Pietro Maximoff

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A/N: You know, I never really realised how good looking Pietro Maximoff was in Age of Ultron. And his accent. . .

"What? You didn't see that coming?"
"Petra!" Strucker barked out. A girl around the twins' age suddenly appeared beside their new boss out of thin air. They were amazed at her powers.
"Yes?" she drawled out in her Sokovian accent.
"These are the new recruits." Strucker motioned to the twins. "You 'vill show them their quarters."
"Of course." she nodded. She motioned with her head to the exit at the twins. "Follow me."
They walked in silence, the twins looking around in curiosity at all the people working in the old place, things to create super humans with powers. "You two are making a mistake." Petra suddenly said to them. They frowned at her comment. "These experiments aren't good. And they aren't for the best."
"And you'd know?" Wanda Maximoff retorted with slight sass in her tone. Petra merely glanced over her shoulder at them.
"Trust me," she said lowly, "what Strucker and his men are doing are not for the good."
"Then 'vhy are you here?" Pietro Maximoff asked her curiously. "'Vhy did you volunteer?" She turned him, Pietro noticing for the first time that her eyes were a shade of violet - something uncommon.
"I didn't volunteer." she murmured. She then turned back to the front and started leading them again to their rooms. "They kidnapped me and threatened me into this."


A year went by, and the twins received their powers. Wanda was telepathic and telekinesis, Pietro having super speed. A way to get them to train their powers was for Petra to train them. At first they were reluctant, since they thought she wouldn't be useful for their powers.

They were wrong.

They were amazed when Petra showed them her super speed and her telekinesis and telepathic gifts. She then explained her powers to them. "I can copy any person's power." Petra told them. "If I sense a power, I copy it. And then in my mind, it tells me how to use it properly rather than trying to figure it out. I am one of Strucker's successful creations because of this, and that is why I am always guarded." Pietro and Wanda did notice that she was heavily guarded with strange-looking guns in the guards' hands.
"You want to leave?" Pietro realised. Petra gave him a sad look.
"I would rather be out there in the world free, than be a slave to Strucker or anyone else just because of my powers." she said. "I 'vant to be normal."


Another year passed, and the twins got used to the company of Petra, Petra feeling the same way for the twins. Petra and Pietro also gotten close, all because of the training. They held a race, and since then, they have been competitive against each other and got along well. Petra became friends with Wanda through the similar powers they had. You would see them three together inseparable. For Strucker, they were the best weapons in case enemies came. And enemies soon came, otherwise known as the Avengers.
"Petra!" Strucker barked. "Go out in the field and stop the Avengers!"
A look of pain and sorrow crosses her face for a millisecond, enough time for Pietro to notice. He recalled to what she had said a year ago.

"I 'vant to be normal."

When Strucker was distracted, the three took off into the field together. When they were out in the clearing away from prying eyes, Pietro started telling his plans to the girls. "Petra," he told her, "now is your chance to run away and be free -"
"Yes! Let's go -"
"No, Petra." Pietro gave her a sad look. "Just you."
"'Vhat?" Petra's excited smile faded from her lips at the news. "But -"
"I know you want to be free, but Wanda and I? We volunteered for a reason." Pietro told her. Petra's face darkened at his words.
"It's been years since the bombing." she said. "Stark has changed."
"You don't know that." Wanda said, glaring at her. "You've been trapped here your whole life."
"'Vhat did I tell you two when we first met!" Petra exclaimed. "Strucker is not good!"
"We are doing what we believe is right." Wanda told her firmly. "It doesn't mean you have to follow. You can leave now."
"But. . ." Petra trailed off. "You two are my first friends. . ."
"We'll be okay." Pietro told her with a sad smile. "We will find you again soon, yeah?" He brought her into a hug. He was going to miss her a lot; she was his best friend, who also happened to be the girl he fell in love with. He was doing what he thought was best for her - to make her happy. "Go," Pietro said, pulling away from the hug, "have freedom."
Petra got ready to run. "Promise me you will find me, yes?" Petra told him. Pietro nodded in response.
"I promise." he told her. He couldn't help himself and bring her into another hug, giving her a kiss on the cheek as well. Petra blushed at the feeling of his lips, giving the twins one last sad smile before leaving the area in a blink of an eye.
"You love her." Wanda realised when they were by themselves, Petra long gone.
"I do." Pietro nodded. "But I will find her again."

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