Pietro Maximoff

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Long Lost Girl
He helped escort the civilians of Sokovia out of town, even using his speed to take some out. He zoomed around town, making sure there were no stragglers. Looking around town, he couldn't help but stagger to a halt at a familiar house. Her house.


He peered around the tree to take a glimpse of the girl. She was in her backyard, waving her hands around slowly, face etched with concentration. The reason why she looked like that was because she was levitating sticks around and any other objects around her. He watched as she relaxed, smiling in satisfaction at the sight of her perfectly made snowman.
   "Wow. . ." he breathed out in awe. Even though it was rude to watch someone without them knowing, he just had to because of a couple of things. One: she was barely ever seen outside of her house. Her parents don't let her out. Two: she had powers. Which was basically the reason why she wasn't allowed out. Her parents didn't want anyone finding out about them - thus, taking her away for experimentation. But Pietro saw her use her powers when they first moved in beside his family. They came late at night, and Pietro was still awake. He had looked out the window when he heard a woman scolding someone for using 'their powers'. He had obviously looked and saw a box being levitated into the house, a girl following shortly afterwards. Ever since then, he's been trying to take a glimpse at her as much as he could.


He remembered after the bombshells, people searched for her and her family in the ruins.

They found no one.

The place was still in ruins; people being superstitious about ghosts being there.
   He walked into the ruins, observing the untouched place. Old furniture was still there - what were left of it. He made a rough picture on where the rooms were. At the moment, he was in what he thinks is the living room. While walking around, he stepped on something that made a crinkling noise. Peering down, he realised he stood on a photo frame. Picking it up, he noticed the girl in the middle of two middle aged couple. They looked happy, their eyes glistening from the old photo. Tucking it in his pants, he continued on exploring.
   He reached an area that looked to be the girl's old bedroom. There were stuffed toys around, a broken mirror, clothes strewn around, a small bed broken in half. Looking around, he noticed an old-looking leather-covered book. Picking it up, he saw the word Diary carved into it. Curious, he flicked through the pages, reading the girl's entry.

Entry 1 - New Home
Moved into a new town - Sokovia, it's called. We moved at night because Mama and Papa were scared people might see my powers. I don't know why I have powers; Mama and Papa don't have any. They said I'm gifted, and that I should be careful.

Entry 2 - The Neighbour
I get homeschooled now. I heard my parents saying that a suspicious-looking man with an eyepatch was walking around with men in suits. I'm allowed to be at the backyard though. I saw a boy peer over the fence when I first came out. He saw my powers. He was amazed by it. He won't tell anyone though, I read his mind. He wants to keep it to himself. He's curious about me.
Pietro Maximoff, his name is.

Entry 3 - Always
He's always coming to see me in the backyard. He saw me create a snowman. He really likes my powers, but he's too shy to talk to me. Maybe tomorrow I'll talk to him? He'll be my first friend then to know that I can read minds and move things around.

And that was the end of the entries. He knew the reason why. During that night the bombings happened. She never got to talk to him.


He saw Clint run to grab a boy stuck in some rubble, and watched in horror as a quinjet started to head their way, bullets firing near them. Bravely, he decided to run after them and get them to safety.
   During his run, he thought of many things; he knew he might die, he felt sorry for leaving Wanda behind doing so, and he felt guilty that he never acted brave enough to talk to the girl he admired from afar.
   I'm sorry, he thought, grabbing Clint and the boy and taking them behind a car. Surprisingly, he felt no pain.
   He looked down on himself and saw no bullet holes. What?
   You're forgiven, a female's voice suddenly said in his mind. A voice that was not Wanda's. An image of the girl appeared in his head. Pietro's eyes widened at the answer.
   "Pietro!" Clint quickly went to him with Steve following. "Are you okay?" he asked with wide eyes. "Y-you almost died, kid!"
   "I'm fine, I'm fine." Pietro breathed out, looking around wildly. "What happened? How come the bullets didn't touch me?"
   "It was like there was some force shield protecting you." Steve explained. "I saw the bullets just jump away from you."
   "Who did that?" Clint wondered.
   "I might know." Pietro murmured. He turned to the boy. "Get him to safety. I'll handle it."
   "Are you sure?" Steve asked warily. Pietro nodded.
   "I'm sure." When the three left, Pietro looked around at his surroundings again. "Eloise?" Pietro called out hesitantly.
   I'm on the carriers, her voice replied - an older, mature voice. Pietro couldn't wait to see how much she's changed and grown.


Pietro sped to a carrier, looking around quickly in search for her. He couldn't believe it. She was alive! She's been alive all along! He had so many questions, like why wasn't she found that day? What had happened? Where did she go?


That didn't come from his head. That came from behind him. Turning around, he felt his breath get caught in his throat like the first time he saw her. Her vibrant blonde hair was still there -if you ignore the ash and dust on it- her eyes still an emerald green. Her small body transformed into a mature, slim body. She looked well.
   "Eloise." Pietro felt weird saying her name for the first time. He usually called her The Gifted or TBG - which stood for The Beautifully Gifted or The Beautiful Girl. He was quite a strange child when he was little. . .
   "Pietro." she gave a small shy smile. "Nice to finally meet you officially."
   "You too." he barely got out. "H-how are you here -"
   "I survived the bombings, but it was too late for me to protect my parents." she said gravely. "I knew that if I was rescued by the people my gift would have been revealed. I had to leave and hide."
   "But why now?" he asked her. "Why now do you come back to Sokovia?"
   "I had a feeling." she shrugged. "Something was going to happen so I came back from London -"
   "London?" he raised his eyebrows in surprise.
   "Yeah." she nodded sheepishly. "I came from London to here because of a gut feeling."
   "I guess it's a good thing you listened to your gut." he told her. "If it wasn't for you, I would be dead by now."
   "You have a photo of me and my family." she suddenly noted. Pietro grabbed out the photo.
   "How did you -"
   "I can read minds, Pietro." she took the photo gingerly from his hands. "I almost forgot what my parents looked like." she whispered, stroking at the photo lovingly. "I thought everything was ruined in the bombings."
   "I actually found it today." Pietro admitted. "I was near the neighbourhood and decided to visit it."
   "Thank you." she gave him a hug. Surprised, he slowly hugged her back.
   "I should be saying thank you. You saved my life earlier." Pietro told her.
   "Well. . ."
   "No, you did." Pietro grabbed her shoulders gently. "Thank you." he said softly. She gave him a small shy smile.  "And I am also sorry for creeping you out when we were little when I always watched you."

The End

A/N: I was going to make this a sad one for Athena_Jane1234 cuz she loves them and all, but then thought. . .nah.

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