Pietro Maximoff

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"You're my best friend, Bella, do you know that?" a ten-year-old Pietro told a girl. She had raven dark hair that went to her waist, skin as pale as snow, and bright grey eyes with a matching bright smile. Pietro secretly thought she was the most beautiful girl he ever came across.
"I thought Wanda was your best friend?" she told him confused.
"She's my little twin, my little sister." he clarified. "She's my sister, but you're my friend. You're my best friend."
"Aw, that's sweet." she cooed, bringing him into a hug. Pietro's twin sister suddenly came to the two, enveloping Bella into a hug.
"Bella!" Wanda greeted happily. "How is my best friend?"
"Hey!" Pietro pouted. "She's my best friend!"
"Nuh-uh, she's my best friend." Bella laughed at the two that were fighting for her, bringing them into a hug.
"Both of you are my best friends." she told them.
"I wish you were my sister." Wanda said sadly. Pietro frowned at her comment.
"Nah, that would be weird." Pietro waved off. Wanda gasped when she came up with an idea.
"We can be sister-in-laws!" Wanda exclaimed. Pietro and Bella have her a confused look.
"What's a sister-in-law?" Pietro asked his twin.
"It's when your husband or wife has a sister on their side, and they're called sister-in-law." Wanda explained. "The wife and sister are then sisters through marriage."
"Oh, so if I marry Bella, then you two will be sister-in-laws!" Pietro realised.
"Yeah!" Wanda exclaimed.
"But I don't like Pietro that way." Bella pointed out. She frowned in thought. "Or do I. . ."
"Well, either way, I am going to marry you in the future." Pietro declared. "I can't imagine you marrying someone else, you could get hurt. So I'm going to marry you."
"Did you just propose to me?" Bella stared at Pietro shocked.
"I. . .I think so. . ." Pietro frowned. He removed the frown and gave her a toothy grin. "So, what do you say, mishka?"
"Okay!" Bella beamed.


The three stayed together in the back corner, listening to the conversation Strucker was having with Doctor List. They were under attack by the Avengers.
"Bring the three in the field."
"No, they are not ready."
Bella turned to the Maximoff twins, giving them a nod. The twins returned the nod, getting their plan into action. Wanda hopped onto Pietro's back, Bella being lifted by Pietro bridal style. Together, they ran out of the base into the outside world.


The three hid in a low business hotel, hiding away from the outside world. They were staying there for the night, meeting someone the next day. Wanda wouldn't exactly tell the other two who they were meeting.
"You know what we should do?" Pietro asked Bella, jumping onto the bed beside her. She stared at him curiously, waiting for what he was going to say. "We should plan our wedding." Pietro said casually. All three laughed at his suggestion, remembering back to when they were ten and Pietro had proposed to her.
"Would you like the wedding in Winter or Spring?" Pietro asked her teasingly.
"Definitely Winter." Bella laughed, playing along.
"I better be the Maid of Honour." Wanda joked.
"Of course, future sister-in-law."


They hid in the busy markets in Korea, having just ran away from Ultron. Bella looked around casually from beside Pietro, spotting a tv that was on the news channel. She got the twins attention. "Look," she pointed to the tv, "Ultron and the Avengers."
"Let's go." Wanda declared. Pietro lifted Bella into his arms, Wanda hopping onto his back.
They reached the train where Ultron and Captain America were fighting, Pietro using his speed to move the patriot away. Wanda and Bella used their telekinesis to make the bars in the train block Ultron's way from getting to them.
"Don't do this." Ultron told them with a hint of begging in his voice.
"What choice do we have?" Wanda said gravely.
After getting the train to stop and saving the people, Wanda and Bella quickly went to Pietro who was sitting on a crate, regaining his breath. "I'm fine, I'm fine." Pietro panted. "I just need a minute."
"I'm very tempted not to give you one." they turned around to see Captain America walking towards them with a stern look on his face.

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