Loki Laufeyson (Letters series)

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A/N: I was looking back at my other one-shots and saw the Charles Xavier one with the letters and it gave me the idea of making a series of it for some of the men. So here ya go!

The Letters

To Arwen,
I remember the day we met.

It was Thor's birthday, and I was making my way out to the balcony for some fresh air.

You were there, staring out at the beauty of Asgard in your gorgeous red dress that blew me away.

But what got me the most were your eyes; your beautiful dark doe brown eyes full of curiosity and wonder and life.

I knew that you were going to matter a lot to me ok the future.



To my darling Arwen,
I'm glad I spoke to you that night. If I had known you sooner, we would have had more time together.

You were amazing and wise with knowledge about the realms and basically everything. You were so smart.

And the fact you preferred me over Thor was something amazing to feel. All the time I was second place after Thor. Being in first place for once...

You made my days, Arwen. I will never forget that. You hold my heart along with my mother.



Asking you to marry me years later was a blessing to us all.

We were so happy and in love, and we started talking about creating a family. We were so excited for our future.

That went down the drain when Thor's coronation came up.

I'm sorry that I let my jealousy in the way.

I'm sorry because of me our marriage is ruined.

I'm sorry that we never had the future we wanted.

I'm sorry for existing in your life.



To the love of my life,
I'm sorry about the last letter, I was feeling quite down. I mean, it's bound to happen being stuck in a cell and all for attempting to rule Midgard.

A realm you admired.

Gods I'm such a fool, aren't I.

I didn't mean to, in my defence.

I also didn't mean to leave you at the Rainbow Bridge that day.

I'm so selfish I don't deserve you.

Because of my selfish act, you were alone to face the consequences of my actions; getting stares for being in love with a monster like me...

Carrying my child while you were at it.

Thor told me when we 'reunited' at Midgard.

Said you died giving birth to our son.

I wish I was there to help you. To heal you. To save you.

Now I'm a criminal, and I will never see our son to be the father he deserves.

Frigga tries to convince Odin about letting me see our son, to no avail.

I don't blame her, really. Odin is a fool.

I wish I could turn back time and change everything. To when we got our perfect future.



I know what to do.

I know how to be free from Odin and Thanos.

I must die.

But not literally, of course. I'm not leaving our son all alone as an orphan.

I'm not that stupid.

Thor asked for my help to get rid of the Aether from his mortal. I'm doing so we need to visit Svartlheim.

That's where my plan will come into place.

Wish me luck,


My darling Arwen,
The plan worked.

I'm free.

I got our son from the nannies.

I ran away from Asgard into Midgard under a magic spell to hide us.

We're living peacefully with nature away from the mortals.

He's going to have the future we wished, my love.

I'm going to raise him right; show him right from wrong. Tell him about you and your uniqueness. Tell him how we fell in love - all of it.

I'm doing it, Arwen. I'm doing something good for once. And I'm going to stay that way.

When the time comes I'll tell him the truth about everything. I'll tell him everything that happened.

I'm doing it, Arwen. I'm living our dream.

If only you were here with us.

Forever yours,

The End

A/N: I tried.

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