Garret (Twilight)

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Similar Situation
It was a peaceful day for the Cullens; everyone minding their own business and just being content. It's been years since the Volturi had came about Renesme's origin, and everything has been nothing but peaceful. A few times some of them wished to have some sort of drama.

And they got what they wished for.

Alice stood up from her seat in the living room, making her way outside. "Garret is here." Alice told them all. Confused, they all followed her, wondering why Garret had come to them after years of not seeing one another.
   "Garret! Nice to see you again, old friend." Carlisle greeted politely. When they were close enough, they could see the worry lines on Garret's face.
   "Garret? Is something wrong?" Esme asked concerned. Garret sighed, sliding a hand down his face.
   "Sort of. . ." he gave them a pleading look. "My mate. . .she's in danger. She's dying. . .from carrying a child."
   They all gasped in shock. "What?" Carlisle breathed out.
   "I found my mate. Ivanna." Garret explained to them hurriedly. "She's human. We got married, and went on our honeymoon, and then. . ."
   "She became pregnant." Edward finished with pursed lips. "I feel your panic."
   "I need help." Garret told them. "I don't know how to look after her - she's growing weak, the baby is killing her."
   "Don't worry," Bella assured him, "we know what to do. We'll help."
   "We will." Rosalie agreed wholeheartedly. "Do you want us to come to you? Or do you want to just come to us -"
   "She's too weak to travel." Garret shook his head. "You have to follow me."


They didn't need to travel far from Forks, they were just in Alaska.
   They entered a small cabin to see the Denali coven surrounding someone. "I'm back." Garret announced to them. "How is she?"
   "She's stable." Carmen told him. "But she needs food in her system."
   "Garret?" a weak voice called out.
   "Ivanna. . ." Garret breathed out, immediately making his way to his wife. "Everything is going to be alright. I brought my friends that could help us."
   "Ivanna?" Carlisle came to them with Rosalie and the girls close behind. "I'm Carlisle. I'm a professional doctor. May I see how you and the baby are going?"
   The weak woman lifted her tired eyes to Carlisle, whispering a small yes. While Carlisle assessed her, Garret pushed back her dull black hair behind her ears, being very gentle with her. She was basically skin and bones. "She didn't look this weak when I left to get you all." Garret murmured to Carlisle sadly. "She's. . .skin and bones."
   "How long has it been since she's been pregnant?" Carlisle asked him.
   "Only a week."
   "A week?" Bella repeated. "I didn't look like that when I had Renesme."
   "Why? Does Ivanna have a weak immune system?" Garret asked Carlisle. Carlisle said nothing, moving his hand around her swollen stomach. His eyebrows furrowed together in thought.
   "I need to get an ultrasound. While I set it up, you should start giving her human blood to get her stronger. Preferably the same blood type as hers."
   "O positive." Garret answered quickly for them. "She has O positive."
   "We'll be back with the blood." Kate told him and the Cullens. And just like that, the Denalis were gone.
   "So you and the Denalis?" Emmett questioned.
   "Close friends since that case." Garret explained. "I decided to stay near them. And that was when I met my beautiful Ivanna."
   "Don't worry," Edward told him, "everything is going to be fine."
   "I have one question though." Alice spoke up. "Why weren't we invited to the wedding?"
   Laughter went around the room. "Honestly?" Garret chuckled. "We just eloped. Spur of the moment; Ivanna didn't have any family members and I wanted to marry her immediately. So Vegas it was."
   Bella smiled when she remembered the false promise Edward had told her when they got engaged. "Vegas." Edward had promised her.
   "How did you two meet?" Renesme asked quietly, seeing that Ivanna had fallen asleep.
   "We met at night." Garret explained just as quietly. "I was looking for someone to eat, when I saw she was being followed by a man."
   "You saved her life." Esme smiled.
   "We got to know one another, and then a year later. . ." he gave them all a smile. "Vegas."


"Just as I thought." Carlisle smiled at the couple. "You two are having twins."
   Their eyes widened at the news. "Twins. . ." Ivanna breathed out in joy. "We're having twins!"
   "Amazing." Garret whispered, giving her a small kiss.
   "From what I can see. . ." Carlisle moved the wand around her stomach. "They look to be almost ready to come. Give it roughly two more days."
   "Two days?" Ivanna exclaimed. "That soon?"
   "Glad I came to you guys on time." Garret murmured.
   "Congratulations!" the girls squealed.
   "Do we know the gender yet?" Ivanna asked Carlisle.
   "Can't see." Carlisle told her with an apologetic smile. "They created quite a tough layer on you. I can only just see them."
   "Thank you." Garret thanked him. He looked to them all. "All of you."
   "Anything for a friend." Emmett waved off.
   "Let's get your wife strong, yeah?" Jasper smirked, holding up a styrofoam cup of O positive.


Ivanna was taking a small stroll with Rosalie, Garret having to talk with Carlisle about the preparations for when the babies come out. They were having pleasant talks and few laughs when Ivanna took a misstep and fell to her knees. And just like Bella's situation, Ivanna's knees broke.
   "Ivanna!" Rosalie cried, grabbing her just in time before she could further harm herself.


Garret was talking with Carlisle and the boys when they heard the sound of bones breaking. They all knew where that came from.
   "IVANNA!" Garret roared, running in the direction where it came from, the others following close behind. Because he drinks human blood, he was a tad faster than the others.
   They all came to a stop at the borders of the forest where they saw Rosalie carefully supporting Ivanna, her legs in an awkward angle. "Ivanna." Garret called, quickly going to her side.
   "We need to get the babies out." Rosalie told them all. "She's weaker than we thought."
   "Let's go." Carlisle told them. Carefully, Garret lifted his wife into his arms, and they all went back into the cabin to meet two new members of the family.


"Felix and Jason." Ivanna breathed out, Carlisle writing their names on their birth certificate. "Garret. . .they're beautiful. . ."
   "Just like their mother." Garret murmured, planting a kiss on her temple, watching his wife hold their twin sons. He heard her heartbeat starting to slow down. "Carlisle. . ."
    "Take the kids away," Carlisle told him, getting the syringe full of his venom ready, "I'll do the rest."
   Taking his sons into his arms, he sent one last look to his fading wife before making his way out to see Rosalie and Alice ready to clean the babies. "Look after them." Garret told them quietly. "I need to make sure Ivanna is alright."
   Garret walked inside the room again to see Carlisle inserting the venom in her. "Is it working?" Garret quickly flitted to Carlisle's side.
   "Yes, it is." Carlisle nodded. "Look, her wounds are fixing themselves."
   "She's not in pain." Garret noted.
   "The morphine in her is preventing her to feel the pain." Carlisle explained. He gave a small smile. "Your family is safe now. Don't worry."
   "Thank you," he sighed, giving his friend a hug, "I owe you."
   "No you don't." Carlisle shook his head. "You helped us when we needed you to be a witness for Renesme. This is just repaying you and because we wanted to help."
   "Still," Garret looked down at his wife, "thank you."
   When Carlisle left the room, it was just him and Ivanna. "Ivanna. . ." Garret sat beside her, grabbing her hand in his. Her wedding rings gleamed against the sun. "We did it." he murmured. "We have our family. And you're getting changed. Everything is going to be alright." He planted a small kiss to her lips and forehead. "I love you." he whispered with a small smile. "And thank you for being with me. Without you, I would have continued to live all alone for the rest of my immortal life." He caressed the side of her face, brushing back her hair behind her ears. "I'll see you in three days, my love."

The End

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