Jasper Whitlock - Part I

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Music - Part I
It wasn't strange for Jasper to not be with his family much at lunch when at school, ever since he found out the truth of his and Alice's relationship.
   It was all fake; they were never meant to be together. After the Volturi incident with Renesme, everything had changed. When everyone went their parted ways, Alice had pulled Jasper into the forest away from the vampires. And what she told him broke his heart.


"We were never meant for each other." Alice told him quietly. Jasper felt his world stop, and everything freeze. He couldn't believe what she just said. They weren't ever for each other? Jasper took a step back from her in shock.
   "What?" he whispered. "What do you mean?"
   "We're not mates." she shook her head. "We're not for each other."
   "What - how -"
   "I met my mate when we went to look for more evidence." Alice admitted. "When you were talking to them and I had went out to hunt by myself, I was actually meeting up with my mate. He's a nice guy, Jazz, you'll like him -"
   "Like him?" Jasper repeated harshly. "How can I like him when he is supposedly your mate? I thought we were!"
   "We were together out of pity." she murmured. That went straight to the heart. Out of pity? "I knew that you still wouldn't be happy if we were in a coven surrounded by mates, so I said that we were mates to make you happy. I knew I was going to meet my mate eventually, so I might as well -"
   "Might as well use me until you find him." Jasper chuckled humourlessly. "You used me for almost a century - if not, more!"
   "Jasper -"
   "No, fine." he said harshly. "You be with him, whoever he is. Make sure you tell him everything though, even about using me. You know what it's like when you keep secrets from your partners. A lot of pain happens." Before she could say anything, Jasper was gone in a blink of an eye.


The bell rang snapping him out of his thoughts, making him sigh and watch as everyone left before him. He ignored the suggestive looks sent his way by the girls and stared down at his desk with a frown, holding his breath.
   When all was gone, Jasper slowly got up from his seat and made his way to his locker that was sadly next to Alice's.
  Ignoring Alice and her mate, Jasper lazily chucked his books in his locker and grabbed his jacket, intending to leave the school. "There's hikers in the forest." Alice said from beside him. "One of them is going to trip and bleed. I wouldn't go out."
   "Thanks, but I don't need your opinion." Jasper mumbled, walking away from the two vampires. He ignored her calls, turning a corner. He continued walking down the quiet halls now that all the humans were out having lunch; for once, finding a small feeling of peace invading him. Jasper didn't know where he was going, he didn't really care. He had a lot of stress the past few weeks, it was nice to feel just calm.
   The sound of music could be heard from a room, the sound of a guitar and someone humming along. Curious, Jasper quietly made his way to the room and opened the door quietly, noticing it was a music room. Looking around, he landed his gaze on a person sitting on a stool with their back turned to him. It was a girl; she had platinum blonde hair that went to her waist - that was all he could see.
   Jasper recognised the tune being an old Texan song from back in his days. Jasper smiled at the choice of song. When the strumming stopped, that's when he decided to speak up. "That's an old Texan tune you played there."
   "Oh!" the girl jumped out of her seat in fright, turning around to reveal her grey eyes. Jasper frowned when he realised she was blind. He felt guilty for sneaking up on her.
   "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." he apologised. He hesitantly took a step in the classroom. "I loved the song you played. One of my favourites my mum would sing to me when I was little."
   "You're Texan?" she asked shyly.
   "I was born and raised there." he smirked, only for it to fade. "Well. . .I used to."
   "It's okay," she shrugged, "when you graduate, you can go back to Texas."
   "I guess. . ." He wished he could, but it's kind of hard when you sparkle in the sunlight. . ."I'm Jasper Whitlock Hale."
   "Lucy Belle." she said back. "Huh, Jasper Whitlock Hale. Kind of like that Major Jasper Whitlock from the Civil War."
   "Um. . ." Jasper released a small chuckle of disbelief and amusement. "You know your history."
   "Well, I was born and raised in Texas." she smirked. Jasper laughed when he realised she used his own words against him, grabbing a stool and moving it beside hers, now that she sat back down. "What are you doing here, Major?"
   "Just wandering around when I heard a familiar tune." he shrugged nonchalantly, leaving out the part of walking away from Alice and her mate. "Why are you here?"
   "I always hang here at lunch, away from the other students." she replied. "They think I can't hear them talk about me being blind when really, I can."
   "I'm sorry about that." he murmured.
   "Don't be." she waved off. "I'm used to this." Jasper didn't like the sound of that.
   "That explains why I have never seen you around at school." Jasper mused.
   "I have heard about you and your family though." she suddenly said. Jasper merely sighed in reply. "How could I not? You were all they spoke about when you and your family came here - even when it's been after a year or so."
   "So I've heard." Jasper shrugged. It was usual when they are the new kids; always spoken about because of their looks and secretive life. "What have you heard about us?"
   "That all of you are very good-looking. Your twin, Rosalie is with Emmett Cullen. Bella is with Edward, Renesme is with Jacob, and Alice -" Jasper winced, "-is with Emanuel. But you? You don't have anyone. Why is that?" she tilted her head curiously at him, her grey eyes looking above him. Jasper looked away from her and pursed his lips in thought. Should he tell her? It's not like she would tell anyone. . .why would he even want to talk to her about it in the first place?
   "Alice and I used to be together." Jasper found himself saying. He was yelling in his head for him to stop, but the words continued flowing out. "We were together for a long time. I thought we were for each other. . .apparently not. She met another guy, and knew he was the one instead of me. So when we were alone, she told me that dating me was all fake and was just something to make me happy ever since we were adopted by Doctor and Mrs Cullen."
   "You truly loved her." she said softly, a tinge of pity in her voice, and in her emotions. She was sad for him.
   "I thought she returned it."
   "I guess you need some cheering up then." she concluded. Jasper frowned at her response. Cheering up?
   "Cheering up?" he voiced his thoughts.
   "Yeah! I'm going to help you get over it - I mean, you have to if you are living under the same roof as her." she said matter-of-factly. Her determined look then faltered to a sheepish, vulnerable look that Jasper found to be quite cute. "That's. . .if you want help to move on -"
   "Yes." Jasper immediately said. "Yes I want to move on."
   "Great!" she beamed. "We will start tomorrow."
   "Tomorrow -?" Jasper was cut off by the bell ringing for their next class. "Ah, right. Tomorrow."
   "Don't worry, you'll live without me for a couple of hours until tomorrow." she joked, slowly getting up. Jasper noticed her special walking stick and grabbed it for her, putting it in front of her.
   "Here, it's in front of you."
   "Thank you." She went to grab the stick, only coming in contact with his cold, hard hands. "Oh!" she gasped, reeling away from the touch. "That was cold!"
   "Sorry." Jasper cringed. "My hands get really cold. Medical problem."
   "Okay. . ." she reached out again, instead of looking for her stick, she was looking for his hand. Out of curiosity, Jasper gave her his hand. He watched as she held his hand in both of hers, feeling the smooth texture of his skin and the coldness. She smiled, letting go of his hand and grabbing her stick gently from his. "I'll see you tomorrow, yes?"
   "Yes." Jasper nodded, wondering what she was doing with his hand. "I'll see you tomorrow."
   "Until then." she nodded. "Oh, and Jasper?"
   "Welcome to Alaska, since you're new here."
   Jasper chuckled at her response. Oh, she had no idea. "Thank you, ma'am."
   "Why it's okay, good sir." she said back in her Texan voice.

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