Jasper Whitlock - soulmate

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They all stood in front of Bella, waiting for the nomads to reach them. Finally, they did.
The three glided towards them, the dark skinned man in the middle, flanked by a red haired woman and a blonde haired man.
The Cullens conversed with the three, slowly talking from tensed to casual. "You don't mind if we join?" Laurent asked them hopefully.
"Not at all." Carlisle agreed.
"Great!" Laurent grinned. "We also have another member coming soon, she just needed to make sure we led the humans to a dead end." Edward sent a subtle look to Alice, wondering if she knew about the new addition. Alice avoided eye contact with him and the others, moving closer to Bella. Jasper could feel her guilt and disappointment, making him curious.
"You have another member?" Carlisle asked lightly. Laurent nodded in reply.
"She's not a newborn, I assure you." Laurent told them. "She's quite old. Back from London in the 1900's." Edward stifled a gasp when he saw who it was.
It couldn't be, he thought in disbelief.
Suddenly Bella's scent caught James' attention, making him get in a crouching position. Tension rose as everyone stood in protective stances, hissing and growling at one another. Before Laurent or Carlisle could calm their groups, someone appeared in between them, hands held out to stop them from approaching.
"James, don't." she commanded. Bella gasped when she saw the new member. She looked exactly like Edward with the same face structure though more feminine, the familiar bronze hair colour that went to her waist. Her whole form screamed out Edward.
"Lucy." Edward murmured. "Lucy, is that you?"
"Eddie?" Lucy stared at him in surprise. "But I thought you died -"
"I thought you died!" Edward said incredulous. "What happened?"
"I got turned when I was making my way to see you and Mum." she answered. "I got attacked and here I am."
"You two know each other?" Laurent asked her. Lucy nodded.
"Edward is my big brother." Everyone gasped at the news. Lucy inhaled sharply, sensing Bella's scent. They all tensed when she froze. "Edward. . ." Lucy opened her eyes, showing her red eyes turn dark. "What have you gotten yourself into. . ." James moved to the side, making Edward copy with a growl. Lucy sent a hiss to James. "I said don't." she hissed to him. James growled in reply, going to her face.
"You're not the boss of me." he snarled. Lucy didn't back down, glaring at him.
"You are not hurting my brother's coven. Especially his mate." She stepped closer to him, her eyes turning black from anger. "I dare you to try." Knowing something that the Cullens didn't, James backed away from her defeated. Laurent placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder.
"I am sorry this happened." Laurent apologised. "We will be leaving now."
"I'm sorry." Lucy murmured when the other three left. "I didn't expect our reunion to be like this."
"You have a lot of explaining to do, Lucille." Edward said, saying her full name. Lucy avoided eye contact with him.
"I need to go."
"Wait -" Esme protested. "-but why aren't you staying with us? You're Edward's sister."
"Yeah, and you have vampires after your human." Lucy nodded to Bella who blushed under her gaze embarrassed. "I'm going to try and stop them. Maybe even fight them to the death."
"Lucy -" Edward protested.
"You need to go." Lucy snapped, backing away from them. "You need to leave town. Stay away until James is sorted out." Making eye contact with them all, her eyes finally fell on Jasper, feeling herself gasp in shock when their eyes connected. Jasper tensed, his face etching into disbelief when he felt something he never felt before. He felt. . .euphoric? Happy? Content? Those were signs of. . .
Jasper stared at Alice, seeing her guilty look. "You knew -"
"You need to go." Alice told Lucy sternly. "James and Victoria are coming back if you don't leave."
Lucy flicked her gaze between her and Jasper, seeming to connect the dots. "I'm sorry." she said to Jasper before she left.


"You knew?" Jasper hissed when they went back home. "You knew she was my actual soulmate and she was coming today?"
"Jasper. . ." Alice murmured.
"How could you do that to me? Hide that information from me? That we weren't even mates?"
"Why didn't you tell me my sister was alive." Edward added angrily. "You knew she was coming along with the other three and you didn't tell me."
"Edward, Jasper." Carlisle said sternly. "Now is not the time to interrogate Alice and her mistakes. Right now we need to get Bella out of here. Like Lucy said."
"She's going to kill herself." Edward whispered, thinking about his younger sister by a year.
"I'm her mate, and I'm not even there to protect her." Jasper added mournfully. "Laurent was here earlier taking to you, Carlisle, are you sure you didn't see her?"
"No," Carlisle shook his head, "I didn't sense her near. Laurent doesn't know where she is either. She followed James and Victoria before he could do anything. Who knows what's happening."
"She could be teaming up with them for all we know." Alice added. Jasper and Edward glared at her for that.
"Now is not the time to be thinking selfishly like that." Esme scolded lightly. Edward scoffed at what she said.
"She's done enough of that already." he said sourly.
"Edward -"
"We could have stopped this, Alice!" Edward yelled, breaking his cool. "Did you ever think that? If you had told me earlier, I would have found her before the game and told her to steer them away from us. Then, we wouldn't be in this mess where Bella has to run away for her life. Did you ever think that, Alice? That if we had contacted my human sister, everything would have been okay?"
"Edward!" Bella stopped him from his rant, standing in front of him. "Stop, okay? We need to go. Now. You want to see Lucy, yes? The sooner we leave, the sooner you find your sister."
"She's right." Emmett spoke up. "This argument is going nowhere."
"Get in the car." Jasper grumbled to Alice, stomping towards the driver side of the car they were taking Bella in. Alice stared at him sadly, Bella joining her side.
"I only wanted us to be together." Alice said sadly. "I love him."
"I know," Bella hesitated, "but what you did was still wrong, not only did you not tell Edward that his only human family member is still alive, but Jasper's happiness as well. If you truly love Jasper, you would let him be with his actual soulmate." Edward called for Bella. "Just. . .think about others as well as your own happiness, okay?"


When Edward struggled to fight James, he was finally able to go to Bella when Lucy suddenly came, kicking James away.
Lucy and James continued to fight while the others came, Jasper immediately helping her with a roar, his instincts telling him to protect his mate. Jasper held James' arms behind his back, Lucy ripping James' head off with Jasper's help by him biting the side of his neck.
Bella watched through blurry eyes, pain biting at her. She could see they were meant to be; the way they moved together gracefully, how Lucy was the ideal height for Jasper to wrap his arms around her to protect and love, their forms joining together like a puzzle. . .
She tore her eyes away from the two when the pain became unbearable. She was met with darkness soon after.


She watched Jasper dance around the dance floor at prom with Lucy, feeling her heart break at the sight. After the situation with James, Alice pulled Jasper away and spoke with him. They came to something that would work out for them; Jasper could be with his actual soulmate, no harm or problems. Alice would leave him alone and happy with his significant other. In return, Jasper would help her find her actual soulmate when the time comes. At the moment, Jasper needed time with his soulmate, and Alice needed time to move on from her love on Jasper.
Edward appeared at her side, Bella dancing with Jacob who came to talk to her about something. "How are you?" Edward asked her.
"I'm getting there." Alice sighed. "He's happy, that's all that matters. And you have your sister back."
"That's true." Edward smiled at his sister. "Never thought I'd see her again. We were very close. I hope we still can."
"Don't worry, you two still are." Alice assured him, having seen the future. "I'm sorry for not telling you -"
"It's okay, you were scared for a change that involved you and Jasper." Edward shrugged. "At least you two are still good friends." They were silent again. "You will find your significant one, Alice. It just takes time."
"I know." Alice nodded. "And I'll wait. For now, it's about you and Bella and Jasper and Lucy."
"Oh a rocky adventure this is going to be." Edward sighed, already sensing some drama up ahead in their life.

The End

One-shots/Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora