Draco Malfoy

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A/N: I really liked my Romeo and Juliet based Draco story. That was amazing. I now know why John Green (whatever his name is) loves making sad endings. . .

Anyway, this one is a happy one, and is kind of based off another Malfoy story though it has my own twist. . .I hope.

The Twin
Harry Potter had a twin sister that lived with him under the stairs at the Dursley house. The two of them were offered a place in Hogwarts; a place for magically talented students - or in other words, wizards and witches. You could say they were excited.

Especially the female twin.

Amelia Lilly Potter was excited to meet a certain platinum blonde hair boy. How did she know him? Through her dreams. That was how they communicated.
At first she thought it was all in her head; meeting him and listen to him talk about the wizardry world and the legend of a pair of twins who defeated the Dark Lord while they were merely infants. But then Hagrid came, and Amelia felt hope for meeting her friend.
"I got enrolled into Hogwarts!" She remembered her friend say. "Thank Merlin I did. Mother wanted me to go to Durmstrang."
"Durmstrang, Hogwarts?" she repeated. "Such peculiar names."
"Are you enrolled?" he asks eagerly. She shook her head.
"This is all in my head. You're not real. None of this is real." she said. "Besides, I'm no witch. I can't get into Hogwarts."
"Oh," he gave her a sad look, "okay then. But hey! I'm always here in your dreams and that's all that matters."
"Thanks, Draco!" Amelia grinned.


She never expected her dream friend to be a huge arrogant prick.

They first met on the train; Amelia was on her way to get changed when she bumped into him. At first they stared at each other in disbelief, before they have each other giant hugs and started catching up together on the spot. But while waiting outside of the Great Hall with her twin and new friend, Ronald Weasley, they stumbled upon Draco. . .

Who was not what Amelia expected.

Saying all those rude stuff about her new friend, she stared at him in betrayal and disgust. Draco only noticed the look last minute, his smug look faltering when he saw the look of betrayal. Before he could even say anything, Professor McGonagall came back.
Years passed, and Amelia avoided Draco as much as she could. Yes, she was sorted into Gryffindor but funnily enough, Draco and his gang never bullied her. Just her twin and their friends. And that made her mad.
It wasn't until fourth year when her and Harry's name somehow got in the Goblet of Fire did Draco got the courage to drag her somewhere secluded to talk.
Amelia was just walking around the school when she was suddenly pulled into a small broom closet. Someone whispered lumos, revealing Draco's face. Before she could say anything, he was already talking.
"Are you out of your mind?" Draco hissed quietly to her. "How did you and your brother put your name in the goblet? Why on earth would you even? The games played are dangerous! Do you want a death wish?"
"It's not like I wanted to!" Amelia replied hotly. "I was surprised just like everyone when Harry and my name were pulled out!" Draco's hard face softened at her words.
"So you really didn't put your name in?" he asked softly. She shook her head in reply. "I'm sorry. It's just -" He suddenly brought her into a hug. "I am worried for you. Even though we haven't spoken to each other, and you avoid me in the dreams. . ."
Amelia was half paying attention to what he was saying. She was mainly focussed on the smell of peppermint and cologne that came from him. It distracted her greatly. "Amelia?" he called out to her.
"Huh?" she mumbled. It was then she realised how much he grew during the years. Puberty did well on him.
Draco gave a small smirk. "I'll see you later, yeah?"
"Yeah." she nodded absently, avoiding his grey eyes. "I'll see you later."
"So no more avoiding me?" That was when she snapped back into reality.
"We'll see." she pursed her lips. "I don't like it when you bully my brother and our friends."
Draco had nothing to say about that. "Goodbye, Draco."


But it wasn't a goodbye, really. During the Triwizard tournament, Draco was supporting her along the way. He made sure she had eaten enough, was taking care of herself - and he did all of that without anyone finding out. He tended to get Amelia at times when no one was looking. And secretly, Amelia liked the attention he gave to her, making sure she was okay.
She remembered seeing him when it was her turn to get the golden egg while avoiding the dragon. He unknowingly sat beside Hermione and Ron, watching Amelia with eyes like a hawk. When Amelia was given a small burn from only just barely avoiding flames from her dragon, she saw Hermione, Ron, and Draco start to freak out - well, she only noticed Draco freaking out. He may look bored, but if you look close enough, you could see his eyes filled with worry and fear for her.
And then the second round came. And the person she cared about just so happened to be Draco Malfoy himself. She remembered seeing him underwater unconscious, she just about freaked out in her spot. But she eventually got him, coming third. It sent suspicious glances from the school - especially her brother and their friends. But they didn't think in it much, because the next thing they knew, the Yule Ball was up. And guess who was her date?

Draco Malfoy

Draco wouldn't stop teasing her about him being someone she cared about, and made a deal with her that he would stop teasing her unless he was her date to the Yule Ball. So with hidden fear, Amelia went inside the Great Hall with Draco at her side. Whispers went around when they came.
"Ignore them." Amelia jumped when Draco's breath suddenly hit her left ear. It sent shivers down her spine.
"Ignore who?" she whispered back. Draco subtly nodded to the people watching them.
"Everyone." he told her. "Don't let our house feud stop our friendship." Amelia stared at him with a soft look on her face. He still cared about our friendship? Amelia wondered. It'd make sense with him always trying to talk to her; even though he held a feud with her twin and friends, he still cared about her.
Amelia faced the front again, her hold on his arm tightening. "I won't." she promised him - and she meant it. Secretly, she missed him. She missed talking to him, laughing with him, having fun. . .
She wasn't going to let some feud stop them from being friends -

Or even more.

Draco glanced down at her with a fond smile, Amelia unaware of his stare. But everyone else were. And they were amazed. A Slytherin and a Gryffindor? Very rare.

Especially the Prince of Slytherin and the Girl Who Lived.

Hermione watched the two dance with a small smile, approving it. She may not understand what Amelia sees in him, but she knew to trust Amelia in this. Ron glared at the couple with Ron staring at Amelia like a protective brother would - Harry though, was staring daggers at Draco. Even though he was dancing with his own date, he moved his head around to make sure nothing bad was going on between the two, brother protectiveness seeping through.
But yet, don't judge a book by its cover. Maybe Amelia saw something in Draco that no one saw. And maybe Draco saw something in Amelia that made him fall in love with her despite her being a Gryffindor and the sister of his enemy.
That was why out of everyone, Dumbledore smiled at the sight. He knew what Draco was going to do in the near future, he knew that he would need someone to support him.
"Headmaster. . ." Snape started quietly.
"It is okay." Dumbledore assured him. "Trust me, everything will be okay."

The End

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