Garret (Twilight) - soulmate

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A:N: Technically Twilight already has a soulmate thing going on, so this will be just a normal one-shot (same for the Jasper Whitlock one that's coming up soon)

"Is this everyone?" Bella asked her husband lowly. Edward shook his head slightly.
"Carlisle said there's one more person we're waiting on." Edward told her. Bella looked at him confused.
"Who else?"
"Carlisle, it's been a while."
"Natalia, nice to see you again despite the situation."
"It's nothing, anything for my brother."
"Natalia Whitlock, Jasper's little sister by a year." Edward told her quietly. Bella stared at him in shock. "You haven't heard about her because Jasper's a bit protective of her. Doesn't want anyone going to her for bad things." Emmett scoffed from across the room.
"A bit?" Emmett scoffed. "More like overprotective. I'm surprised he didn't hide Alice either."
"Now, now, Emmett." a Texan voice drawled out, stopping all conversations in the room. "No need to tease my brother when he's not here to even hear it."
"You're right," he smirked, "why don't you give him a call and tell him and Alice to come back?" Natalia sent him a sarcastic smile.
"Nice try, buddy." Natalia was just like her brother; gold blonde hair that went to her waist in waves like her brother, her posture straight and not slouched, hands behind her back. She wore a flannel shirt with a white shirt underneath, skinny jeans and boots. She wore no jewellery except one locket around her neck that looked to be an antique. She held a similar face structure to her brother that people would think they were twins instead of being a year apart.
Natalia went to Bella and Edward, giving the latter a hug. "Nice to see you again, Edward."
"Likewise." Edward hugged her back. "I'm sorry about bringing you -"
"It's okay, I don't mind." she cut him off. "Alice called me about the situation and I decided to come." Edward stared at her for a moment with furrowed brows.
"Jasper doesn't know?"
"You know how he is when it involves my safety. I'm the only family he has left." She turned to Bella.
"Natalia Whitlock. You must be the famous Bella Swan that always gets into some mess involving us supernatural creatures." Bella looked down embarrassed while people in the room chuckled in agreement. "Don't worry, no hard feelings or anything. Just. . .try to not cause any trouble? The amount of stress you put on my brother - I'm surprised he doesn't have any grey hair -"
"Natalia!" Esme scolded lightly. Natalia raised her hands up in surrender.
"I guess introductions are to be made?" Carlisle announced. He started introducing her to everyone that came to help, Garret being last.
"This is Garret -"
"Why hello. Garret here at your service." Garret grabbed her hand, swooping down to place a chaste kiss to her knuckles. Natalia stared at him amused, a certain twinkle in her gold eyes.
"Glad to know." she replied. She tilted her head at him. "I have a feeling we're going to be spending a lot of time together in the future."
"Well the fact that you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, I believe so too." Garret winked. Natalia's smile widened in realisation.
"I can't wait for Jasper's reaction to this."
"He's been in many vampire wars and is one of the most feared to walk the Earth. If anything, you should be prepared to meet him as my mate." Garret's eyes widened in realisation, gulping nervously.
"Noted." he nodded. Emmett chuckled in glee.
"Oh I can't wait for that day." Emmett said excitedly.


Out in the snowfield, Jasper and Alice emerged from the forest, earning many surprised reactions.
Jasper's eyes widened when he saw his baby sister, his eyes narrowed when he saw how close she was to Garret, who basically stood in front of her protectively. Edward chuckled from his spot at the front.
"Jasper says you three are having a chat at the end." Edward told them quietly. Garret chuckled nervously, Natalia rolling her eyes in reply.
"He can suck it up that his sister is growing up."


Jasper stood in front of the two with his arms crossed, eyeing them as if they were newborns he were training. Natalia stood there in a similar stance, except looking bored. Garret bounced on the heels of his feet, biting his lip nervously and sending his friend a sheepish smile.
"Are you sure you're mates?" Jasper asked them warily, eyeing the two. Natalia rolled her eyes, grabbing Garret's hand. He immediately stopped his movements, relaxing in her grasp. Jasper noticed the change.
"I'm sure." Natalia told him. "I mean, I felt the connection, ya know? I just know that he is the one."
"I agree." Garret added. "When I saw her I thought she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my existence - still is the most beautiful woman. My friend," Garret placed a hand on Jasper's shoulder, Jasper eyeing the hand on him with a scrutinised look on his face. Garret quickly pulled his hand away. "I assure you, I will protect her with my life. No harm shall come to her. Not on my watch."
Jasper eyed them longer, looking deep in thought. Alice huffed from across the room, casually reading a fashion magazine. "Jasper, just let them." Alice told her mate. "They're happy - happy in the future as well. Nothing bad is going to happen." He finally gave in.
"Alright." he sighed, giving a look of defeat. He sent a warning look to Garret. "You better look after her, Garret. Or else you'll have me comin' for ya. And trust me, you wouldn't want that." Garret nodded quickly.
"Noted, Major." Garret assured him. Natalia sent her brother a smile.
"Thank you, brother dearest." She wrapped her arms around him, bringing him into a hug. "I love you."
Jasper wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I love you too, darlin'." He pulled away, giving them a small smile. "I'm guessing you two are leaving now?"
"Many places to travel, places to explore." Natalia told him, intertwining her hand with her mate's. "You know it was always my dream to travel the world with my significant other." Jasper nodded in agreement.
"Well, take care then."
"We will."
Sending one last farewell to the Cullen family, they were gone in a blink of an eye. Emmett walked up to the disheartened Jasper, slapping a hand on his shoulder. "How does it feel to see your sister run off with a man?"
"Shut up, Emmett."

The End

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