Charles Xavier

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His Friend's Sister
Walking into the CIA's base lab with the CIA agent, Erik, and Raven, he saw two people up ahead in lab coats, their backs facing them, and were in what seemed to be an intense conversation. He noticed one was a girl, the other a boy. Both had brunette hair, the girl's hair wavy that went to her waist.
   They all stood near them, and waited for their quiet conversation to end. While waiting, they noticed a model of a plane hanging on the ceiling and stared at it curiously.
   "It's uh. . .super sonic. Most advanced plane ever built - you should see it in real life. It's incredible." the boy said with a small smile. Him and the girl had turned around and noticed them in the room, staring specifically at the plane replica in curiosity. The boy had brown hair and brown eyes, that were hiding a bit behind his glasses. The girl looked similar to the boy, except her hair was way longer and went to her waist, and she didn't wear any glasses - and the fact that she was a different gender. Charles couldn't help but find her quite attractive.
   "Hank, Emily, these are our new recruits I was telling you about." The CIA agent turned to the three. "This is Hank and Emily McCoy. They're twins, one of our most talented young researchers."
   "How wonderful! Two mutants already here." Charles grinned, taking a step forward towards them with his hand out for them to shake. He turned to the CIA agent. "Why didn't you say?"
   "Say what?" the agent stared at Charles confused. Charles frowned at the agent, when suddenly he held a shocked look on his face.
   "Because you don't know." Charles realised. He turned to the two with regret. "I am so, terribly sorry."
   "Hank? Emily?" the agent looked at the twins.
   "You didn't ask, so we didn't tell." Emily murmured.
   "So your mutation is what?" Raven asked them. "Super smart?"
   "I'll say." Charles agreed.
   "I wish that was all it was." Hank said sadly. Emily gave him a sad look and gave him a side hug.
   "You are among friends now, Hank." Charles said with a small smile. Hank gave Emily a hesitant look like he was asking her permission, making her give him a reassuring smile and place a comforting hand on his shoulder. Slowly he took off his shoes and socks, revealing his hand-like feet.
   "Splendid." Charles grinned. Hank then jumped up, his feet gripping onto the plane replica, hanging upside down.
   "Tada." Hank said with a shy smile.
   "You're amazing!" Raven exclaimed in awe.
   "Heh. Really?" Hank hopped off the replica and gave her a shy smile.
   "So what about you, my dear?" Charles asked Emily, hearing her thoughts on how she didn't want to witness her brother flirting with a girl. Honestly, Charles also didn't want to see his little sister flirt with a guy as well. "What can you do?"
   "Um. . ." Emily looked down shyly. She lifted her head up and looked around the lab, spotting a beaker. She lifted her hand up in the direction of the beaker, and held a concentrated look on her face. A second later, the beaker flew into her hand. Charles and the others gave her an impressed look, Hank giving her a proud smile.
   "Telekinesis, I presume?" Charles guessed. Emily nodded in return. "Very unique, I must say."
   "Really?" Emily stared at him in shock. Charles took a sneak peek into her history and saw the reason why she was reacting that way when he complimented her. Her emotions usually made her gifts act up; whenever she was feeling stressed or sad, objects would float around and break, scaring people nearby. People were scared of her then; called her a freak. She had a very dangerous gift.
   "Really." Charles gave her a smile.


Years later. . .
Charles resided in his study, a glass of whiskey filled up halfway. He stared out at the window, taking small sips. Charles was depressed. His dreams of the mansion turning into a school disappeared ever since the Vietnam wars came, the students were getting pulled out of the school - some enrolling to join the army like Banshee and Havoc. It was now just him and Hank. Charles had erased Moira's memories, and Emily had left a while ago to go with the people in the army and be a nurse. Charles hated her decision, but also couldn't help but fall for her giant heart. She didn't like the idea of Banshee and Havoc being in the army, the two being close friends to her. So she decided to join in an attempt to look out for them and other people - mutant or not.

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