Sebastian Stan - Part II

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Love, Sebby - Part II
"So!" Jimmy Kimmel smiled at the group of men. "Continuing on with the personal stuff, Paul and Anthony you two are taken, yes?"
"Yeah man!" Anthony Mackie smirked. "This Chocolate is off the market."
"And I have a wife and kids." Paul Rudd shrugged.
"Now Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, you two are still in the market!" Whoops came from the crowd, including from Anthony Mackie. "How is that possible?"
"Yeah! I mean look at them." Anthony pointed to them. "They are what comes up on the Internet when you search up, 'hot guys' I mean, look at Sexy Seabass? Come on, look at him and Captain America?" More screams came from the women, the two men smiling bashfully.
"Gee, thanks Anthony." Chris mumbled, shaking his head with a smile. "But uh, I'm not really looking for someone to be with at the moment, so. . ."
"And I may or may not have my eyes on someone already but just don't have the guts to you know, go talk to her." Sebastian admitted quietly. Everyone 'oohed' at his announcement.
"You have eyes on someone?" Anthony grinned. "My man! She'll definitely go for you, Sexy Seabass!"
"Is it someone we know?" Chris wondered.
"Uh, I think I may have mentioned her." Sebastian shrugged nonchalantly.
"Well now you have the whole world curious on who the lucky girl is." Jimmy smirked. Sebastian shrugged again, giving a shy smile.
"I just hope she knows that I'm talking about her."


"Dude! Did you hear?"
"Hear what?" Sebastian stared at Anthony Mackie confused.
"A special someone came to this premiere!" Anthony smiled widely. "Emma fucking Doyle!"
"What!" Sebastian choked on his breath. "Sh-She's here?"
"Yeah!" he nodded. "Can you believe it? Emma Doyle, the famous Australian actress that was featured as a love interest to Loki, and was featured in Sherlock, and Criminal Minds, and was a companion in Doctor Who, and was in The Walking Dead, and was featured in Game of Thrones - don't forget fucking Terminator -!"
"I got it, I got it, you've done a lot of research on her!" Sebastian looked around nervously. "God, are you serious? She's here?"
"Yeah she's here! She yelled my name out and told me how much of a fan she was of my work!" Anthony smiled at him excitedly, looking like a kid at a candy store. "Oh man, someone awesome like her telling me this, is amazing! My wife got to speak with her as well and they're basically best friends now."
"Well to amaze you further, she's not actually Australian she's American but her family moved to Australia because her father got a promotion down there." Sebastian told him absently, still looking around the red carpet. "Where is she?"
"Dude, how do you know that!" Anthony stared at him surprised. "Wait, is she that chick you spoke of at Jimmy's show?"
"No. . ."
"Sebastian Stan! Man you are hooked!" Anthony exclaimed. "Come on, I gotta introduce you to her -"
"No, wait. It's not that easy." Sebastian stopped him from walking away. Anthony stared at him confused.
"What do you mean? You find her hot and she's been on amazing films, just talk to her!"
"I can't!" he almost yelled. "It's complicated."
"What? That you have a crush on her -?"
"I've known her since we were little and we stopped talking when we went to university." he blurted out. Anthony froze, staring at him with his mouth wide open. "We got into a fight - and then the next thing I know we're saying to each other we hate each other and she moved far away. I haven't been in contact since."
"Dude," Anthony frowned, "all this time you've been in love with her?"
"It's not that simple -"
"Hey guys!" Chris came to them with a large smile on his face. "The movie is about to start and guess who came to watch it? Emma freaking Doyle. We should go talk to her -!"
"Uh, you two go on ahead. I'm gonna sign some more stuff for the fans." Sebastian started making his way back to the fans. "I'll see you two soon."


"How was the premiere, dear?"
"It was alright," Sebastian sighed, collapsing on his hotel bed, "the same as the others with lovely fans."
"That's not all, is there."
"How do you know?"
"Call it mother's intuition. Also because I heard the radio. Emma was attending that premiere." Sebastian stayed quiet at her response. "Sebastian, why don't you just contact her already and make up? Obviously you have missed her a lot."
"Yeah, but what if she doesn't miss me?" he asked unsure. "I mean, look at her! She has accomplished so much in her life already and seems really happy -"
"Of course she'd be happy, she's reached her dreams!" his mother waved off. "Doesn't mean she doesn't miss you though."
"How would you know?" Sebastian grumbled, using one hand to take his tie off, followed by his shoes and socks. "I didn't see her at the premiere. She basically avoided me."
"Or you avoided her." she replied. "Sebastian, you weren't the only one that lost a friend. I was friends with her mother too. But despite the distance we still keep in touch - and talking about our children because of how successful they've been -"
"You've been talking to Eveline about us?" Sebastian sat straighter on his bed. "So you know how Emma's doing and all, right?"
"Yes, I do." she said with a knowing tone in her voice. "Which is why you should contact Emma -"
"Mum -"
"I spoken with Eveline just recently!" she interrupted him. "She told me that Emma is a huge fan with the MARVEL industry, and is happy for your role as Bucky Barnes. Eveline also told me that Emma started crying on the phone, telling her mother how much she misses her best friend that you haven't spoken to in over ten years."
"Wow." Sebastian didn't know what to say.
"And this whole chaos started simply because of a stupid prom." his mother huffed down the line. "Don't bother with you excuses. I know you. You wanted to take Emma out because of your feelings - but no, you decided to be a wuss and ask that Brittany girl or whatever."
"Her name was Jessica, and a huge mistake I made." Sebastian breathed out, falling to his back on the bed. "Remember that dinner I took you out with her and her parents?"
"A nightmare." she responded with a gag. "So stuck-up and horrible. Honestly, I don't get what you saw in her. Probably for the sex -"
"Just saying my opinions."
"Mum. . ."
"Alright, alright. . ."
"Mum, do you know. . ." He stared up at the ceiling, biting his lip nervously. "When you say you know my feelings towards Emma. . ."
"You want me to tell you if she returned the feelings."
". . .yeah."
"Oh Sebby," she cooed, "this is when I tell you to suck it up and find out yourself."
"W-What -!" Sebastian choked.
"I mean it, Sebastian. You've loved her for all these years - toughen up and tell her! Contact her! Get your friend back! I'm serious, Sebastian. Make it up to her or else I'm disowning you."
"MUM -!"
"Goodbye Sebby, I love you!" And then she hung up.

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