Spencer Reid

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Welcoming A New Member
The BAU team were on the jet back to DC, having just finished a case. They were all eager to get home - especially Reid, since his wife was ready to have their child at any moment. He was excited and scared.
   He remembered meeting his wife, Sofia, like it was just yesterday. He was rushing to work having slept in (which happens very rarely) when he bumped into her, spilling his hot coffee all over her. He freaked out because it happened in a public area, he was late to work, and he just so happened to spill his coffee all over the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes upon.
   He remembered her reaction to the intrusion; her face etched into pain from the heat, pulling her shirt away from her skin as much as she could. She then glanced up at him, and gave him a beaming smile. It was the start of something new.
   A year later, Reid and Sofia got married, and were expecting a child that they made during their honeymoon. Life could not get any better for him.
   Morgan's phone ringing in the silent jet gained everyone's curiosity. Morgan took off his earphones at the sight of his phone vibrating on the table in front of him, and answered it. "Hey, baby girl what's up - whoa, slow down baby girl, slow down. . .what? Seriously? Now? Can't she, you know, hold it in for a moment - okay, okay, wrong thing to say -"
   "Morgan, what's going on?" JJ asked him concerned. Morgan placed a hand over his phone and turned to Reid instead of JJ. Reid gave him a concerned look.
   "Uh, Reid? Sofia may or may not be in labour. . ."
   "WHAT!" everyone chorused. Reid started to pale, reality finally slapping him in the face. It was happening. He was having a baby - well, Sofia technically, but still! He was going to become a father!
   "Oh my God. . ." Reid breathed out. "I'm going to be a father in a couple of hours. . ."
   "Congratulations, kid." Rossi smiled at him. "You're going to be a great father." Murmurs of agreement came to the others.
   "How am I going to be a good father when I am not even going to be there at the hospital in time?" Reid screeched, panicking in his seat. "Gimme the phone, Morgan - Garcia? Are you with Sofia? Tell her I am coming as fast as I can. A-and tell her to calm down, that she should start the breathing like we learnt at that lesson, a-and to calm down, and -"
   "SPENCER REID SHUT UP!" Garcia screeched down the phone. "Sofia is going to be okay, okay? She said for you to calm down, and just be prepared to meet your child."
   "Okay. . ." Reid whispered. "Um, is there any chance that I could talk to her?"
   "Sure, hang on. . ." Reid could hear the phone being passed, and the next thing he knew, he could hear wheezing and heavy breathing.
   "Sofia! Sofia, hey I'm here." Reid quickly said. "I am trying to get there - I have around maybe one more hour or so -"
   "Spence, I'll be fine." Sofia breathed out a weak laugh. "Labours usually go for around fourteen hours."
   "You're right, you're right." Reid chuckled. "Just. . .hang in there, okay?"
   "I'll try, just - ugh. . ." Sofia paused to let out a groan of pain when a contraction came. It made Reid freak out more. "Just hurry as soon as you can."
   "I will." Reid promised. "I'll talk to you soon, okay? I love you."
   "Love you too - ow!" Reid then hung up with the sounds of Sofia being in pain the last thing he hears from her.


It looked quite funny seeing a group of six federal agents running down the hallways of the hospital in excitement, all still dressed in their professional clothes.
   Reid slid around the corner and saw Garcia waiting outside a door. She saw him coming towards her, releasing a sigh of relief at the sight of him and the others. "How is she -"
   "You guys came just in time, she's ready to push." Garcia interrupted Reid, pushing him into the room. "Mummy needs some support from Daddy now."
   "Daddy. . ." Reid repeated. "I'm going to be a father. . ."
   "GO!" they all shoved Reid inside. Reid stumbled into the room to see them getting ready, Sofia sweating madly in the middle of al the chaos.
   "Sofia!" Reid called out to her, making his way towards his wife.
   "Spencer!" she cried out, tears falling out. "It hurts so much!"
   "I know, I know." Reid murmured. A nurse then tapped his shoulder, holding out the clothing that he had to wear. "I'll be back, I just need to put on the hospital gown."
   "Okay, just hurry!"


"You're almost there, Mrs Reid, on the count of three." the doctor told her. "One. . .two. . .three!"
   "GHAA!" Sofia screamed, pushing with all her might. Reid winced from beside her, the grip on his hand from her unbearably tight. A second later, the sound of a baby crying could be heard. The new parents started crying out tears of joy.
   "Congratulations, guys! It's a boy!" the doctor beamed, handing the crying baby over to a nurse. The nurse wrapped the baby into a blanket, handing Sofia the baby. Reid and Sofia stared down at their baby boy with tears pouring out of their eyes, a swelling feeling of love suffocating the air around them.
   "A boy!" Sofia cried out in glee. "We have a beautiful, healthy boy!"
   "It's Sammy." Reid murmured, the two having already planned the names when she was five months pregnant. "Sammy Adam Reid." Sammy after the boy Reid met during the case that taught him a small piano song, and Adam after another victim/Unsub that had another personality called Amanda.
   "He's so beautiful." Sofia whispered, wiping away her tears with one hand. "He's got your hair."
   "He's got your nose." Reid cooed, lightly booping his nose. Little Sammy reached out with his tiny hand and held on tightly to the tip of Reid's finger. It just made the moment cuter. "I-I gotta tell the team now."
   "Go," Sofia whispered, "we'll be fine."


Reid bursted out of the room with a slam, scaring the nervous team. "Well?" Morgan asked, standing up from his seat at a chair. "Is everything okay?"
   "It's a boy!" Reid breathed out. "It's Sammy Adam Reid!"
   Choruses of congratulations were shared around along with hugs and kisses on cheeks. Reid still held a look of shock on his face. "Isn't this cute?" Garcia squealed. "It's a mini Reid!"
   "When can we meet him?" JJ asked eagerly.
   "After he gets cleaned up." Reid explained. "After that, when he's back in the room, you guys can come in and see." Reid sighed in exhaustion, emotionally drained. "Wow, I'm a Dad now."
   "The best thing in the world." Hotch agreed.
   "Sammy is going to be the next genius." Rossi added.
   "I bet he's going to follow into his Daddy's footsteps." Prentiss cooed. They all continued to talk about the future for Sammy until Sammy returned from being cleaned up.


"He's so adorable." Garcia cooed, beaming down at Sofia who held Sammy. The team were all crowded around the Reid family, trying to get a glimpse of the new member in the family.
   "I know," Sofia agreed, "I can see he's going to be a mini Spencer." Garcia smirked at her words, giving JJ and Prentiss a high-five.
   "Totally called it." Garcia said smugly.
   "We should let them rest now." Morgan spoke up.
   They all agreed, starting to make their way out. "Wait, JJ, Morgan, can you two stay a moment?" Reid called out to them. When it was just them, Reid gave them a smile. "Sofia and I were wondering if you two wanted to be the godparents of Sammy."
   "Of course!" JJ beamed, giving them both a hug.
   "Hell yeah, Pretty Boy!" Morgan quickly gave him a man hug. "I'll be teaching that boy how to defend himself."
   "Thank you, both of you." Sofia thanked them.
   "It's no worries." Morgan waved off. "Anything for you two."


Reid watched as both of his family members slept. Sofia rested peacefully on the bed, Sammy sleeping in a crib next to the bed. Reid walked over to the crib and peered down at the baby.
   Reid couldn't help but feel emotional again, tears starting to gather in his eyes again. He was just so happy; after everything he's been through, he finally got something happy in his life. A wife, a son. . .
   "I love you." Reid whispered to his son. "I promise to look after you and your mother from now on. I love you, and no harm will come to you."
   And that was a promise Reid intended to keep.

The End

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