at the back. She stared down at her desk emotionless, half-listening to the teacher drone on about Civil War. Someone sitting beside her was the only thing that caught her attention.
   From the corner of her eye she noticed that the person had came in late, and snuck in the class from the back door since there were two exits. Since the person came from the back, obviously the person would sit at the closest desk and so it was beside her.
   She turned her head towards the person to see who it was, only to freeze. The person was a boy, and he was the beautifulest creature she had ever seen in her life.
   His golden blonde hair to his chin in perfect waves, his pale skin flawless, his body built but still thin, his eyes a strange topaz that drew you in. . .
   She quickly faced the front again when he turned to her. She stared straight ahead, ignoring his burning gaze. "Hello." he said quietly to her. She didn't respond. "I'm Jasper Hale." Still, she didn't say anything. "What's your name-?"
   "Alright, class!" Mr Bernard announced, interrupting the one-sided conversation. "You have the whole term to do this long assessment, so I suggest you start now before the bell rings in. . .five minutes." Immediately, Eloise started in her given assessment. "And Miss Eloise," she looked up, "since this is a presentation and you. . .can't speak at the moment, why don't you partner up with someone? The both of you will be graded equally and fairly."
   Eloise nodded her head ever so slightly, though it was enough for the teacher. Sending her a sympathetic smile, he went to help a student.
   "You can't speak at the moment?" Jasper asked curiously. "Why?"
   Eloise ignored him, trying to concentrate on her work while also think of a way to get Bella to be her partner despite the fact they weren't in the same class or level. Eloise was in AP History.
   The bell rang, Eloise getting up quickly with her stuff packed and ready, leaving the classroom before Jasper could say anything more. Unknowingly to her, she was the first student Jasper had ever willingly spoken with.


"How was AP History?" Bella asked her concerned. "Did you do okay by herself?"
   "Why, did she need a babysitter?" a girl at the table, Lauren, scoffed. Bella barely contained her glare. Eloise stared down at her plate emotionless, hiding her pain. But as soon as she felt that, she started to feel calm. She decided to go with the flow and embrace it, feeling ten times better.
   "So, Eloise," Eric smiled at her, "how are you liking Forks so far?"
   Eloise said nothing, and barely shrugged her shoulders. "What, cat got your tongue?" Mike joked.
   "She's mute." Bella said bluntly. Everyone went silent. "And don't expect her to respond, she's been like this for a while."
   "Wow, she's more weird than Bella." Eloise heard Lauren say quietly. But everyone heard.
   "Lauren!" Jessica basically screeched out. "Don't say stuff like that!" Eloise stood up, grabbing her bag.
   "Wait, you haven't eaten anything yet!" Bella panicked. Eloise shook her head, walking out of the cafeteria with everyone watching, including a certain boy.


"How cruel," Alice snarled, "bullying on her."
   Jasper ignored his siblings, too busy glaring at the human, Lauren - who even asked him out only for him to politely decline.
   "Jasper stop staring," Emmett said lowly to him, "people are going to see you glaring at her."
   "Eloise didn't deserve that." Jasper said stiffly. "I'm going to find her."
   "What? Why?" Rosalie glared at him. "She's a human, Jasper, she'll get over it."
   "You wouldn't understand." Jasper shook his head, walking away from his siblings. Rosalie stared after him frustrated.
   "What is there to not understand?"
   "Rosalie," Edward said, "she might be his mate."
   "She is his mate," Alice told them, "I've seen the future. They help each other and become a couple. It's beautiful, really."


Sitting against her locker, she stared ahead with the same emotionless look on her face, holding her books for her next class to her chest tightly. Hearing footsteps approach, Eloise looked up to see the beautiful Jasper staring down at her concerned. "Are you okay, darlin'?" he asked when he reached her, his Texan accent slipping out. She stared at him, surprised he came from Texas.
   "Eloise?" he called to her. "Um. . .can you blink your eyes to tell me you're listening?" Eloise blinked once. "Can I sit beside you?" Another blink.
   They sat close together, shoulder to shoulder. Both were staring straight ahead, though every once in a while Jasper would look at her. "I heard what happened at the cafeteria." he told her quietly. "Don't listen to her. She's just jealous." Eloise stared at him confused. "You know, since you're more beautiful than her."
   Eloise blushed furiously, avoiding eye contact with him. Jasper smiled at the sight. "You know, if you ever need someone to comfort you or help you in anything, I'm here for you." He slowly placed his cold hand over her warm one that was on her lap. "I promise."
   The bell rang, Eloise standing up immediately. Jasper followed, staring at her concerned. And for the first time in what seemed like forever, she communicated back to someone.
   She pulled out a small slip of paper, writing down a couple of words before handing it to him and leaving. Jasper smiled down at the paper, walking to his next class.

Can you be my History assessment partner?

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